Looking Eastward at the West side of Tykson Hall
About the College of Arts and Sciences

Steering Committee

The College of Arts and Sciences strategic planning process included voices and perspectives from our community. A 13-member steering committee met monthly to guide the process, and it represented various departments, as well as our student body. 

Meet the Steering Committee

Richard Taylor 
Department Head, Professor

Yvonne Braun 
Department Head, Professor
Global Studies

Mark Whalan  
Department Head, Professor 

Aneesh Aneesh 
Executive Director
School of Global Studies and Languages

Jaeden Noronha 
CAS Undergraduate Student Advisory Board Member

Autumn Oberhart 
CAS Undergraduate Student Advisory Board Member 

Erica Bornstein 
CAS Caucus Member 

Jeff Hansen 
CAS Advisory Board Member

Stephanie Daily Smith 
CAS Advisory Board Member

Jen Rea 
CAS Associate Director of Human Resources
Office/Academic Support Unit

Grace Godfrey 
Operations Manager, Central Business Office/Academic Support Unit-2

Molly Shallow 
Graduate Student, Biology

Gonzalo Bustamonte Moya 
Graduate Student, Philosophy