Phone: 541-346-4106
Office: 16 Friendly Hall
Phone: 541-346-2266
Office: 404 Straub Hall
Office: 237 Deschutes Hall
Phone: 541-346-4090
Office: 27 Friendly Hall
Phone: 541-346-4644
Office: 171A Klamath Hall
Phone: 541-346-4656
Office: UO Annex, Ste 3
Phone: 541-346-4709
Office: 1715 Franklin Bldg, Rm 203
Phone: 541-346-1701
Office: 250A Computing Center
Office: 1430 Johnson Lane
Office: 230 Deschutes Hall
Phone: 541-346-0199
Office: 232 Deschutes Hall
Phone: 541-346-2941
Office: 235 Oregon Hall
Phone: 541-346-3033
Office: Museum of Natural And Cultural History
Phone: 541-346-2778
Office: 202D Agate Hall
Phone: 541-346-3182
Office: 246 Oregon Hall
Phone: 541-346-6586
Office: Vivian Olum Child Development Center
Phone: 541-346-4084
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Phone: 541-346-4132
Office: 291J Knight Library
Phone: 541-346-4852
Office: Straub Hall, Rm 133
Office: 244B Hendricks Hall
Phone: 541-346-5472
Office: 401 Tykeson Hall
Phone: 541-346-2781
Office: LERC
Phone: 541-346-4349
Office: 214A Allen
Phone: 541-346-2613
Office: 1600 Millrace, Rm 210
Phone: 541-346-4029
Office: 105C Friendly Hall
Phone: 541-346-1264
Office: 237 Oregon Hall
Phone: 541-346-1366
Office: 215 Computing Center
Office: 230 Deschutes Hall
Phone: 503-412-3663
Office: 350B White Stag Bldg. SOJC Portland
CAS ASU 8 Front Office Student Worker
Computer Science, Data Science, School of Computer and Data Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4408
Office: Deshutes 120
Office Hours: Tues 1-5, Wed 10-12, Thurs 1-5