Graduate Student Teaching Award

The mission of the Graduate Student Teaching Award is to recognize excellence in graduate student teaching in the Department of Human Physiology and select one graduate student from our department to be nominated for the graduate school’s Graduate Teaching Excellence Award.

Eligibility: Current enrollment as a graduate student in the Department of Human Physiology, at least five terms of experience as an instructor (sole instructor, lab instructor, or discussion leader), a record of excellence in their instructional duties, and an exemplary academic record.

Timeline: Applications for Human Physiology Graduate Student Teaching Award are due January 9, and should be submitted to the Human Physiology Teaching Effectiveness Committee.

Nomination from Human Physiology Committee to the Graduate school is due February 17.

Application: Submit the following items as part of your application.

  1. Teaching philosophy statement
  2. A list of the courses you have taught at UO, including term, course name and number, course enrollment, and role (instructor of record, lab/discussion instructor)
  3. A list/description of teacher training and professional development activities you have participated in since starting you graduate program at UO (if not obvious, must note how it is related to professional development in teaching)

The successful awardee will receive a monetary award from Human Physiology, be recognized at the Human Physiology commencement ceremony, and be nominated for the Graduate School’s Graduate Teaching Excellence Award.