a person in a lab using a net for zebrafish

Past Sponsored Research

Past Sponsored Research 

CAS_Sponsored Research 2021-2022


Within our college’s more than 50 departments and programs, over $53 million in grant dollars are at work uncovering answers to some of the world’s most pressing questions. Here’s a snapshot of the funded projects researchers at the College of Arts and Sciences investigated in the 2022-2023 academic year, along with featured stories showcasing the breadth and depth of our faculty’s work across the college.

Kathy Sutherland


From Curiosity to Impact: This report spotlights research in our three divisions: Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. We invite you to explore the individual stories of 10 faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences as well as our full list of funding for CAS departments in 2021-22. Total CAS research funding for the past year amounted to more than $75 million.

people reading book on asian-american literature


Two Years of Sponsored Research: The College of Arts and Sciences faculty are engaged in a great number of research and other projects. In both 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, new external awards granted to CAS faculty totaled over $75,000,000, an increase of about 35% over awards granted in 2018-2019.