Profile picture of Amalia Gladhart

Amalia Gladhart

Professor of Spanish
Phone: 541-346-0983
Office: 105B Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2024, Thurs. 10:00-11:50
Research Interests: Translation Studies (theory and practice), Latin American theater


B.A., 1989, Michigan State; Ph.D., 1995, Cornell.


I first learned Spanish during a year spent in northern Ecuador as a child. As an undergraduate at Michigan State (B.A. 1989), I majored in Multi-Disciplinary Social Science and Spanish--a way to combine my interests in literature and in Latin American Studies. During my graduate work at Cornell (M.A. 1994, Ph.D. 1995) I focused on contemporary Latin American literature with an emphasis on theater. My research interests include contemporary theater and performance, literary translation, gender studies, and contemporary narrative. Work in progress: in theater, I continue to work on representations of migration in Latin American theater and on questions of adaptation, translation, and multi-lingualism in recent plays from Mexico, Ecuador, and Argentina. I have published translations of two novels by Ecuadorian writer Alicia Yánez Cossío, La virgen pipona [The Potbellied Virgin, U of Texas P], and Más allá de las islas [Beyond the Islands, U of New Orleans P]. My translation of Tumba de jaguares [Jaguars' Tomb, Vanderbilt UP], a novel by Angélica Gorodischer, was supported by an NEA Translation Fellowship and was awarded the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute Translation Prize. MA Program: Spanish Period 4


Translations: The Potbellied Virgin. Translation of La Virgen Pipona (novel), by Alicia Yánez Cossío. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006.

Beyond the Islands. Translation of Más allá de las islas (novel), by Alicia Yánez Cossío. New Orleans: UNO Press, 2011.      

Trafalgar.  Translation of the novel by the same title by Angélica Gorodischer. Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2013.  

Jaguars' Tomb. Translation of the novel, Tumba de jaguares, by Angélica Gorodischer. Vanderbilt University Press, 2021.

 Book: The Leper in Blue: Coercive Performance and the Contemporary Latin American Theater. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 2000.  self-archived post-print at UO Scholars' Bank

I also write fiction. Find Best Laid Plans in The Fantasist or "Falls Only a Collector Could Love" in Necessary Fiction.

Selected Articles: 

“Translation Plays: La Malinche y otros intérpretes.” Latin American Theatre Review 51.1 (Fall 2017): 35-49.

“Teaching Latin American Migrations Through Theater.” Latin American Theatre Review 50.1 (Winter 2016): 79-92.

“Funny Accents: Cross-cultural Wordplay in Translation.” Translation, Transnationalism, World Literature: Essays in Translation Studies, 2010-2014. Ed. Francesca Benocci and Marco Sonzogni. Novi Ligure: Edizioni Joker, 2015. 119-31.

 “Through Lines: Expansion, Allusion, Multiple Voices.” Guest editor’s introduction, Translator + Translated: New Work from Latin America (special issue). Symposium 68 (2014): 119-21.

“Entre la pérdida y la percepción: posibilidades escénicas” Repertório: Teatro & Dança (Salvador de Bahia, Brasil).13.14 (2010): 9-12.

“El teatro ecuatoriano reciente: la migración en escena.”  Paradigmas recientes en las artes escénicas latinas y latinoamericanas / Current Trends in Latino and Latin American Performing Arts. Ed. Beatriz J. Rizk. Miami: Ediciones Universal, 2010. 97-109.

“Transference and Negotiation: Sabina Berman Plots Dora and Freud.” Trans/Acting: Latin American and Latino Performing Arts. Ed. Jacqueline E. Bixler and Laurietz Seda. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2009. 125-42.

“Mobile Thresholds, Immobile Phones:  Staging Migration, Return, and the Empty Home in Recent Ecuadorian Theater.”  Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature 32.2 (2008):  280-306.

“Present Absence: Memory and Narrative in Los recuerdos del porvenir.” Hispanic Review 73 (2005): 91-111. [self-archived offprint at UO Scholars’ Bank]

“Memory Private and Public: Albalucía Angel’s Estaba la pájara pinta sentada en el verde limón.” Confluencia17.1 (2001): 91-102. [self-archived post-print at UO Scholars’ bank]

“Monitoring Sor Juana: Satire, Technology and Appropriation in Jesusa Rodríguez’s Sor Juana en Almoloya.” Revista Hispánica Moderna52 (1999): 213-26. [self-archived post-print at UO Scholars’ Bank]

“Padding the Virgin’s Belly: Articulations of Gender and Memory in Alicia Yánez Cossío’s La cofradía del mullo del vestido de la Virgen Pipona.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies74 (1997): 235-44.