Woods, Clyde (2017) Development Drowned and Reborn: The Blues and Bourbon Restoration in Post-Katrina New Orleans. Edited and posthumously completed by Laura Pulido and Jordan Camp. University of Georgia Press, Geographies of Justice series.
Pulido, Laura, Laura Barraclough and Wendy Cheng (2012) A People’s Guide to Los Angeles. University of California Press.
Pulido, Laura (2006) Black, Brown, Yellow and Left: Radical Activism in Los Angeles. University of California Press, American Crossroads Series.
Pulido, Laura (1996) Environmentalism and Economic Justice: Two Chicano Struggles in the Southwest. University of Arizona Press, Society, Place and Environment series.
Laura Pulido and Juan de Lara (2018) “Reimagining the ‘Justice’ in Environment Justice: Radical Ecologies, Decolonial Thought, and the Black Radical Tradition” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (1-2): 76-98.
Laura Pulido (2018) “Geographies of Race and Ethnicity III: Settler Colonialism and Nonnative People” Progress in Human Geography 42 (2): 309-318.
Pulido, Laura (2017) “Geographies of Race and Ethnicity II: Environmental Racism, Racial Capitalism and State-Sanctioned Violence” Progress in Human Geography 41 (4): 524-533.
Pulido, Laura (2016) “Checkered Choices, Political Assertions: The Unarticulated Racial Identity of the Asociación Nacional México-Americana” in Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader. Edited by Nada Elia, David Hernandez, Jodi Kim, Shana Redmond, Dylan Rodriguez, and Sarita See. Duke University Press, pp. 463-476.
Pulido, Laura (2016) “Flint Michigan, Environmental Racism and Racial Capitalism” Capitalism Nature Socialism 27 (3): 1-16.
Pulido, Laura (2015) “Landscapes of Racial Violence,” in Latitudes: An Angeleno's Atlas. Edited by Patricia Wakida. Berkeley: Heydey Books, pp. 63-71.
Pulido, Laura (2015) “Geographies of Race and Ethnicity I: White Supremacy vs White Privilege in Environmental Racism Research” Progress in Human Geography 39 (6): 1-9.
Pulido, Laura and Manuel Pastor (2013) “Where in the World is Juan — and What Color is He? The Geography of Latina/o Racial Identity in Southern California” American Quarterly 65 (2): 309-341.
Pulido, Laura (2008) “FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Being a Scholar/Activist.” In Engaging Contradictions: Theory, Politics and Methods of Activist Scholarship. Edited by Charles Hale. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 341-366.