Students leave the brick facade Condon Building on campus
Diversity & Inclusion

Additional Resources and Events

additional campus resources 

Bias Education and Response Team: responds to situations that affect the larger University of Oregon community through education about current and historical issues surrounding bias. You can also report bias you have experienced or witnessed on campus.  

Division of Equity and Inclusion: a hub of information and a center for resources and expertise to support equity, inclusion, and diversity at the university. Comprised of four units: Office of the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion (VPEI), the Center on Diversity and Community (CoDaC), the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE), and the Multicultural Center (MCC).  

Mills International Center: a lounge, resource center, study area, and events venue. We provide guidance, information, and programming to promote global understanding. 

Office of Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance: offers the UO community a place to discuss and report issues, concerns, and conflicts regarding discrimination and harassment, stalking, bullying, or violence in accordance with university policy and federal and state laws. Reports can be made anonymously.  

Annual events

Multicultural Calendar 

African American Workshop & Lecture Series: focused on helping campus better understand the promising practices in higher education and utilizing expertise of national experts to institutionalize more effective environments, practices, and policies.   

Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence Workshops: workshops offered on networking, study halls, storytelling for personal growth and social change, funding opportunities, career development, and more. 

Heritage and History Months: periods within the year that are designated to celebrate and acknowledge various ethnic and marginalized groups. 

Indigenous People’s Day: flag-raising ceremony in the EMU Amphitheater  

Martin Luther King Jr. Campus and Community Events 

Mother’s Day Powwow: to honor indigenous educators, mothers, graduating seniors, and the winner of the Miss Indian UO pageant.