Profile picture of Hank Childs

Hank Childs

Director of Graduate Studies
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3414
Office: 206 Johnson Hall
Research Interests: Scientific Visualization, High Performance Computing


Hank Childs is a Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Oregon. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at Davis in 2006. Hank's research focuses on scientific visualization, high performance computing, and the intersection of the two. In July of 2012, Hank received the Department of Energy's Early Career Award to research visualization with exascale computers (i.e., computers that can do 1018 floating operations per second). Hank spent over a dozen years at Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, directing research in big data visualization. Outside of his research, Hank is best known as the architect of the VisIt project, a visualization application for very large data that is used around the world.


  • BS, 1999, California, Davis
  • PhD, 2006, California, Davis

Research Interests

Prof. Hank Childs' research focuses on visualizing very large data. Recent research results have explored using hybrid parallelism techniques (i.e. combining shared- and distributed-memory techniques) on scientific visualization algorithms, techniques for simplifying very large data sets so they can be more readily understood, and designing visualization algorithms that can scale to tens of thousands of CPUs and beyond.