Profile picture of James Earl

James Earl

Professor Emeritus
English Department
English, Medieval Studies


Interests include Ancient and Medieval literature, the Bible, Anglo-Saxon literature and culture, psychoanalytic criticism, and the literature of India


Publications include Thinking About Beowulf, Stanford Press, 1994; "Prophecy and Parable in Medieval Apocalyptic History," Religion and Literature , 1998; "Violence and Non-Violence in Anglo-Saxon England," PQ 1999; "Beowulf and the Origins of Civilization" and "Reading Beowulf with Original Eyes," in The Postmodern Beowulf, West Va. U. Press, 2007; "How to Read an Indian Novel," Literary Imagination, 2007; "The Forbidden Beowulf," PMLA 2010; and Beginning the Mahabharata, SASA Books, 2012.