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Undergraduate Advising

Current Students

How to Meet with an Advisor

Advisors are here to help CAS majors and minors from IntroDUCKtion to graduation. To support your varied needs, CAS Advising in Tykeson Hall offers two types of advising connection points: 

  • Scheduled
  • Drop-in

How Scheduled Appointments Work

Appointments are 30 minutes long.

Scheduled appointments are great for planning your undergraduate journey, exploring majors and minors, reviewing class options and looking for opportunities outside of the classroom such as experiential learning. 

Be sure to schedule your appointment early (during weeks 2-5). Scheduled appointments are available in person, virtually and over the phone.

CAS Advising becomes drop-in only during weeks 1, 8 and 9 for registration support. Visit our drop-in hours if you have an urgent question or need support with class scheduling.

How Drop-in Works

Drop-in is intended for quick questions (15 minutes or less). At certain times of each academic term, advisors only take drop-ins so they can prioritize registration and urgent requests when a deadline occurs before the next available appointment.

Drop-in is first-come, first-served. In-person and virtual advising are both available! Drop-in availability varies by day and is organized by CAS division and major. If you’re not sure what division and/or major you are in, find your answer here.

Choose the One that Is Right for You Right Now

Academic and career advisors standing and talking at a desk

How to Schedule an Appointment

Scheduled appointments are great for planning your undergraduate journey, exploring majors and minors, reviewing class options and looking for opportunities outside of the classroom such as experiential learning. Each appointment is about 30 minutes long. As a reminder, scheduled appointments are not available during weeks 1, 8 and 9 because they are reserved for drop-in-only appointments. Use the links below to schedule your appointment with an advisor.

  • Schedule through Navigate.
  • Chat with the front desk team.
  • Come in person to the front desk, located on the first floor of Tykeson Hall.
  • Call 541-346-9200 to speak with CAS Advising reception, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone hours are limited during weeks 1, 8, 9 and breaks. Leave a voicemail or message the front desk on Teams. 


Updates to appointment and drop-in availability: 
March 24-28: Virtual appointments are offered over Spring Break. In-person advising will resume on Monday, March 31st.
March 31-April 4: All advisors on drop-in, 10am-3pm! Come to drop-in for your urgent scheduling questions. No appointments available.

How to Join the Drop-in Queue

Before joining the drop-in queue, please review the schedules below for drop-in and to find your designated drop-in day. If you aren’t sure which division your major is in, you can find it here.

Weeks 1, 8 and 9

ALL advisors are on drop-in, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day of the week. Scheduled appointments are not available during these weeks. During registration (weeks 8 and 9), students are prioritized based on their registration time. Aim to come to drop-in the day before you register.

Week 7



10 am - 3 pm



10 am - 3 pm






10 am - 3 pm



10 am - 3 pm

All CAS majors and minors

All CAS majors and minors

No Drop-in Available

All CAS majors and minors

All CAS majors and minors

Weeks 2-6 and Week 10-Finals Week

Drop-in is available weeks 2-6 and week 10-finals week according to your CAS division and major or minor.


10 am - 3 pm


10 am - 3 pm




10 am - 3 pm


10 am - 3 pm

Humanities and Natural Sciences majors and minors

Social Sciences majors and minors

No Drop-in Available

Natural Sciences majors and minors

Humanities and Social Sciences majors and minors

Once you confirm your drop-in day, use one of the following options to join the drop-in queue. 

Join in person

  • Come in person to the front desk, located on the first floor of Tykeson Hall.

Join virtually

  • Chat with the front desk team
  • Call 541-346-9200 to speak with CAS Advising reception.
    • Phone hours are limited during weeks 1, 8, 9, and breaks. Leave a voicemail or message the front desk on Teams. 

CAS Advising Structure

You have a team of advisors in Tykeson Hall! CAS advising is organized by major. Please use the chart below to determine which division your major or minor falls under. If you have majors or minors in multiple divisions, start with the one you have questions about right now. In the case of exploring students, choose the division for the major that interests you most. 

Humanities Division*

Majors - Cinema Studies, Classics, Comparative Literature, English, Folklore, Humanities, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theatre Arts

Minors - Classical Civilization, Classics, Comics & Cartoons, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, Digital Humanities, Disability Studies, English, Ethics, Folklore and Public Culture, Greek, Latin, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Theatre Arts, and Writing Critical Reasoning

Majors - Asian Studies, Chinese, French, German, German and Scandinavian Studies, Global Studies, Italian, Japanese, Judaic Studies, Latin American Studies, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, Scandinavian, and Spanish

Minors - African Studies, Arabic Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, European Studies, Food Studies, French, German, German and Scandinavian Studies, Global Service, Global Studies, Italian, Judaic Studies, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East & North African Studies, Russian East European & Eurasian Studies, Scandinavian, and Spanish

Social Sciences Division*

Majors - Economics, General Social Sciences, History, Indigenous Race & Ethnic Studies,  Native American and Indigenous Studies,  Political Science, Sociology, and Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies

Minors - Black Studies,  Commerce and Society, Criminology, Economics, History, Indigenous Race and Ethnic Studies,  Latinx Studies,  Native American & Indigenous Studies,  Political Science, Queer Studies, Sociology, and Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies

Majors - Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science, Geography, Linguistics, Psychology, and Spatial Data Science and Technology

Minors - Anthropology, Climate Studies, Environmental Humanities, Environmental Studies, Forensic Anthropology, Geography, Interdisciplinary Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and Psychology

Natural Sciences Division*

Majors - Biology, Human Physiology, Neuroscience

Minors - Biology

Majors - Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Mathematics, and Mathematics & Computer Science

Minors - Computer Information Technology, Computer Science, and Mathematics

Majors - Biochemistry, Chemistry, Earth Science, Marine Biology, Multidisciplinary Science, and Physics

Minors - Biochemistry, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics

*Please note: Advising teams deviate slightly from CAS divisional structure to align with undergraduate advising needs.

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