Profile picture of Allison McGuffie

Allison McGuffie

African Studies, Cinema Studies Program, Digital Humanities, English
Phone: 541-346-3965
Office: 329 PLC


PhD in Film Studies, University of Iowa

     Dissertation: “African Educational Film and Video: Industry, Ideology, and the Regulation of Sub-Saharan Health and Sexuality.” 

     Program Affiliations: Crossing Borders; Project on Rhetoric of Inquiry; Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies

MA in Film Studies, University of Iowa

BA in Film, Television, and Theatre, University of Notre Dame

Research Interests

Film Theory and History, African Cinemas, Gender and Sexuality in Cinema, Trans* and Cinema, International Non-Profit Media Industries, Health Communication Media, Political Economy of International Aid, Transnational Feminist Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Queer Theory, Video Game Critical Studies, Ethnographic Film, Third World Cinema, Ideology and Cinema



Wholesome Entertainment: Political Economy and Aesthetics of Non-Profit Educational Filmmaking in Sub-Saharan Africa, book manuscript
“Pumzi: The Political Economy and Aesthetics of Fourth Generation African Cinema"
“Falling into ‘Pam’s World’: Transgender Fantasy, Pleasure, and the Figure of the Queer Child in Ma vie en rose"
“(Trans)Gendering the Avatar: Performativity and Subjection in Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row"


“The Industries of African Cinema.” Directory of World Cinema: Africa. Edited by Blandine Stefanson and Sheila Petty. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2015.
“Educating African Sexuality: Processes of Gendering in African HIV/AIDS Instructional Films.” Intersections: Women’s and Gender Studies in Review Across Disciplines: “Gender and Health,” No. 8 (Fall 2010): 103-133.
“Mimicking the Supersexual: A Search for Efficacy in the Performance of Ambiguous Sexualities.” The Newsletter for the LGBTQ Study Group of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Fall 2006): 11-20.

Honors and Awards

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Media for Social Change, Media and Society Program, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2012-2013.
Crossing Borders Fellowship, International Programs, University of Iowa, 2007-2010.
T. Anne Cleary International Dissertation Research Fellowship, Graduate College, University of Iowa, 2010.
Sigma Tau Delta Teacher of the Year, University of Oregon, 2019.



HC 222H: Trans* and Cinema

CINE 399: Sp St African Cinema

CINE 360: Film Theory

ENG/CINE 381M: Film, Media, and Culture

ENG 110: Introduction to Film and Media