Computer Science

Arnita Albertson

Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-1377
Office: 120 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: M-F 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Zena Ariola

Associate Department Head
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4448
Office: 305 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Programming Languages, Term Rewriting Systems, Lambda-calculus, Logic

Sanidhay Arora

Computer Science
Office: 200 Millrace

Mana Atarod

Computer Science
Phone: 4582736707
Office: 234/331

Hammad Ather

Computer Science PhD student
Graduate Employee
Computer Science
Phone: 3127300413
Office: 207 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: High Performance Computing

Nate Balmain

Computer Science

River Bartz

Computer Science

Olive Bennett

Executive Support Specialist
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Office: 206 Fenton Hall

Terence Campbell

Academic Programs Manager
College of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-2688
Office: Cascade 100C
Office Hours: 7am - 4pm

Dan Carrere

Senior Instructor 1
Cybersecurity Faculty
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-2286
Office: Deschutes 139
Research Interests: Cybersecurity, Unix Systems (BSD: FreeBSD, OpenBSD | Illumos: SmartOS, OmniOS | Linux: Debian, Ubuntu, RH), Networking (including Optical, WDM), Storage (Filesystems: ZFS), Virtualization (bhyve, KVM, Xen, Related: Zones, Jails)

Hank Childs

Director of Graduate Studies
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3414
Office: 206 Johnson Hall
Research Interests: Scientific Visualization, High Performance Computing

Jee Choi

Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3991
Office: 328 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: MWF 1-2
Research Interests: High Performance Computing, Parallel and Scalable Algorithm Design, Performance Analysis Optimization, Tensor Decomposition & Data Mining

Lisa Clawson

Operations Manager ASU 8-Computer Science, Data Science, MATH
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-5103
Office: 120D Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: 120D Deschutes Hall 7:30 am-3:45 pm
Research Interests: for any and all Faculty support, building, printing, travel, finance, related requests

Phil Colbert

Director of CIT Minor
Senior Instructor I
Computer Science
Office: 145 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Education, Healthcare, Environmental Sciences, IoT

Joseph Colton

Computer Science
Office: 36 Straub Hall

Navya Swetha Daggubati

Computer Science
Office: 234 Deschutes
Office Hours: Thursday 12- 1:00, Friday 1- 3:00

Quang Dang

Computer Science
Office: 231

Anthony Dario

Computer Science
Office: 230 Deschutes

Sammi Daugherty

Faculty Support Coordinator
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-3273
Office: 120C Deschutes

Sarah Douglas

Professor Emerita
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1379
Office: 143 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction

Ram Durairajan

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4425
Office: 332 Deschutes
Office Hours: T 3-4pm
Research Interests: Computer Networking, Multi-cloud Computing, Internet Data Science, Programmable Optics, Cybersecurity

Richelle Eastridge

Operations Assistant
Computer Science, School of Computer and Data Sciences
Phone: 541-346-1081
Office: 120 Deschutes
Office Hours: 9-12, 1-3

Or Elroy

Computer Science

Brittany Erickson

Associate Professor
Computer Science, Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-1350
Office: 309 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Computational science, numerical methods for partial differential equations, high-performance computing, seismology and geophysics.

Ling Fan

Accounting Technician
College of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-0664
Office: DES 120 and CAS 100C
Office Hours: 8:30 to 5:00 pm M,T,F REMOTE

Arthur Farley

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1387
Office: 258 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Communication Networks, Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Fickas

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3964
Office: 309 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Data Science, Machine Learning in production, Interdisciplinary applications, Urban Planning, Environmental Science

Juan Flores

Senior Instructor I
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1398
Office: 158 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: M 2-3, W 3-4, (R,F) 2-3
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Time Series Forecasting

Kathleen Freeman

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Senior Instructor II
Computer Science, Multidisciplinary Science
Phone: 541-346-3470
Office: 154 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Computing Education

Suyash Gupta

Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Research Interests: Distributed Systems, Databases, Fault-Tolerance, Security, Blockchain

Jared Hall

Computer Science
Office: 229 Deschutes Hall

Mohammad Hasanisaznaghi

Computer Science
Office: 235 Deschutes Hall

Najmul Hassan

Computer Science
Office: 232 Deschutes Hall

Michael Hennessy

Senior Instructor II Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3487
Office: 158 Deschutes Hall

Scott Hill

Operations Coordinator
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-0355
Office: 204 Fenton Hall
Office Hours: M-F 8am-12pm and 1-5pm

Anthony Hornof

Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1372
Office: 356 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Modeling, Eye Tracking, Universal Access

Tao Hou

Assistant Professor
Computer Science

Jou-Chi Huang

Computer Science

Anika Kabir

Computer Science

Sarah Kinsey

Computer Science
Office: 224 Deschutes Hall

Ryan Kovatch

Computer Science

Jun Li

Director, Center for Cyber Security and Privacy
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4424
Office: 362 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Cyber Security and Privacy, Networking, Distributed Systems, Blockchain, Internet of Things

Yingjiu Li

Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4428
Office: 256 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Friday 10-11
Research Interests: IoT Security and Privacy, Mobile and System Security, Applied Cryptography and Cloud Security, Data Application Security and Privacy

Aliza Lisan

Computer Science
Office: 207 Deschutes Hall

Virginia Lo

Associate Professor Emerita
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4473
Research Interests: Parallel and Distributed Computing, Networks

Daniel Lowd

Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4154
Office: 262 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3pm, Friday 10-11am
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Eugene Luks

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1379
Office: 143 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Algebraic Algorithms, Computational Complexity, Symbolic Computation

Meghanto Majumder

Computer Science
Phone: 5416669389
Office: 203 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 5-6 at PSC+Zoom

Allen Malony

Director, Oregon Advanced Computing Institute for Science and Society (OACISS)
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4407
Office: 300 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Parallel and Distributed Computing, Performance Analysis, High Performance Computing, Scientific Software Environments

Hieu Man Duc Trong

Computer Science
Office: 343 Deschutes

Manish Mathai

Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4840
Office: 203 Deschutes Hall

Timothy McGovney

Associate Director, Academic Support Unit 8
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-8313
Office: 201A McKenzie Hall

Joseph McLaughlin

Computer Science

Dennis Miller

Pro Tem Instructor
Computer Science

Nicole Moynahan

Graduate Program Coordinator
College of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-1883
Office: 120B Deschutes

Charlotte Mueller

Faculty Support Coordinator
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-0600
Office: M280 Lawrence Hall

Nghia Ngo

Computer Science
Office: 347 Deschutes Hall

Chien Nguyen

Computer Science

Thanh Nguyen

Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3974
Office: 303 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: CS471/571: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays; CS410/510: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Multi-agent Systems, Game Theory, Optimization

Thien Nguyen

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1398
Office: 330 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Information Extraction, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Nima Nikkhah

Computer Science
Office: 331 Deschutes Hall

Daniel Olds

Computer Science

Linnea Palmstrom

Computer Science

Andrzej Proskurowski

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1379
Office: 143 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Algorithmic Graph Theory, Models of Communication Networks

Anshuman Razdan

Vice President for Research and Innovation
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-2090
Research Interests: geometric design, computer graphics, document exploitation, geospatial visualization and analysis

Reza Rejaie

Department Head
Associate Director, Oregon Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (OCCoE)
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-0200
Office: 324 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Networking, Internet Measurement, Networked Systems, Cybersecurity

Cody Rucker

Computer Science
Office: 226 Deschutes Hall

Utkarsh Sahu

Computer Science

Sameer Shende

Director, Performance Research Laboratory
Research Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-0850
Office: 470 Streisinger Hall
Research Interests: High Performance Systems, Scientific Software, Advanced Operating Systems

Kent Stevens

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4430
Office: 311 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Computational Biomechanics, Three-Dimensional Visualization

Lindy Stewart

Pro Tem Instructor
Computer Science

Joe Sventek

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science, Data Science
Phone: 541-346-3473
Office: 333 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Monday, 4:00-5:00; Friday, 4:00-5:00
Research Interests: Complex Event Processing, Internet of Things

Emad Taghiye

Computer Science

Andrew Teske

Computer Science

Aabishkar Timalsina

Graduate Employee
Computer Science
Office: Deschutes 231

Patrick Wade

Systems Support
Analyst Programmer II
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3446
Office: 339 Deschutes
Office Hours: 09:00 - 17:00 M-F

Dave Wilkins

Career Instructor I
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-0489
Office: 162 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Computing Education

Eric Wills

Senior Instructor II
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3954
Office: 156 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: MWF 11:30-12:30
Research Interests: Computational Biomechanics, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture

Christopher Wilson

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3412
Office: 326 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: MWF 2:30-3:30pm
Research Interests: Computational Complexity, Models of Computation

Mert Yapucuoglu

Computer Science

Michal Young

Associate Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-833-0672
Office: 243 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: M 12:30-1:30pm (zoom); TR 11:20-11:50am (in-person @ Price Science Commons)
Research Interests: Software Engineering, Software Test and Analysis

Ruimin Zhang

Graduate Student
Computer Science
Phone: 2066195494
Office: DES Room234