Profile picture of Nayoung Kwon

Nayoung Kwon

Associate Professor, Korean Linguistics
Korean Sector Representative
East Asian Languages
Phone: 541-346-4179
Office: Friendly Hall 425


Nayoung Kwon is an Associate Professor of Korean linguistics in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. Her areas of expertise include neuro-/psycholinguistics and syntax. She is interested in human language processing, focusing on the questions of how language system interacts with other cognitive functions and how grammatical variations in language structure map into processing. In addition to the theoretical tools adopted in comparative syntactic research, the methods she employs to investigate the cross-linguistic parsing strategies include ERPs, eye-tracking, and self-paced reading.

Some of her representative publications are as follows.

  • Siegelman, et al. (2022). Expanding horizons of cross-linguistic research on reading: The Multilingual Eye-movement Corpus (MECO). Behavior Research Methods.
  • Zhang, A., & Kwon, N. (2021). The interpretational preferences of null and overt pronouns in Chinese. Journal of Linguistics. 
  • Kwon, N. (2020). The processing of a long-distance dependency in Korean: An overview. The Cambridge Handbook of Korean Linguistics.
  • Kwon, N., Sturt, P., & Liu, P. (2017). Predicting semantic features in Chinese: evidence from ERPs. Cognition, 166, 433-446.
  • Kwon, N., & Lee, Y. (2017). On the nature of structure in structural priming. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40.
  • Kwon, N., & Sturt, P. (2016). Attraction effects in honorific agreement in Korean. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1302.
  • Kwon, N., & Sturt, P. (2014). The use of control information in dependency formation: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Memory and Language, 73, 59-80.
  • Kwon, N., Kluender, R., Kutas, M., & M., P. (2013). Subject/Object processing asymmetries in Korean relative clauses: Evidence from ERP data. Language, 89, 537-585. Linguistic Society of America.
  • Kwon, N., & Sturt, P. (2013). Null pronominal (pro) resolution in Korean, a discourse-oriented language. Language and Cognitive Processes, 28(3), 377-387.
  • Kwon, N., Lee, Y., Gordon, P. C., Kluender, R., & Polinsky, M. (2010). Cognitive and linguistic factors affecting subject/object asymmetry: An eye-tracking study of pre-nominal relative clauses in Korean. Language, 86(3), 546-582. Linguistic Society of America.
  • Kwon, N., & Polinsky, M. (2008). What does coordination look like in a head-final language? In Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (ed), Asymmetric Events, Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research 11, 87-102. John Benjamins. ISBN 978 90 272 3899 3.

For more information, visit her personal home page at