
Troy Hassinger

English Graduate Student/ GE
Office: 269 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: 10am-1pm

Molly Hatay

Career Instructor
Phone: 541-346-5428
Office: PLC 266
Office Hours: Spring Term: MW 10-11:30am
Research Interests: Jewish American literature, food studies, and medical humanities

Travis Heeren

English Graduate Student / GE
Phone: 541-346-0049
Office: 355 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: W 12-3pm

Jessie Heine

English Graduate Student / GE
Phone: 541-346-3938
Office: 222 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: M 12-2pm, T 2-4pm & by appt.

Frida Heitland

English Graduate Student / GE
Office: 204 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: M 11am-12pm; W 1-3pm
Research Interests: Comics Studies, Environmental Literatures, Ecomedia, Film Studies, Digital Humanities

Raye Hendrix

English Graduate Student / GE / GTFF Disability Access Caucus Chair
Raymund Fellowship Recipient
Phone: 541-346-0050
Office: 269 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: TR 2-3:30pm
Research Interests: Poetry & Poetics, Deaf Studies, Crip Theory, Disability Studies, Queer & Feminist Theory, American Literature

Salvador Herrera

Assistant Professor of English
Phone: 541-346-1476
Office: 327 PLC
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: American Studies, Drama and Performance Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Latino/a Studies, Literature of the Americas, Contemporary Literary Studies, Queer and Trans Studies, Race and Ethnicity

Anna Hindley

Executive Support Coordinator, ASU 3
Classics, Comparative Literature, English, Folklore Program, Humanities Program, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies
Phone: 5413462356
Office: 338 PLC

Shane Hoyle

English Graduate Student

Helen Huang

Career Instructor
Digital Humanities, English
Phone: 541-346-1542
Office: 301C Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Summer term: By appointment (please email me to Zoom chat)