Profile picture of Aycan Akcamete

Aycan Akcamete

Assistant Professor
Theatre Arts
Phone: 541-346-1323
Office: PLC 372
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: Performance Studies, Intercultural Theater, Contemporary Theater in the UK and Turkiye


Ph.D., Comparative Literature Program, The University of Texas at Austin (2023)

M.A., Program in British Cultural Studies (İngiliz Kültür Araştırmaları), Hacettepe University (2010) 

B.A., Dept. of English Language and Literature (İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı), Hacettepe University (2007)




“Cross-Cultural Collaboration: An introduction & guided conversation for all, hosted by the LMDA BIPOC Affinity Group.”  Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) Digital Conference, Virtual, February 2024.

“Theater in Southwest Asia and Turkey,” BIPOC Affinity Group, Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA),Virtual, September 2023.

“Critiquing the Critics: The Reception SWANA Theater in North America,” No Summary: Conversations with Artists Who Don’t Fit in a Box, organized by Golden Thread Productions and Association for Theater in Higher Education, Virtual, August 2023.

“An Overview of Theater in Turkey from Ottoman Era to the Contemporary.” Summer Language Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Virtual, June 2023.

“Intersection of the Archive, Theater Criticism, and Performance.” Theatre and Thought in the European Tradition Symposium, Austin, April 2018.  



Panels Organized

“Revising Theater History, Curricula, and Repertories: Theatre Aesthetics from Türkiye.” Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Virtual, August 2024.

“MET Focus Group Emerging Scholars Panel” Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 2024.

“Launching The Middle East Theatre Handbook: A digital guide to teaching and producing MENA in the academy,” Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Austin, August 2023.


Select Presentations

“CreatAthon: Middle Eastern North African Theatre Handbook: A Digital Guide to Teaching and Producing MENA in the Academy.” Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Atlanta, August 2024.

“Reimagining Glamour in Performance: A Case Study of Podacto Productions.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Conference, Montreal, March 2024. 

“Human Rights Narratives in the Stage Adaptation of Can Dündar’s #WeAreArrested.” Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Conference, Denver, December 2022. 

“Redefining Embedded Criticism: A Study of Royal Shakespeare Company’s Marketing Network.” American Society For Theater Research (ASTR) Annual Conference, New Orleans, October 2022. 

“Subversion and Censorship: Archiving Sadece Diktatör (Just a Dictator) in The Public Space and Public Sphere.” Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Detroit, August 2022. 

“Towards a New Model of Theater Criticism: A Case Study of The Reviewing Landscape in England.” American Society For Theater Research (ASTR) Annual Conference, San Diego, October 2021.

“Reclamation of the Stage and the Theatrical Realm: The Adaptation of It Felt Empty at Talimhane Tiyatrosu.” Association for Theater in Higher Education (ATHE) Annual Conference, Virtual, August 2021. 

“Theater Criticism and Meaning-Making: Leyla Nazlı’s Silver Birch House At Arcola Theater.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Conference, Virtual, April 2021.  

“Watching cross-cultural performances: How to Hold Your Breath in Istanbul. International Playwriting Symposium 2019: Zinnie Harris, Lincoln, UK, November 2019. 

“Politics of Adaptation in Zinnie Harris’ This Restless House.” Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando, April 2019.


Journal Articles

"A Theatre of Networks: Reconceptualizing Theatre Criticism and Theatre as an Event." Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, vol. 38 no.1, 2023, p. 9-28.

“Problematization of the Savior Metaphor in Gillian Plowman’s Yours Abundantly, From Zimbabwe.” B.A.S. Journal of British and American Studies, Spring/Fall 23, 2017, pp. 27-37.

 “The Burst of the Real and the Law in Philip Ridley’s Mercury Fur.Interactions Ege Journal of British and American Studies, Spring/Fall vol. 26.1-2, 2017, pp. 1-13.


Book Chapters

 “Constructing Political Narratives: The Reception of #WeAreArrested in London.” Theatres of Resilience: Navigating Censorship, Gender, Intersectionality in Turkey (2025, Palgrave)



Akçamete, Aycan, translator. Postdramatik Tiyatro [Postdramatisches Theater], by Hans-Thies Lehmann. (Under Review)


Select Arts Journalism 

Arti Ishak, Aycan Akçamete, and Yasmin Zacharia Mikhaiel. “SWANA Theater Deserves Better Futures.” American Theater, July 8, 2024,

“Tiyatro Adam: Ivan Ivanoviç Var Mıydı Yok Muydu? [Theater Adam: Did Ivan Ivanovic Exist or Not?].” Yeni Tiyatro, December 2016, Issue 10, p. 34-35. 

Aldatma - İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları [Betrayal - Istanbul Municipality City Theatres].” Tiyatronline, March 12, 2017, 

12. Gece - İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları [12th Night - Istanbul Municipality City Theatres].” Tiyatronline, December 12, 2015, 

Arturo Ui’nin Önlenebilir Tırmanışı - Tiyatro Adam [The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui – Theater Adam].” Tiyatronline, November 7, 2014,…;

Hamlet Makinesi - İstanbul Devlet Tiyatrosu [Hamlet Machine – Istanbul State Theatre].” Tiyatronline, February 27, 2014,…;

Doğumgünü Partisi - İstanbul Şehir Tiyatroları [“The Birthday Party].” Tiyatronline, January 20, 2013,….



COLT 450/550: 20th Century World Drama

TA 400/500: Performance Studies

COLT 460/560: Performance Theory

TA 468: Theater History II