Michael Raymer
Michael G. Raymer’s research focuses on the quantum mechanics of light and its interaction with atoms and molecules, with applications in nonlinear optics, quantum communications technology, and quantum information. For example, in 1993 his group reported the first instance of experimental quantum-state tomography of light.
He received his PhD from the University of Colorado in 1979. After a tenure on the faculty at the Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, he moved to the University of Oregon in 1988, where he later served as founding Director of the Oregon Center for Optics, now the Center for Optical Molecular and Quantum Science. He has held visiting appointments in Colorado, Germany, and Norway.
He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and of the Optical Society of America. He served on the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America and as Divisional Associate Editor for Physical Review Letters. He has served on the Committee on AMO Science, National Research Council, and on the Executive Committee of the Division of Laser Science, APS. He was a recipient of the University’s 2015 Outstanding Career Award.
He authored a popular-level book Quantum Physics: What Everyone Needs to Know, which explains quantum physics and its applications in information technology to nonscientists. Quantum mechanics is at the root of much of modern technology, including computers, and promises radically new technologies in the near future. To bring these topics to a wider audience, he developed a university course for nonscience students called Quantum Mechanics for Everyone, which covers, in an accessible way, the basics of the most successful theory of nature, which describes the counterintuitive behaviors of elementary objects such as electrons and photons.
Raymer also led an effort, with the support of other academics and industry scientists, to lobby the US government for increased support of research in quantum information science and technology. This effort culminated in Dec. 2018, when Congress and the President passed the National Quantum Initiative Act, which authorized up to $1.275B through 2024 to support this important activity.
172. "Limitations in fluorescence-detected entangled two-photon-absorption experiments: Exploring the low-to high-gain squeezing regimes." Landes, Tiemo, Brian J. Smith, and Michael G. Raymer. Physical Review A 110, no. 3 (2024): 033708.
171. "The Duan-Kimble cavity-atom quantum memory loading scheme revisited." Raymer, Michael G., Clark Embleton, and Jeffrey H. Shapiro. Physical Review Applied 22, no. 4 (2024): 044013.
170. "Entanglement source and quantum memory analysis for zero-added-loss multiplexing." Shapiro, Jeffrey H., Michael G. Raymer, Clark Embleton, Franco NC Wong, and Brian J. Smith. Physical Review Applied 22, no. 4 (2024): 044014.
169. "Interferometric imaging using shared quantum entanglement." Brown, Matthew R., Markus Allgaier, Valérian Thiel, John D. Monnier, Michael G. Raymer, and Brian J. Smith. Physical Review Letters 131, no. 21 (2023): 210801.
168. “States, Modes, Fields, and Photons in Quantum Optics,” M.G. Raymer, P. Polakos,
Acta Phys. Pol. A 143, S28 (2023); Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.143.S28
167. "Quantum Network Tomography with Multi-party State Distribution," De Andrade, Matheus Guedes, Jaime Diaz, Jake Navas, Saikat Guha, Inès Montaño, Brian Smith, Michael Raymer, and Don Towsley. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), pp. 400-409. IEEE, 2022.
166. “Theory of two-photon absorption with broadband squeezed vacuum." Michael G. Raymer and Tiemo Landes, Physical Review A 106, no. 1 (2022): 013717.
165. "Building a quantum engineering undergraduate program." Asfaw, Abraham, Alexandre Blais, Kenneth R. Brown, Jonathan Candelaria, Christopher Cantwell, Lincoln D. Carr, Joshua Combes, Michael G. Raymer, et al. IEEE Transactions on Education 65, no. 2 (2022): 220-242.
164. "The role of two-photon entanglement in sum-frequency generation," Merkouche, Sofiane, Amy Soudachanh, Tiemo Landes, Markus Allgaier, Valérian Thiel, Michael Raymer, and Brian J. Smith. In Quantum Information and Measurement, pp. W2B-3. Optica Publishing Group, 2021.
163. "Entangled Two-Photon Absorption by Atoms and Molecules: A Quantum Optics Tutorial." Raymer, Michael G., Tiemo Landes, and Andrew H. Marcus, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 081501 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0049338 (selected as a 2021 Editors’ Choice article)
162. "Experimental feasibility of molecular two-photon absorption with isolated time-frequency-entangled photon pairs." Landes, Tiemo, Markus Allgaier, Sofiane Merkouche, Brian J. Smith, Andrew H. Marcus, and Michael G. Raymer. Phys. Rev. Research, 3, 033154 (2021). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.033154
161. “Quantifying the enhancement of two-photon absorption due to spectral-temporal entanglement,” T. Landes, M. G. Raymer, M. Allgaier, S. Merkouche, B. J. Smith, A. H. Marcus, Optics Express 29, 20022 (2021).
160. “How large is the quantum enhancement of two-photon absorption by time-frequency entanglement of photon pairs?” M. G. Raymer, T. Landes, M. Allgaier, S. Merkouche, B. J. Smith, A. H. Marcus, Optica 8, 757-758 (2021).
159. "Development of quantum interconnects (QuICs) for next-generation information technologies."Awschalom, David, Karl K. Berggren, Hannes Bernien, Michael G. Raymer, et al. PRX Quantum 2, no. 1 (2021): 017002. Corresponding authors: M. Loncar and M.G. Raymer)
158."Defining Science Literacy in General Education Courses for Undergraduate Non-Science Majors." Vandegrift, Eleanor VH, Ronald A. Beghetto, Judith S. Eisen, Peter M. O'Day, Michael G. Raymer, and Nicola C. Barber. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 20, no. 2, p15-30 (2020).
157.“Time-frequency optical filtering: efficiency vs. temporal-mode discrimination in incoherent and coherent implementations,” Michael G. Raymer and Konrad Banaszek, Optics Express 28, 32819-32836.(2020).
156."Fluorescence-detected Fourier transform electronic spectroscopy by phase-tagged photon counting," Tamimi, Amr, Tiemo Landes, Jonathan Lavoie, Michael G. Raymer, and Andrew H. Marcus. Optics Express 28, no. 17 (2020): 25194-25214.
155.“Roadmap on Quantum Light Spectroscopy,” S. Mukamel, M. Freyberger, W. Schleich, M. Bellini, A. Zavatta, G. Leuchs, C. Siberhorn, R. Boyd, L Sanchez Soto, A. Stefanov, M. Barbieri, A. Paterova, L. Krivitskiy, S. Shwartz, K. Tamasaku, K. Dorfman, F. Schlawin, V. Sandoghdar, M. G. Raymer, A. H. Marcus, O. Varnaski, T. Goodson III, Z. Zhou, B.-S. Shi, S. Asban, M. Scully, Z. Zhang, T. Peng, I. Vartaniants, E. del Valle, F. Laussy, Topical Review edited by Shaul Mukamel, J. Phys. B: Atomic, Mol. and Opt. Phys., 53, 72002 (2020). doi: 10.1088/1361-6455/ab69a8
154.“Quantum Theory of Light in a Dispersive Structured Linear Dielectric: a Macroscopic Hamiltonian Tutorial Treatment,” Michael G. Raymer, Journal of Modern Optics, 67, 196-212 (2020). arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01746. doi: 10.1080/09500340.2019.1706773
153.“Temporal modes in quantum optics: then and now.” Michael G. Raymer and Ian A. Walmsley, Physica Scripta 95, 064002 (2020). doi10.1088/1402-4896/ab6153
152."Phase‐Modulated Interferometry, Spectroscopy, and Refractometry using Entangled Photon Pairs." Lavoie, Jonathan, Tiemo Landes, Amr Tamimi, Brian J. Smith, Andrew H. Marcus, and Michael G. Raymer. Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, no. 11 (2020): 1900114. https://doi.org/10.1002/qute.201900114, arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.04202.
151.“The US National Quantum Initiative – from Act to Action,” Christopher Monroe, Michael G Raymer and Jacob Taylor, Science, 3 May 2019, Vol 364 Issue 6439 , pp. 440-442 doi: 10.1126/science.aax0578
150.“The US National Quantum Initiative,” Michael G Raymer and Christopher Monroe, Quantum. Sci. Technol. 4, 020504 (2019) doi 10.1088/2058-9565/ab0441
149.“Photonic temporal-mode multiplexing by quantum frequency conversion in a dichroic-finesse cavity,” Dileep V. Reddy and Michael G. Raymer, Optics Express, 26, 28091 (2018).
148.“Entanglement swapping for generation of heralded time-frequency-entangled photon pairs,” Dashiell L. P. Vitullo, M. G. Raymer, B. J. Smith, Michał Karpiński, L. Mejling, K. Rottwitt, Phys. Rev. A 98, 023836 (2018).
147.“Time Reversal of Arbitrary Photonic Temporal Modes via Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion,” Michael G. Raymer, Dileep V. Reddy, Steven J. van Enk, and Colin J McKinstrie, New Journal of Physics, 20, 053027 (2018)
146.“High-selectivity quantum pulse gating of photonic temporal modes using all-optical Ramsey interferometry,” Dileep V. Reddy and Michael G. Raymer, Optica, 5, 423 (2018)
145."Temperature-dependent conformations of exciton-coupled Cy3 dimers in double- stranded DNA,” Loni Kringle, Nicolas P. D. Sawaya, Julia Widom, Carson Adams, Michael G. Raymer, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, and Andrew H. Marcus, Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 085101 (2018)
144.“Generation of two-temporal-mode squeezed states by vector four-wave mixing,” C. J. McKinstrie, J. B. Christensen, K. Rottwitt, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Express, 25, 20877 (2017)
143.“Theory of noise suppression in Λ-type quantum memories by means of a cavity,” J. Nunn, S. Thomas, J.H.D. Munns, K.T. Kaczmarek, C. Qiu, A. Feizpour, E. Poem, B. Brecht, D.J. Saunders, P.M. Ledingham, Dileep V. Reddy, M.G. Raymer, I.A. Walmsley, Phys. Rev. A 96, 012338 (2017)
142.“Engineering temporal-mode-selective frequency conversion in nonlinear optical waveguides: from theory to experiment,” Dileep V. Reddy and Michael G. Raymer, Opt. Express, 25(11), 12952-12966 (2017)
141.“Observation of Interaction of Spin and Intrinsic Orbital Angular Momentum of Light,” Dashiell L.P. Vitullo, Cody C. Leary, Patrick Gregg, Roger A. Smith, Dileep V. Reddy, Siddharth Ramachandran, Michael G. Raymer, Physical Review Letters, 118, 083601 (2017)
140.“Double-heralded generation of two-photon-states by spontaneous four-wave-mixing in the presence of noise,” R.A. Smith, D.V. Reddy, D.L.P. Vitullo, M.G. Raymer, Optics Express, 24, pp. 5809-5821 (2016)
139.“Temporal mode sorting using dual-stage quantum frequency conversion by asymmetric Bragg scattering,” Jesper B. Christensen, Dileep V.Reddy, C. J. McKinstrie, K. Rottwitt, and M. G. Raymer, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 23, pages: 23287-23301 (2015)
138."Photon temporal modes: a complete framework for quantum information science," Brecht, B.,Dileep V. Reddy, C. Silberhorn, and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. X, 5, 041017 (2015)
137."Sorting photon wave packets using temporal-mode interferometry based on multiple-stage quantum frequency conversion," D. V. Reddy, M. G. Raymer, and C. J. McKinstrie, Phys. Rev. A 91, 012323 (2015)
136."Efficient sorting of quantum-optical wave packets by temporal-mode interferometry," D. V. Reddy, M. G. Raymer, and C. J. McKinstrie, Optics Letters, Vol. 39, pp. 2924-2927 (2014)
135."Entangled Photon-Pair Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy (EPP-2DFS)," M.G. Raymer, A. H. Marcus, J. R. Widom, D. L. P. Vitullo, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117, 15559-15575 (2013)
134.“Quantum Input-Output Theory for Optical Cavities with Arbitrary Coupling Strength: Application to Two-Photon Wave-Packet Shaping,” M. G. Raymer and C. J. McKinstrie, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043819 (2013)
133.“Supercritical Xenon-Filled Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber,” K. E. Lynch-Klarup, E. D. Mondloch, M. G. Raymer, D. Arrestier, F. Gerome, and F. Benabid, Optics Express, 21 Issue 11, pp.13726-13732 (2013)
132.“Temporal mode selectivity by frequency conversion in second-order nonlinear optical waveguides,” D. V. Reddy, M. G. Raymer, C. J. McKinstrie, L. Mejling, and K. Rottwitt, Optics Express, 21, pp.13840-13863 (2013)
131.“Manipulating the color and shape of single photons,” Michael G. Raymer and Kartik Srinivasan, Physics Today (feature article), 65, 32 (2012)
130.“Quantum-state-preserving optical frequency conversion and pulse reshaping by four-wave mixing,” C. J. McKinstrie, L. Mejling, M. G. Raymer, and K. Rottwitt, Phys. Rev. A 85, 053829 (2012)
129.“Quantum frequency translation by four-wave mixing in a fiber: low-conversion regime,’ Mejling, L; McKinstrie, C J; Raymer, M G; Rottwitt, K, Optics Express, Vol. 20, pp.8367-8396 (2012)
128.“Theory of Quantum Frequency Translation of Light in Optical Fiber: Application to Interference of Two Photons of Different Color,” H. J. McGuinness, M. G. Raymer, C. J. McKinstrie, Opt. Express, 19, 17876 (2011)
127.“Quantum theory of phase correlations in optical frequency combs generated by stimulated Raman scattering,” C. Wu, M. G. Raymer, Y.Y. Wang, F. Benabid, Phys. Rev. A 82, 053834 (2010)
126.“Wavelength translation across 210 nm in the visible using vector bragg scattering in a birefringent photonic crystal fiber,” H.J. McGuinness, M.G. Raymer, C.J. McKinstrie and S. Radic, Photonics Technol. Lett., 23, 109-11 (2010)
125.“Quantum-Fluctuation-Initiated Coherence in Multi-Octave Raman Optical Frequency Combs," Y. Y. Wang, Chunbai Wu, F. Couny, M. G. Raymer and F. Benabid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 123603 (2010).arXiv:1008.1814 [quant-ph]
124.“Quantum frequency translation of single-photon states in photonic crystal fiber,” H.J. McGuinness, M.G. Raymer, C.J. McKinstrie, and S. Radic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 093604 (2010).arXiv:1006.4350v2 [quant-ph]
123.“Interference of two photons of different color,” M. G. Raymer, S. J. van Enk, C. J. McKinstrie, and H. J. McGuinness, Opt. Commun. 238, 747 (2010).
122.“Remote preparation of complex spatial states of single photons and verification by two-photon coincidence experiment,” Yoonshik Kang, Kiyoung Cho, Jaewoo Noh, Dashiell L. P. Vitullo, Cody Leary, and M. G. Raymer, Optics Express Vol. 18, pp. 1217–1233 (2010).
121.“Continuous-variable optical quantum-state tomography,” A. I. Lvovsky and M. G. Raymer, Reviews of Modern Physics 81, 299 (2009)
120.“Spin and Orbital Rotation of Electrons and Photons via Spin-Orbit Interaction,” C. C. Leary, M. G. Raymer and S. J. van Enk, Phys. Rev. A 80, 061804R (2009).
119.“Continuous-variable optical quantum state tomography,” A.I. Lvovksy and M. G. Raymer, Rev. Mod. Phys., 81, 299 – 332 (2009)arXiv: quant-ph/0511044
118.“Stable Mode Sorting by Two-Dimensional Parity of Photonic Transverse Spatial States,” C.C. Leary, L.A. Baumgardner, and M.G. Raymer, Optics Express Vol. 17, pp. 2435-2452 (2009)arXiv: quant-ph 0810.2447
117.“Self-spin-controlled rotation of spatial states of a Dirac electron in a cylindrical potential via spin-orbit interaction,” C. C. Leary, D. Reeb and M. G. Raymer, New Journal of Physics, 10, 103022 (2008).
116.“Photon Wave Mechanics and the Wolf Equations of Classical Coherence Theory,” M. G. Raymerand Brian J. Smith, Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics 9 (2007) [appeared 2008].
115."Multicolor multipartite entanglement produced by vector four-wave mixing in a fiber," C. J. McKinstrie, S. J. van Enk, M. G. Raymer, and S. Radic, Opt. Express 16, 2720-2739 (2008).
114.“Photon pair-state preparation with tailored spectral properties by spontaneous four-wave mixing in photonic-crystal fiber,” K. Garay-Palmett, H. J. McGuinness, Offir Cohen, J. S. Lundeen, R. Rangel-Rojo, M. G. Raymer, C. J. McKinstrie, S. Radic, A. B. U’Ren and I. A.Walmsley, Opt. Express, 15, 14870-14886 (2007)arXiv:0709.3129
113.“Generation and novel photonic guidance of multi-octave optical-frequency combs,” F. Couny, F. Benabid, P. J. Roberts, P. S. Light and M. G. Raymer, Science, 318, 1118-1121 (2007).
112.“Photon wave functions, wave-packet quantization of light, and coherence theory,” Brian J. Smith and M. G. Raymer, New J. Phys. 9, 414 (2007)arXiv: 0708.0831
111.“Mesoscopic entanglement of atomic ensembles through non-resonant stimulated Raman scattering,” Wenhai Ji, Chunbai Wu, S. J. van Enk, M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A 75, 052305 (2007)quant-ph/0612057
110.“Unimpaired phase-sensitive amplification by vector four-wave mixing near the zero-dispersion frequency,” C. J. McKinstrie, S. Radic, M. G. Raymer, L. Schenato, Opt. Express, 15, 2178-2189 (2007).
109.“Mapping broadband single-photon wavepackets into an atomic memory,” J. Nunn, I. A. Walmsley, M. G. Raymer, K. Surmacz, F. C. Waldermann, Z. Wang, and D. Jaksch, Phys. Rev. A, 75, 011401R (2007). quant-ph/0702041
108.“Slow light propagation in a linear-response three-level atomic vapor,” Wenhai Ji, Chunbai Wu, M. G. Raymer, JOSAB 24, 629-635 (2006).quant-ph/ 0603145
107.“Efficient picosecond pulse shaping by programmable Bragg gratings,” Chunbai Wu and M. G. Raymer, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 42, 873-884 (2006).
106.“Two-photon wave mechanics,” Brian J. Smith and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A, 74, 062104 (2006). quant-ph/0605149
105.“Four-wave mixing cascades near the zero-dispersion frequency,” C. J. McKinstrie and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Express 14, 9600 (2006).
104.“Pairwise entanglement and readout of atomic-ensemble and optical wave-packet modes in traveling-wave Raman interactions,” Wojciech Wasilewski and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A, 73, 063816 (2006).quant-ph/0512157
103.“A hemispherical, high-solid-angle optical micro-cavity for cavity-QED studies,” Guoqiang Cui, J. M. Hannigan, R. Loeckenhoff, F. M. Matinaga, M. G. Raymer, S. Bhongale, M. Holland, S. Mosor, S. Chatterjee, H. M. Gibbs, G. Khitrova, Opt. Express, 14, 2289 (2006).PDF 484K
102."Emission spectra and quantum efficiency of single-photon sources in the cavity-QED strong-coupling regime," G. Gui and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A. 73, 053807 (2006)PDF 404K
101.“Quantum mechanics of phase-sensitive amplification in a fiber,” C. J. McKinstrie, M. G. Raymer, S. Radic and M. V. Vasilyev, Opt. Commun. 257, 146-163 (2006).PDF 329KB
100.“Measurement of the transverse spatial quantum state of light at the single-photon level,” B. Smith, B. Killett, M.G. Raymer, K. Banaszek, I.A. Walmsley, Opt. Lett. 30. 3365-3367 (2005). quant-ph/0507142PDF 128KB
99.“The Maxwell wave function of the photon,” SPIE Conference, Optics and Photonics, Conference number 5866, The Nature of Light: What is a Photon? (San Diego, Aug. 2005). PDF 590KB
98.“Quantum efficiency of single-photon sources in the cavity-QED strong-coupling regime,” Guoqiang Cui and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Express, 13, 9660-9665 (2005)PDF 344KB
97.“Translation of individual and entangled states by four-wave mixing,” C. J. McKinstrie, J. D. Harvey, S. Radic and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Express 13, 9131-9142 (2005)PDF 192KB
96.“Pure-state, single-photon wave-packet generation by parametric down conversion in a distributed microcavity,” M. G. Raymer, Jaewoo Noh, K. Banaszek, I.A. Walmsley, Phys. Rev. A 72, 023825 (2005)PDF 188KB
95.“Quantum noise properties of parametric processes," C. J. McKinstrie, M. Yu, M. G. Raymer and S. Radic, Opt. Express 13, 4986-5012 (2005).PDF 344KB
94."Picosecond Polarization Dynamics and Noise in Pulsed Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers," E. L. Blansett, M. G. Raymer, G. Cui, G. Khitrova, H. M. Gibbs, D. K. Serkland, A. A. Allerman, and K. M. Geib, IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 41, 287-301 (2005)PDF 76KB
93."Generation of pure-state single-photon wave packets by conditional preparation based on spontaneous parametric down conversion," A. B. U'Ren, C. Silberhorn, R. Erdmann, K. Banaszek, W. P. Grice, I. A. Walmsley, and M.G. Raymer, Laser Physics, 15, 146 (2005)
92."Quantum noise properties of parametric amplifiers driven by two pump waves," Colin J. McKinstrie, S. Radic, M. G. Raymer," Optics Express, 12, 5037-5066 (2004).PDF 645KB
91."Quantum state entanglement and readout of collective atomic-ensemble modes and optical wave-packets by stimulated Raman scattering," M. G. Raymer, J. Mod. Optics, 51, 1739-1759 (2004).PDF 356KB
90."Linear Optical Sampling," C. Dorrer, D.C. Kilper, H.R. Stuart, G. Raybon and M. G. Raymer (IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 15, 1746, 2003).PDF 217KB
89."Separability criterion for separate quantum systems," M. G. Raymer, A. Funk, B. C. Sanders, H. de Guise, Phys. Rev. A 67, 052104 (2003).PDF 81KB
88."Theory of optical near-resonant cone emission in atomic vapor," B. D. Paul, J. Cooper, A. Gallagher, and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A 66, 063816 (2002).PDF 852KB
87."Quantum cryptography with macroscopic non-classical light," M.G. Raymer and A.C. Funk Acta Physica Polonica A, 101, 437 (2002).
86."Quantum key distribution using non-classical photon number correlations in macroscopic light pulses," M.G. Raymer and A.C. Funk, Phys. Rev. A., 65, 042307 (2002).PDF 56KB
85."Ultrafast Polarization Dynamics and Noise in Pulsed Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers," E. L. Blansett, M. G. Raymer, G. Khitrova, H. M. Gibbs, D. K. Serkland, A. A. Allerman, K. M. Geib ( Optics Express, 6, 312 - 318, 2001).PDF 152KB
84."Propagation of Transverse Optical Coherence in Random Multiple-Scattering Media," Chung-Chieh Cheng and M. G. Raymer, 62, 023811, Phys. Rev. A, 62, 023811 (2000).PDF 288KB
83."A variable lateral shearing Sagnac interferometer with high numerical aperture for measuring the complex spatial coherence function of light," Chung-Chieh Cheng, M. G. Raymer, and H. Heier, J. Mod. Opt., 47, 1237 (2000).PDF 212KB
82."Quantum-state tomography of two-mode light using generalized rotations in phase space," M. G. Raymer and A. Funk, Phys. Rev. A 61, 015801 (1999).PDF 41KB
81."Measuring the quantum polarization state of light," M. G. Raymer, D. F. McAlister and A. Funk, in Quantum Communication, Computing, and Measurement 2, 1998, ed. P. Kumar (Plenum, 2000) pg. 147-162.
80."Long-range saturation of spatial decoherence in wave-field transport in multiple-scattering media," C.-C. Cheng and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4807 (1999).PDF 146KB
79."Spectral broadening of stochastic light intensity-smoothed by a saturated semiconductor optical amplifier," M. J. Munroe, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, J. Quant. Electron. 34, 548 (1998).PDF 76KB
78."Measuring the quantum mechanical wave function," M. G. Raymer, Contemp. Physics 38, 343 (1997).
77."Whittaker-Shannon sampling theorem for experimental reconstruction of free-space wave packets," M. G. Raymer, J. Mod. Opt. 44, 2565(1997).
76."Pulsed squeezed light generation in chi-two nonlinear waveguides," M. A. Anderson, D. F. McAlister, M. G. Raymer, and M. C. Gupta, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14, 3180 (1997).PDF 327KB
75."Correlation and joint density matrix of two spatial-temporal modes from balanced-homodyne sampling," D. F. McAlister and M. G. Raymer, J. Mod. Opt. 44, 2359, (1997).
74."Ultrafast photon-number correlations from dual-pulse, phase-averaged homodyne detection," D. F. McAlister and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A, 55, R1609, (1997).PDF 80KB
73."Multimode laser model with coupled cavities and quantum noise," S. E. Hodges, M. Munroe, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14, 191 (1997).PDF 239KB
72."Turn-on transient dynamics in a multimode, compound-cavity laser," S. E. Hodges, M. Munroe, W. Gadomski, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14, 180 (1997).PDF 310KB
71."Two-mode quantum-optical state measurement: Sampling the joint density matrix," M. G. Raymer, D. F. McAlister and U. Leonhardt, Phys. Rev. A, 54, 2397, (1996).PDF 109KB
70."Observation of moving wave packets reveals their quantum state," U. Leonhardt and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 1985, (1996).PDF 89B
69. Sampling of photon statistics and density matrix using homodyne detection, U. Leonhardt, M. Munroe, T. Kiss, Th. Richter, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Commun., 127, 144, (1996); erratum: 137, 445, (1997).WEB
68."Ultrafast measurement of optical-field statistics by dc-balanced homodyne detection," M. G. Raymer, J. Cooper, H. J. Carmichael, M. Beck, and D. T. Smithey, JOSA B 12, 1801 (1995).PDF 472KB
67."Ultrashort pulsed squeezing by optical parametric amplification," M. J. Werner, M. G. Raymer, M. Beck and P. D. Drummond, Phys. Rev. A 52, 4202 (1995).PDF 933KB
66."Photon number statistics from phase-averaged quadrature field distribution: theory and ultrafast measurement," M. Munroe, D. Boggavarapu, M. E. Anderson and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Commun. 52, R924 (1995).PDF 291KB
65."Quantum superpositions of classically distinguishable states of a molecule," I. A. Walmsley and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A. 52, 681 (1995).PDF 492KB
64."Optical phase retrieval by phase-space tomography and fractional-order Fourier transforms," D. McAlister, M. Beck, L. Clarke, A. Mayer and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Lett. 20, 1181 (1995).PDF 316KB
63."Quadrature Squeezing with Ultrashort Pulses in Nonlinear Optical Waveguides," M. E. Anderson, M. Beck, M. G. Raymer, and J. D. Bierlein, Opt. Lett. 20, 620 (1995).PDF 252KB
62. Demonstration of Boundary Conditions on Sound Impulse Reflections in Pipes, M. G. Raymer and S. Micklavzina, The Physics Teacher, 33, 183 (1995).
61. Uncertainty principle for joint measurement of noncommuting variables, M. G. Raymer, Am. J. Phys. 62, 986 (1994).
60."Complex wave-field reconstruction using phase-space tomography," M. G. Raymer, M. Beck and D. McAlister, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 1137 (1994).PDF 979KB
59."Observation of Kastler ring emission from a short-cavity laser," S. E. Hodges, W. Gadomski, and M. G. Raymer, Appl. Opt. 32, 5930 (1993).PDF 360KB
58."Total intensity modulation and mode hopping in a coupled-cavity laser as a result of external-cavity length variations," M. Munroe, S. E. Hodges, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Lett. 19, 105 (1993).PDF 436KB
57."Chronocyclic tomography for measuring amplitude and phase structure of optical pulses," M. Beck, M. G. Raymer, I. A. Walmsley and V. Wong, Opt. Lett. 18, 2041 (1993).PDF 460KB
56."Many-port homodyne detection of optical phase," M. G. Raymer, J. Cooper, and M. Beck, Phys. Rev.A, 48, 4617 (1993).PDF 979KB
55."Measurement of number-phase uncertainty relations of optical fields," D. T Smithey, M. Beck, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev.A, 48, 3159 (1993).PDF 771KB
54."Observation of extreme sensitivity to induced molecular coherence in stimulated Raman scattering," M. Belsley, D.T. Smithey, K. Wedding, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A 48, 1514 (1993).PDF 1MB
53."Compound-cavity laser modes for arbitrary interface reflectivity," S. E. Hodges, M. Munroe, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Lett. 18, 1481 (1993).PDF 376KB
52."Experimental determination of number-phase uncertainty relations," M. Beck, D. T Smithey, J. Cooper, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Lett., 18, 1259 (1993).PDF 468KB
51."Complete experimental characterization of the quantum state of a light mode via the Wigner function and the density matrix: application to quantum phase distributions of vacuum and squeezed-vacuum states," D. T Smithey, M. Beck, J. Cooper, M. G. Raymer, and A. Faridani, Physica Scripta, T48, 35 (1993).
50."Experimental determination of quantum phase distributions using optical homodyne tomography," M. Beck, D. T Smithey, and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A 48, R890, (1993).PDF 377KB
49."Measurement of the Wigner distribution and the density matrix of a light mode using optical homodyne tomography: application to squeezed states and the vacuum," D. T Smithey, M. Beck, M. G. Raymer and A. Faridani, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1244 (1993).PDF 346KB
48."Twin photon beams resulting from interference of independent broadband squeezed vacua," M. Belsley, D. T. Smithey, M. G. Raymer, and J. Mostowski, Phys. Rev. A, 46, 414 (1992).PDF 932KB
47."Turn-on transient statistics and dynamics in a multimode, short-cavity laser," S. E. Hodges, M. Munroe, D. Adkison, W. Gadomski, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Lett. 17, 931 (1992).PDF 440KB
46."Sub-shot-noise correlation of total photon number using macroscopic twin pulses of light," D. T Smithey, M. Beck, M. Belsley, and M. G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2650 (1992).PDF 512KB
45."Information and Complementarity in a Proposed Which-Path Experiment Using Photons, M.G. Raymer and S. Yang, J. Mod. Optics, 39 1221(1992).
44."Beam Pointing Fluctuations in a Gain-Guided Raman amplifier, S.J. Kuo, D.T. Smithey, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A45, 2031 (1992).PDF 1MB
43."Limits to Wide-Band, Pulsed Squeezing in a Traveling-Wave, Parametric Amplifier with Group-Velocity Dispersion," M.G. Raymer, P.D. Drummond and S.J. Carter, Opt. Lett. 16, 1189 (1991).PDF 420KB
42."Near Quantum Limited Phase Memory in a Raman Amplifier, D.T. Smithey, M. Belsley, K. Wedding, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 2446 (1991).PDF 1MB
41."Quantum Theory of Propagation of Non-Classical Radiation in a Near-Resonant Medium," P.D. Drummond and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A44, 2072 (1991).PDF 1MB
40."Beam-Pointing Fluctuations in Gain-Guided Amplifiers," S.J. Kuo, D.T. Smithey, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2605 (1991).PDF 328KB
39."Spatial Interference of Macroscopic Light Fields from Independent Raman Sources," S.J. Kuo, D.T. Smithey, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A (Rap. Commun.) 43, 4083 (1990).PDF 407KB
38."Delay-Time Statistics of Cooperative Emission in the Prescence of Homogeneous Line Broadening," K. Rzazewski, M.G. Raymer, and R.W. Boyd, Phys. Rev. A39, 5785 (1989).PDF 406KB
37."The Influence of Collisional Dephasing on Superfluorescence," J.J. Maki, M.S. Malcuit, M.G. Raymer, R.W. Boyd, and P.D. Drummond, Phys. Rev. A40, 5135 (1989).PDF 594KB
36."Transition from Quantum-Noise-Driven to Deterministic Dynamics in a Multimode Laser," M. Beck, I. McMackin, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A40, 2410 (1989).PDF 455KB
35."Temporal Quantum Fluctuations in Stimulated Raman Scattering: Coherent-Modes Description," M.G. Raymer, Z.W. Li, and I.A. Walmsley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1586 (1989).PDF 276KB
34."Coherent Propagation of Stokes Light in a Collisionally Broadened Three-Level Amplifier," B.J. Herman, J.H. Eberly, M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A39, 3447 (1989).PDF 1.1MB
33."Cancellation of Laser Phase Fluctuations in Stokes, Anti-Stokes Generation," Z.W. Li, C. Radzewicz, and M.G. Raymer, JOSA B5, 2340 (1988).PDF 931KB
32."Instabilities and Chaos in a Multimode, Standing-Wave, CW Dye Laser," I. McMackin, C. Radzewicz, M. Beck, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A38, 820 (1988).PDF 1.1MB
31."Strong-Field Theory of a Multimode, Standing-Wave Dye Laser," M.G. Raymer, Z. Deng, and M. Beck, JOSA B5, 1588 (1988).PDF 932KB
30."Phase Cross Correlation in the Coherent Raman Process," Z.W. Li, C. Radzewicz, and M.G. Raymer, Opt. Lett. 13, 491 (1988).PDF 404KB
29."Amplitude-Stabilized Chaotic Light," C. Radzewicz, Z.W. Li, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A37, 2039 (1988).PDF 792KB
28."Intensity Correlation Measurements in Stimulated Raman Generation with a Multimode Laser," L.A. Westling and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A36, 4835 (1987).PDF 769KB
27."Temporal Smoothing of Multimode Dye-Laser Pulses," Z.W. Li, C. Radzewicz, and M.G. Raymer, Opt. Lett. 12, 416 (1987).PDF 336KB
26."Atomic Collisions in the Presence of Intense, Ultrashort Laser Pulses," T. Sizer II and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A36, 2643 (1987).PDF 1.3MB
25."Intensity Autocorrelation Measurements and Spontaneous FM Phase Locking in a Multimode Pulsed Dye Laser," L.A. Westling and M.G. Raymer, JOSA B3, 911 (1986).PDF 800KB
24."Modification of Atomic Collision Dynamics by Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses," T. Sizer II and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 123 (1986).PDF 289KB
23."Experimental Study of the Macroscopic Quantum Fluctuations of Partially Coherent Stimulated Raman Scattering," I.A. Walmsley and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A33, 382 (1986).PDF 828KB
22."Quantum Theory of Spatial and Temporal Coherence Properties of Stimulated Raman Scattering," M.G. Raymer, I.A. Walmsley, J. Mostowski, and B. Sobolewska, Phys. Rev. A32, 332 (1985).PDF 929KB
21."Quantum Theory of Stokes Generation with a Multimode Laser," M.G. Raymer and L. A. Westling, JOSA B2, 1417 (1985).PDF 935KB
20. Stabilization of Stokes Pulse Energies in the Nonlinear Regime of Stimulated Raman Scattering, I.A. Walmsley, M.G. Raymer, T. Sizer, I. Duling, and J. Kafka, Opt. Commun. 53, 137 (1985).
19."Time-Dependent Semiclassical Theory of Gain-Coupled Distributed Feedback Lasers," I.N. Duling and M.G. Raymer, IEEE-JQE 10, 1202 (1984).PDF 679KB
18."Single-Shot Spectral Measurements and Mode Correlations in a Pulsed Multimode Dye Laser," L.A. Westling, M.G. Raymer, and J.J. Snyder, JOSA B1, 150 (1984).PDF 663KB
17."Stimulated Raman Scattering of Colored Chaotic Laser Light," M. Trippenbach, K. Rzazewski, and M.G. Raymer, JOSA B1, 671 (1984).PDF 498KB
16. Observation of Intensity Fluctuations and Mode Correlations in a Broad-Band CW Dye Laser, L.A. Westling, M.G. Raymer, M.G. Sceats, and D. F. Coker, Opt. Commun. 47, 212 (1983).WEB
15."Observation of Macroscopic Quantum Fluctuations in Stimulated Raman Scattering," I.A. Walmsley and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 962 (1983).PDF 314KB
14."Time-Dependences of Two-, Three-, and Four-Photon Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen in the Ground 12S and Metastable 22S States," C.R. Holt, M.G. Raymer, and W.P. Reinhardt, Phys. Rev. A27, 2971 (1983).PDF 1MB
13."On the Theory of Time-Dependent Intense-Field Collisional Resonance Fluorescence," P.D. Kleiber, J. Cooper, K. Burnett, C. Kunasz, and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A27, 291 (1983).PDF 674KB
12. Statistics of Stimulated Stokes Pulse Energies in the Steady-State Regime, K. Rzazewski, M. Lewenstein, and M. G. Raymer, Opt. Commun. 43, 451 (1982).
11. Steady-State Quantum Interference in Resonance Fluorescence, D.A. Cardimona, M.G. Raymer, and C.R. Stroud, Jr., J. Phys. B15, 55 (1982).
10."Pulse Energy Statistics in Stimulated Raman Scattering," M.G. Raymer, K. Rzazewski, and J. Mostowski, Optics Letters 7, 71 (1982).PDF 360KB
9."Stimulated Raman Scattering: Unified Treatment of Spontaneous Initiation and Spatial Propagation," M.G. Raymer and J. Mostowski, Phys. Rev. A24, 1980 (1981).PDF 858KB
8."Four-Wave Parametric Amplification of Rabi Sidebands in Sodium," D.J. Harter, P. Narum, M.G. Raymer, and R. W. Boyd, Phys. Rev. Letters 46, 1192 (1981).PDF 369KB
7."Four-Wave Parametric Interactions in a Strongly Driven Two-Level System," R.W. Boyd, M.G. Raymer, P. Narum, and D. Harter, Phys. Rev. A24, 411 (1981).PDF 822KB
6. The Buildup of Stimulated Raman Scattering from Spontaneous Raman Scattering, J. Mostowksi and M.G. Raymer, Opt. Commun. 36, 237 (1981).
5."Resonance Fluorescence in a Weak Radiation Field with Arbitrary Spectral Distribution," M.G. Raymer and J. Cooper, Phys. Rev. A20, 2238 (1979).PDF 188KB
4"Theory of Stimulated Raman Scattering with Broadband Lasers," M.G. Raymer, J. Mostowski and J. L. Carlsten, Phys. Rev. A19, 2304 (1979).PDF 957KB
3. Comparison of Collisional Redistribution and Emission Line Shapes, M.G. Raymer, J.L. Carlsten and G. Pichler, J. Phys. B12, L119 (1979).
2."Simultaneous Observations of Stimulated Raman Scattering and Stimulated Collision-Induced Fluorescence," M.G. Raymer and J.L. Carlsten, Phys. Rev. Letters 39, 1326 (1977).PDF 333KB
1."Collisional Redistribution and Saturation of Near-Resonant Scattered Light," J.L. Carlsten, A. Szoke and M.G. Raymer, Phys. Rev. A15, 1029 (1977).PDF 696 KB
Honors and Awards
Fellow, American Physical Society (APS), 1993.
Fellow, Optical Society of America (OSA), 1990.
Philip Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Oregon; 2006–present
University of Oregon 2015 Outstanding Career Award.
University of Oregon 2019 Innovation and Impact Award.
University of California at Santa Cruz Division of Physical and Biological Sciences 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award
APS Journals Outstanding Referee 2013.
Visiting Fellow of JILA, University of Colorado, 1998–1999.