Yuruhary Gallardo García
Ph.D. Student, Spanish. University of Oregon. 2022-present.
M.A. Latin American Philosophy. Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta. 2021.
Certificate in Pedagogical Strategies for Innovative Teaching, Universidad Central de Venezuela.2019.
B.A. Visual Arts. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 2018.
Yuruhary Gallardo-García is a Venezuelan artist and Ph.D. student whose academic research delves into the technical and poetic aspects of textiles as a means to study Latin American and Caribbean art and literature. Her work emphasizes the significance of both domestic and public women’s work in reshaping the social fabric, exploring how women have historically used their hands and bodies to uphold or dismantle societal structures. Gallardo-García underscores the role of women writers and artists in challenging social control through creative handwork and rebellious movements. Her research draws on the archetype of the Moirai—the goddesses of fate who spin, measure, and cut the thread of life—to illustrate how women embody the processes of creation, destruction, and renewal in both the creative realm and social life.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
(2024) "Traducir en el caribe. La poesía de Althea Romeo Marks". LL Journal Cuny. (Forthcoming)
(2023) “La idea circular. Una lectura de la obra Una ofrenda musical de Luis Sagasti”. Dossier de Música Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (RCLL). (Forthcoming).
(2022) “Reticulofagia o la apropiación caníbal. Sobre estética e identidad latinoamericana”. Revista de Filosofía, Vol. 39, Nº. 102, págs. 114-132.
Edited Volumes
(2018) VVAA. Muy Lejos, Muy Cerca. Poesía Venezolana y China. Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2016) Alí, Gómez García. Francisco de Miranda. Peregrino de la Libertad. Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2015) Lajos, Boglár. Cuentos y mitos de los Piaroa. Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2015) Luis Eustaquio, Soares. El Evangelio según Satanás. Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2014) Gustavo, Pereira. Historias del Paraíso (Vol. 1, 2, and 3). Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2014) Duque, José Roberto. Tiempos del incendio. Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2014) Rafael, Martínez Arteaga. El llano era de nosotros. Caracas: Fundación Editorial El perro y la rana.
(2024) Panel “Narrativas de Resistencia y Transformación en las Américas: Identidades, Violencia, Migración, Ética y Estética en Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Perú y Venezuela”. Research titled “GEGO: Tejidos, identidades móviles y territorios de transgresión visual”. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Bogotá, Colombia.
(2023) “Knitting Identities and Territories of Visual Transgression”. Romance Languages Fall Forum, Eugene, Oregon.
(2022) “On Decentralized Aesthetics and Fabrication of Reality”. Romance Languages Fall Forum, Eugene, Oregon.
(2021) “Sobre Estética e Identidad Latinoamericana”. VI Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Escritores, La Habana, Cuba.
(2016) “Proceso Editorial: El libro y los retos del presente”. Universidad Experimental de los Llanos, Barinas, Venezuela.
About my visual work
2024. Sobre “Cuando llueve” y “Homenaje a Marisol” de Yuruhary Gallardo. https://www.madriguera.com.ve/2024/02/sobre-cuando-llueve-y-homenaje-marisol.html
2024. Cornelia Hoppe Art Exhibit Award Winner 2024. https://education.uoregon.edu/yuruhary-gallardo-garcia-art-coe
2022. “Cada mancha es una posibilidad” Apuntes sobre la pintura de Yuruhary. https://mentekupa.com/cada-mancha-es-una-posibilidad-apuntes-sobre-la-pintura-de-yuruhary/
- Mafia: The Cultures of Narcotraffic: (podcast). (Spanish) Topic: analysis of the phenomenon of narco and narcoculture through the work of mexican artist Teresa Margolles and chilean writer Roberto Bolaño. Additionally, interviews with experts: Adriana Miramontes Olivas, Curator of Academic Programs and Latin American & Caribbean Art at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art; Yuri Herrera, writer, Associate Professor at Tulane University; Oswaldo Zavala, writer, Professor of Contemporary Latin American Literature and Culture at the College of Staten Island and at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY); Sayak Valencia, philosopher, writer, she leads the research professorship in the Department of Cultural Studies at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte; and Pedro García-Caro, Associate Professor of Spanish, University of Oregon, July 2024.
- Academia fuera de la academia: (Spanish) Analysis of the ways knowledge is constructed and the methods of challenging institutionalized spaces of knowledge, presenting other epistemes such as teratology, primatology, AI, etc.