Writing, Public Speaking, and Critical Reasoning
Carolyn Bergquist
Senior Lecturer
Email: cjb@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-2695
Office: 243 PLC, 1286 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1286
Office Hours: Not teaching Spring 2024, checking email regularly until mid-May
Kristy Bryant-Berg
Senior Instructor
Associate Director, Compostion Program
Email: kbryantb@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-3975
Office: 343 PLC, 1286 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1286
Office Hours: Summer term: WED 9:30-11:00 or by appt. via Zoom
Anna Carroll
Senior Instructor
Email: acarroll@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1518
Office: 301H Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: MWF 11-11:50am & by appt.
José Cortez
Assistant Professor
Director of Latinx Studies
CLLAS, Digital Humanities, Disability Studies, English, Latinx
Email: jcortez3@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-0069
Office: 319 PLC
Office Hours: Fall Term: MF 3:00pm-3:50pm
Research Interests: Critical Theory, Rhetoric, Latinx Studies
Rachel Eccleston
Career Instructor
Email: rachele@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1532
Office: 301A Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: TR 2-3:30pm
Research Interests: Early Modern Literature; Martyrdom & Resurrection; Divinatory Poetics
Addy Koneval
Career Instructor
Email: akoneval@uoregon.edu
Office: TYK 301K
Office Hours: Spring Term: In person MW 10:30am-12pm; Online R 2-3:30pm
Anna Kovalchuk
Senior Instructor I
Email: annak@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1532
Office: 301A Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Fall Term: Weds 12-3 & by appt.
Research Interests: national narratives, comparative and world literature, Cossack history, Ukrainian and Russian literature
Indy Recker
Career Instructor
Email: irecker@uoregon.edu
Office: TYKE 301C
Office Hours: Fall Term: TR 4:30-5:30pm, W 12-3pm
Bjorn Smars
Senior Instructor
Assistant Department Head of English
Email: smars@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-3977
Office: 223 PLC
Office Hours: Fall Term 2024: MW in person 9:00am-11:30am; on Zoom by appt.
Bennet Smith
Career Instructor
Email: bennets@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1518
Office: 301-H TYKE
Office Hours: Fall Term: TR 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Thomas C. Tasker
Senior Instructor I
Senior Instructor I
American English Institute, English
Email: ttasker@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-3945
Office: 301K Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: TR 3:30-5pm
Corbett Upton
Senior Instructor
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies
Email: cupton@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-3961
Office: 375 PLC, 1286 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1286
Office Hours: Spring Term: T 1-3pm (in office), R 1-3pm (on Zoom, ID: 967 8951 2202) & by appt.
Angela Waddell
Career Instructor
Email: awaddell@uoregon.edu
Phone: Email is best
Office: TYK 301 D
Office Hours: Fall 2024: T: 9am - 9:30, 2pm - 3:30pm; TH: 2pm - 3pm
Research Interests: Rhetoric, Community Teaching
Eleanor Wakefield
Career Instructor
Email: ewakefie@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-0055
Office: 301B Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: M 1-2pm, R 1-3pm, & by appt.