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Endowed Chairs and Professorships

Here, we honor our most distinguished faculty members who provide scholarship and leadership that enriches their department, their school or college and the university. These elite faculty positions represent prestige, leadership and profound responsibility for the holder. See all named faculty across the university here

This list of endowed positions is alphabetized by a key word in the endowment title, often a donor’s last name, followed by the name and department of the person who currently holds that position.

Bradshaw and Holzapfel Research Professorship in Transformational Science and Mathematics
Paul Dalton, UO Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact; Chemistry and Biochemistry

Richard A. Bray Faculty Fellow Nadia Singh, Biology

Collins Chair Laura Pulido, Geography; Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies

Julie and Rocky Dixon Chair in U.S. Western History Marsha Weisiger, History

Evergreen Professor Andrew Kern, Biology

John Hamacher Chair George Evans, Economics

Rosaria P. Haugland Foundation Chair in Pure and Applied Chemistrry David Johnson, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Robert D. Horn and Eve D. Horn Endowed Chair in English and American Literature Mark Whalan, English

Alec and Kay Keith Professorship Kelly Sutherland, Biology

Alec and Kay Keith Professorship Raghuveer Parthasarathy, Physics

Philip H. Knight Chair Jayanth Banavar, Physics

Philip H. Knight Chair Philip Fisher, Psychology

Philip H. Knight Chair Karen Guillemin, Biology

Philip H. Knight Chair Mat Johnson, Creative Writing

Philip H. Knight Chair Lynn Stephen, Anthropology

Philip H. Knight Chair Daniel Tichenor, Political Science

Philip H. Knight Distinguished Research Chair David Wineland, Physics

Philip H. Knight Professorship Bruce Blonigen, Economics

Robert and Beverly Lewis Professor in Neuroscience Ulrich Mayr, Psychology

Gwen and Charles Lillis Chair Josef Dufek, Earth Sciences

Gwen and Charles Lillis Professor Meredith Townsend, Earth Sciences

Lokey-Harrington Chair in the Department of Chemistry James Hutchison, Chemistry and BioChemistry

W.E. Miner Chair of Economics Benjamin Hansen, Economics

Barbara and Carlisle Moore Distinguished Professorship in English Stephanie LeMenager, English

Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Professorship in Chemistry Michael Haley, Chemistry and Biochemistry

David M. and Nancy L. Petrone Faculty Scholar Kirby Brown, Native American and Indigenous Studies and English

Presidential Chair David McCormick, Biology

Presidential Chair Geraldine Richmond, Chemistry and Biochemistry

James F. and Shirley K. Rippey Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences Brendan Bohannan, Biology

Ripple Professor Joe Li, Computer and Information Science

Kenneth and Kenda Singer Endowed Professorship in Human Physiology Christopher Minson, Human Physiology

Ann Swindells Chair in History Ryan Jones, History

Ann Swindells Professorship in Clinical Psychology Nicholas Allen, Psychology

Donald and Willie Tykeson Dean of Arts and Sciences Chris Poulsen, College of Arts and Sciences

Ann and Lew Williams Chair in Earth Sciences Diego Melgar, Earth Sciences