Students leave the brick facade Condon Building on campus
Diversity & Inclusion

Student Specific Resources

Academic Support

Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE): develop and implement programs and services that support retention, academic excellence, and success at the UO for historically underserved students.  

  • Advising: Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE) offers specialized advising to students from underrepresented backgrounds to help reach their educational, personal, and professional goals. 

  • Tutoring: drop-in math, science and writing tutoring. 

  • Cultural Study Halls 

  • Resource Pond: textbook assistance and lending library.  

Identity Based Resources

Black Cultural Center: welcoming and supportive space that helps Black students harness the resources necessary to navigate their social, cultural, and academic experience.  

Dreamer Resources: includes resources for academic success, counseling, legal services, financial aid, and more. 

International Student Resources: includes information on advising, financial aid, visas, employment, and more. 

LGBTQIA Student Resources: includes information on counseling and transition services, financial aid, support groups, and more. 

Native American Student Resources: includes resources on advising, financial aid, research opportunities, language studies, and more. 

Nontraditional Student Resources: includes resources for academic support, financial aid, family support, community-building, and more. 

Veterans Resources: includes resources for community-building, medical and mental-health care, financial aid, housing, and more. 

Women’s Center: includes resources for financial aid, survivor mental health support and legal services, childcare, and more. 

Additional Resources 

Accessible Education Center: facilitates and supports access and inclusion for students with disabilities.

The Many Nations Longhouse: serves as a place of respite for American Indian students at the University of Oregon as they navigate their academic endeavors. Its mission is to provide welcome, respecting the diversity of numerous American Indian cultures and beliefs.  

Students of Color Opportunities for Research Enrichment (SCORE): academically based, hands-on research club led by UO faculty designed for students who are underrepresented in the Life Sciences. 

TRIO: for students whose socioeconomic backgrounds, educational records, and personal situations suggest they may experience challenges at the UO that could be alleviated with use of academic advising/support, financial assistance, mentorship, and more. 

Campus Community and cultural support

Housing Communities for multicultural students and issues: brings together students with similar identities, values, or needs. 

Multicultural Center (MCC): The MCC brings together undergraduate and graduate students with the greater campus community at large. Its primary goal is to create a space which promotes student leadership development and personal growth; cultural pluralism and positive social change; and community building and education.   

Multicultural fraternities and sororities 

First Fridays Communities of Color and Allies Network: intended as a safe space to foster friendships and networks for people of color, social justice allies, and equity workers in the local area.  

Division of Equity and Inclusion Strategy and Working Groups: support and advocate for academic and professional excellence and inclusion, and enhance the UO experience through opportunities for intentional cross-campus collaborations, fostering understanding, and encouraging engagement, empowerment and justice. Each group sets its own goals and approaches, and has different opportunities for student engagement. 

Multicultural Calendar 

African American Workshop & Lecture Series: focused on helping campus better understand the promising practices in higher education and utilizing expertise of national experts to institutionalize more effective environments, practices, and policies.   

Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence Workshops: workshops offered on networking, study halls, storytelling for personal growth and social change, funding opportunities, career development, and more. 

Heritage and History Months: periods within the year that are designated to celebrate and acknowledge various ethnic and marginalized groups. 

Indigenous People’s Day: flag-raising ceremony in the EMU Amphitheater  

Martin Luther King Jr. Campus and Community Events 

Mother’s Day Powwow: to honor indigenous educators, mothers, graduating seniors, and the winner of the Miss Indian UO pageant.  

Student Groups




*Multicultural Center-Sponsored Student Unions  
African Student Association: promotes cultural awareness about Africa and its people. 

*Arab Student Union: sponsors cultural awareness, competence, and education by spreading the diversity and richness of the cultures, histories, and traditions of the people of the Arab nations. 

*Asian Pacific American Student Union UO: serves as a support service and network that focuses on the needs of Asian Pacific American students, faculty, staff, and all allies. 

UO Association for Women in Mathematics: works to increase the visibility of women in mathematics and encouraging young women to pursue careers in the mathematical sciences.

CMiS: community for minorities in STEM. 

*Access-Ability Student Union: cross-disability student group.

University of Oregon Baha’i Club: brings together people in a spirit of friendship, to promote independent and unprejudiced thinking, to foster unity among different racial, ethnic, and religious groups on campus. 

*Black Male Alliance: exists to be a space to support our general well-being, deepen our cultural and social connections to each other and collectively work towards success. Open to all Black men at the University of Oregon, including students, staff, faculty, and alumni.  

*Black Student Union: provides an intellectual, cultural, and social environment for students as well as community members. Black Student Union strives for academic excellence and promotes cultural awareness among its members. 

*Black Women of Achievement: The mission of Black Women of Achievement (B.W.A.) is to provide a social, cultural, educational, and physical development to women of color. 

*Coalition Against Environmental Racism: committed to bridging the gap between the struggle for social and environmental equality. CAER has the dual mission of educating the campus about Environmental Racism and building coalitions within the University community to foster activism in the Environmental Justice Movement. 

*Hui ‘O Hawai’i: open to students from Hawaii as well as those who would like to learn about Hawaiian culture. Together, we hold fundraising events, go on trips, and finish out the year with our annual luau.  

Inclusivity and Gender Diversity in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences: to engage the entire UO Earth Sciences Department in creating an environment that empowers womxn and TGNC (transgender and gender non-conforming) individuals to pursue geoscience careers. 

UO KSA (University of Oregon Korean Student Association): welcomes all students who are attending the University of Oregon and interested in Korean culture. 

*Kultura Pilipinas: acts as a solid foundation and social forum for people of Filipino descent and people who aim to learn Filipino culture and heritage. 

Latinx Male and Allies Alliance: supports Latinx students in their UO college experience. The Alliance provides academic, cultural, social, leadership development, and personal support to UO undergraduate students.  

*Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer Alliance: The LGBTQA Alliance’s core purpose is to create opportunities for people to celebrate, appreciate, and affirm their whole selves. 

LGBTQ+ in STEM: created to give LGBTQ+ researchers a welcoming and inclusive environment and for all future generations to come. 

Minority Association of Pre-medical Students (MAPS): brings together a diverse community of pre-medical students in order to provide them with resources that will expand their views on medicine and current health issues.  

*Movimiento Estudiantil for Change and Advocacy (MECha): strives for self-determination of our Raza by raising political, social, and cultural awareness.  

  • GANAS: after school tutoring/mentoring program that connects University of Oregon students to Kelly Middle School students every Monday and Wednesday. 

  • *MUXERES: creates a safe space for Latinx womxn and Latinx non-binary folks! We create discussions and build community. 

  • LA JOTERA: queer collective publication made in an effort to create new ways of understanding gender, sexuality, bodies, and communities. 

*Muslim Student Association: dedicated to creating a strong Muslim community on campus by providing a space for Muslims to interact with one another as well as the larger University of Oregon community.  

*Native American Student Union: The Native American Student Union (NASU) at the University of Oregon assists American Indian, Alaskan Natives, and Indigenous Peoples in maintaining cultural values while pursuing their educational goals. 

No Lost Generation: seeks to provide reliable, factual information to University of Oregon students and the broader community about current refugee crises around the world and immigration to the U.S. 

*Pacific Islanders Club: creates a safe space for the Pacific Islander community of Eugene. 

Saudi Student Association: Saudi Students at the University of Oregon.

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science: dedicated to fostering the success of scientists—from college students to professionals—to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science. 

Students for Indigenous Rights & Environmental Justice in Bolivia: works collaboratively with indigenous communities in Bolivia, both in person and remotely, to support indigenous rights, environmental justice, gender empowerment, sustainability, and autonomy. 

Students of the Indian Subcontinent: increase the awareness among students of the cultural aspects of the Indian subcontinent. 

Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights: raises public awareness of the Palestinian cause and to give a voice to the Palestinian people through educating University of Oregon students and community members. 

Supporting the Advancement of Diversity in Design: strives to support a community for the advancement of underrepresented groups and the promotion of diversity in the fields of architecture and design. 

Thai Student Association: spreads awareness of Thai culture across campus and in Eugene, creates an inclusive community that welcomes all who are interested in Thailand, and supports Thai scholars. 

Queer, Trans & Intersex Students of Color: QTISOC creates community for Queer, Trans & Intersex students of color. 

*Vietnamese Student Association: aims to raise awareness about Vietnamese and Vietnamese-American cultures throughout campus and the Pacific Northwest. 

*Womxn of Color Coalition: creates a unified front that empowers women of color. We aim to build a community of compassion and opportunity, to support each other during times of need, and to find strength within each other at our predominantly white university.  

Women of Computer Science: contributes to the success of UO women in Computer Science and builds a stronger sense of inclusion and community around UO. 

Women in Graduate Science: strives for gender equality by focusing on the professional development of women in all disciplines of science to enable them to become successful contributors to their fields. 


financial support opportunities

Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence

DEI Student Job and Internship Opportunities 


Pathway Oregon

University of Oregon Program to Increase Resilience and Enhance Persistence in Biomedical Sciences (UO PREP Bio)