Sponsored Projects 2021-2022

List of Sponsored Research Projects



Cheryl Ernst
FY 2021 Online Professional English Network (OPEN) Program (Requested Letter of Support)
$188,177, FHI 360


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Helen Southworth
Transatlantic Knowledge Production: Expanding Networks in The Modernist Archives Publishing Project
$84,698, UK Research and Innovation


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Melissa Baese-Berk

Collaborative Research: A longitudinal approach to examining perception-production links in second language speech sound learning.
$133,166, National Science Foundation

Melissa Baese-Berk
Context-specific speech perception and barriers to successful communication between healthcare providers and aging patients
$250,000, James S. McDonnell Foundation

Don Daniels
CAREER: Syntactic Change in the Rai Coast Languages [resubmit of 28806]
$538,531, National Science Foundation

Jeff Magoto
Fulbright Safety Video - Virtual Summer 2021
$40,870, Institute of International Education (IIE)

Jeff Magoto
Fulbright PDO - Virtual Summer 2021
$44,043, Institute of International Education (IIE)

Gabriela Perez Baez
Strengthening Distance Learning for Indigenous Languages in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
$326,233, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Gabriela Perez Baez
Meso-American and American Indian/Alaska Native languages and codes[Intergovernmental Agreement No. 21003]
$6,000, Oregon Department of Education

Janne Underriner
ANA Language Chinuk Wawa Immersion Project
$12,163, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

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Religious Studies

David Hollenberg 
Modules to teach Arabic 101, 102, and 103
$36,787, Open Oregon Educational Resources


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Natural Sciences


Brendan Bohannan
A unified theoretical framework for understanding symbiosis
$564,000, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Brendan Bohannan
International partnership for advancing microbiome-informed aquaculture
$393,680, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Jeff Diez
Collaborative research: BEE: Integrating evolutionary genetics and population ecology to detect contemporary adaptation to climate change across a species’ range
$247,284, National Science Foundation

Chris Doe
Genetic and Molecular Studies of Neurogenesis
$1,180,605, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Judith Eisen
Decoding neural cell fate diversity [R21]
$405,625, Cleveland State University

Katie Fisher
Genetic dissection of fluid flow signaling in Left-Right patterning of zebrafish[NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship- F31]
$134,879, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

David Garcia
Prion-based regulation of RNA modifying enzyme activities[PAR-20-117 MIRA - R35]
$1,843,750, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Daniel Grimes
Cell-cell Communication Mediated by Fluid Flows[PAR-20-117 MIRA - R35]
$1,826,935, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Karen Guillemin
Modulation of tissue iron by microbiota, inflammation, and environmental exposures
$25,000, Oregon State University

Lauren Hallett
Restore into the future: post-fire rangeland restoration in the Great Basin
$29,994, Montana State University

Zoe Irons
Discovering Mechanisms Underlying the Formation of a Straight Body Axis
$88,751, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Santiago Jaramillo
Contributions of distinct auditory pathways to sound-driven choices
$144,550, National Institutes of Health

Andrew Kern
High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research and Innovation
$575,000, University of Oregon Foundation

Caitlin Kowalski
Antimicrobial activity of skin-associated fungi alters pathogen adaptation
$193,500, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation

Stilianos Louca
Can the search for oxygenated atmosphere biosignatures lead to false negatives?
$55,000, Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Stilianos Louca
Stochastic simulation of evolving planetary biospheres
$55,000, Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Stilianos Louca
Improving FAPROTAX, a popular tool for predicting metabolic phenotypes in microbiome surveys
$387,240, National Science Foundation

Stilianos Louca
Simons Early Career Investigator in Marine Microbial Ecology and Evolution Award
$666,000, Simons Foundation

Gabriel Luna-Arvizu
How cells communicate through fluid flow signals
$150,000, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Luca Mazzucato
Causal power of cortical neural ensembles: mechanisms and utility for brain perturbations [NIMH R01 sub-award with NYU]
$218,279, New York University

Cristopher Niell
Cortical visual processing for navigation[R01 -BRAIN- UCSB]
$652,816, University of California - Santa Barbara

Lauren Ponisio
MOA fixed price contract
$15,000, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc.

Lauren Ponisio
A holistic approach to determining the impact of an established exotic pollinator, Bombus impatiens, on bumble bee health in the Pacific Northwest.
$119,951, State of Washington

Bitty Roy
Collaborative Proposal: MRA: Distributions of macrofungi: quantifying ecosystem and climate drivers of fungal reproduction
$636,463, National Science Foundation

Alan Shanks
The Annual Recruitment of Dungeness Crab Megalopae and the Prediction of the Future Commercial Catch; Funding for Spring/Summer 2021
$9,944, Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission

Nadia Singh
AGEP ACA: Engaging Leaders to Improve Diversity among STEM Faculty
$100,501, National Science Foundation

Chris Smith
Deep learning for spatial population genetics
$67,174, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Melanie Spero
CFF Transfer CIT to UO
$15,069, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Melanie Spero
Exploring Chlorate's Therapeutic Potential for Synergy with Conventional Antibiotics
$30,000, Collins Medical Trust

Kelly Sutherland
Collaborative research: Plankton size spectra and trophic links in a dynamic ocean
$349,438, National Science Foundation

George von Dassow
Transient cytoskeletal arrays
$67,849, University of Wisconsin System

Monte Westerfield
Semi-high throughput screen for drugs that prevent or slow retinal, auditory, and vestibular cell death in Usher syndrome
$100,000, Usher Syndrome Society

Monte Westerfield
Curation of Model Organism Phenotype and Disease Model data to Augment Gabriella Miller Kid's First Data Sets for Enhanced Discovery and Therapeutic Development
$140,125, Jackson Laboratory

Craig Young
Born in the Abyss, a giant screen project
$2,999,944, National Science Foundation

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Shannon Boettcher
Semiconductor-electrocatalyst contacts: theory, experiment, and applications to solar water photoelectrolysis
$60,000, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Shannon Boettcher
Formate as an Energy Source to allow Sugar Fermentation with no net CO2 Generation: Integration of Electrochemistry with Fermentation
$2,188,575, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Shannon Boettcher
Commercialization of Advanced Bipolar Membranes
$250,000, National Science Foundation

Shannon Boettcher
MRI: Acquisition of an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer for Quantitative Elemental Analysis of Natural and Engineered Materials
$122,856, National Science Foundation

Shannon Boettcher
Passivated anodes for electrolyzer applications
$130,711, De Nora Tech LLC

Carl Brozek
Impacts of Dynamic Bonding on the Properties of Porous Materials
$525,000, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Carl Brozek
Clean Water from Porous Nanocrystals: An Undergraduate Training Program in Soft Skills and Sustainable Materials
$100,000, Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Carl Brozek
Synthetic Control over MOF Particle Growth and Surface Chemistry
$450,000, National Science Foundation

Marina Guenza
Multi-scale modeling of macromolecular liquids, and macromolecules in solution
$110,000, National Science Foundation

Mike Harma
Evolution of new protein function in the multi-protein, multi-functional Toll-like receptor 4 complex
$1,459,540, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Christopher Hendon
Hydrogen Atom Transfer Catalysis in Earth-Abundant Metal-Organic Frameworks
$100,000, Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation

David Johnson
Extraordinary Electronic Switching of Thermal Transport
$630,000, University of Texas at Austin

Jim Prell
Multiscale characterization of a unique class of duplex, multivalent IDP systems
$82,248, Oregon Health and Science University

Jim Prell
Aggregation of Deamidated Crystallins as a Major Cause of Cataracts
$264,860, Oregon Health and Science University

Julia Widom
Structure and Dynamics of Heart-Specific Long Noncoding RNAs Linked to Disease
$231,000, American Heart Association


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Computer Science

Zena Ariola
Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2022: Types, Semantics, and Program Reasoning
$45,000, National Science Foundation

Jee Choi
Collaborative Research: PPoSS: Planning: Extreme-scale Sparse Data Analytics
$75,000, National Science Foundation

Jee Choi
2nd Renewal: Optimizing Streaming Tensor Decomposition
$158,699, Intel Federal LLC

Ram Durairajan
Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: ONSET: Optics-enabled Network Defenses for Extreme Terabit DDoS Attacks
$400,000, National Science Foundation

Ram Durairajan
CC* Integration-Large: Bringing Code to Data: A Collaborative Approach to Democratizing Internet Data Science
$988,548, National Science Foundation

Ram Durairajan
CAREER: Argus: A Measurement-informed Learning Approach to Managing Multi-cloud Networks
$529,090, National Science Foundation

Brittany Erickson
Collaborative Research: Exploring System-Wide Events in Complex Fault Networks using Fully-Dynamic 3D Earthquake Cycle Simulations
$346,881, National Science Foundation

Brittany Erickson
Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
$29,300, University of Southern California

Allen Malony
Sandia Chad Wood
$52,498, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Sameer Shende
ECP Supercontainers
$281,793, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Sameer Shende
Exascale Compute Projecy (ECP)
$173,380, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Humphrey Shi
Physics-driven Modeling and Learning for Person Recognition at a Distance and Altitude
$1,133,396, Michigan State University

Michal Young
Development of Open Educational Resources for CIS 210 & 211
$33,500, Open Oregon Educational Resources


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Earth Sciences

Edward Davis
Collaborative Research: ABI Innovation: FuTRES, an Ontology-Based FunctionalTrait Resource for Paleo- and Neo-biologists
$16,000, Howard University

Diego Melgar Moctezuma
Forecasting earthquake shaking intensity and tsunami amplitude from crustal deformation patterns with machine learning
$550,195, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Diego Melgar Moctezuma
Rapid tsunami forecasts for New Zealand
$86,086, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited

Diego Melgar Moctezuma
Machine learning and GNSS displacements in ShakeAlert
$95,609, U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)

Mark Reed
IPA for James Palandri, USGS Volcanic gas studies
$14,057, US. Geological Survey

Josh Roering
Geomorphic controls on soil organic carbon in fire-prone erosional landscapes
$392,802, National Science Foundation

Josh Roering
Actionable Natural Hazard Information for Coastal Alaska (ANHICA)
$544,143, Sitka Sound Science Center

Josh Roering
Evaluating Landslide Debris Flow Impacts along ODOT Corridors
$24,000, Oregon State University

Valerie Sahakian
Seismic Generated Shaking and Sediment Mobilization: Collaborative Research with University of Oregon, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Oregon State University
$38,031, U.S. Geological Survey

Valerie Sahakian
Validating synthetic ruptures for Earthquake Early Warning
$29,349, Ocean Networks Canada

Dave Sutherland
Characterizing environmental controls on ice melange distributions and associated ice-ocean feedbacks in Greenland
$135,000, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Amanda Thomas
Large-scale carbon storage in saline volcanic basins [sub w/LBL]
$20,002, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Amanda Thomas
Towards a comprehensive earthquake catalog for the Pacific Northwest: Collaborative research with the University of Oregon and Boston University
$79,763, U.S. Geological Survey

Douglas Toomey
Planning, Scoping and Preparing a sub-application for Multi-Hazards Monitoring and Alerting Networks and Resilient Communications Infrastructure that Mitigates Wildfire, Landslide, Flood, and Earthquake Risks in the Willamette Watershed Area, Supports Eme
$588,070, Oregon Emergency Management

Douglas Toomey
REVISED: Y1 Only, reduced: Support and Improvement of Shake Alert 2021-2023: Collaborative Research with Univ. of California Berkeley, Caltech, Univ. of Washington, and Univ. of Oregon
$1,494,001, U.S. Geological Survey

Douglas Toomey
RVCOG ALERTWildfire: Phase 1, Revised
$35,500, Rogue Valley Council of Governments

Meredith Townsend
Collaborative Research: Ice Forcing in Arc Magma Plumbing Systems
$303,508, National Science Foundation

Meredith Townsend
Collaborative Research: Investigating the role of topography and magma properties on dike pathways beneath stratovolcanoes using field data, analogue experiments, and modeling
$308,426, National Science Foundation

James Watkins
Ca and K isotopic study of igneous and metamorphic transport processes [sub with UC Berkeley]
$25,000, University of California - Berkeley


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Human Physiology

Chris Chapman
Exercise vs. heat therapy effects on kidney function in adults with untreated hypertension [F32 - NRSA]
$137,384, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ian Greenhouse
Computational roles of inhibition in human action control
$2,122,897, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ian Greenhouse
Reliability and regional specificity of glutathione and gamma-aminobutyric acid edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the human subcortex [R03]
$147,500, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Mike Hahn
Longitudinal estimation of injury risk and performance in community runners using wearable sensors
$46,312, Casio, Inc.

Andrew Lovering
Is blood flow through patent foramen ovale related to SCUBA diving-induced pulmonary hypertension and circulating inflammation? [PADI]
$15,000, PADI Foundation

Carrie McCurdy
Metformin in Pregnancy: Fetal Consequences & Long-term Offspring Outcomes in an NHP Model
$73,029, Baylor College of Medicine

Carrie McCurdy
Lysine acetylation and skeletal muscle insulin action
$36,859, University of California, San Diego

Nicki Swann
Morris K. Udall Centers of Excellence for Parkinson's Disease Research at Emory University
$40,552, Emory University

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Daniel Dugger
RTG: Combinatorics, Geometry, Representation Theory, and Topology at University of Oregon
$2,260,768, National Science Foundation

Alexander Kleshchev
Broué’s Conjecture, generalized Schur algebras, and quiver Hecke algebras
$126,672, Simons Foundation

Robert Lipshitz
Floer for Three: symplectic methods in low-dimensional topology
$337,830, National Science Foundation

Robert Lipshitz
Refinements of Low-Dimensional Floer Homologies
$111,139, Simons Foundation

N. Christopher Phillips
NSF-BSF: Dynamics and operator algebras beyond the Elliott classification program
$279,210, National Science Foundation

Peter Ralph
Scaling up computational genomics with tree sequences
$556,834, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Yuan Xu
Approximation and Localized Polynomial Frames on Conic Domains
$42,000, Simons Foundation


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Ben Farr
CAREER: Education and Discovery in Astrophysics with Gravitational Waves (revised budget)
$400,000, National Science Foundation

Raymond Frey
LIGO Operations: R. Schofield
$94,746, California Institute of Technology

Laura Jeanty
ITk TestBeam Collaboration with Argonne National Lab
$6,300, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Graham Kribs
Theoretical Investigations in Particle Physics
$1,265,000, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Dean Livelybrooks
Oregon Pathways to Industrial Research Careers: Diversifying STEM Research Talent with Community College, 4-Year, and Knight Campus Graduate Internship Scholarships
$4,334,774, National Science Foundation

Ben McMorran
MRI Consortium: Development of Dynamic Multi-Modal, Multi-Dimensional HyperSpectral Imaging Capability for Soft/Hard Matter and Interfaces.
$254,982, National Science Foundation

Jayson Paulose
CAREER: Non-Hermitian physics of spacetime-periodic soft matter
$593,407, National Science Foundation

Jayson Paulose
Metamaterial design platform and dynamic building blocks for non-equilibrium, symmetry-violating manipulation of mechanical waves
$646,563, National Science Foundation

Josh Peterson
Comparing calibration techniques of solar monitoring sensors
$19,000, M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Robert Schofield
A Zinc-Histidine, Iron Phosphate, and Zinc Hydroxide Bio-Composite in Cutting and Puncturing Tools
$550,000, National Science Foundation

Robert Schofield
Oregon Experimental Relativity Group: Monitoring, Measuring and Mitigating Environmental Influences on LIGO
$100,000, National Science Foundation

Brian Smith
Temporal multimode transformations for quantum information science
$400,000, National Science Foundation

Brian Smith
Quantum Communication Links using Coherent-Filter-Based Transmitter-Receiver Pairs
$650,000, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Brian Smith
QuIC-TAQS: Implementation of a Neutral-Atom-Photonic-Cluster State
$2,500,000, National Science Foundation


Eric Torrence
Collaborative Research: FASER and FASERnu at the Large Hadron Collider(non-lead) Budget revision
$220,000, National Science Foundation

Eric Torrence
US ATLAS M&O Manager
$61,336, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)


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Nick Allen
Early intervention for youth at high risk for bipolar disorder
$359,587, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Tyson Barker
One Brooklyn Health Technical Assistance
$100,000, One Brooklyn Health

Tyson Barker
FUEL 1.5 Technical Assistance
$550,000, Robin Hood Foundation

Melynda Casement
Mechanisms of Depression and Anhedonia in Adolescents: Linking Sleep Duration and Timing to Reward- and Stress-Related Brain Function
$3,618,232, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Melynda Casement
Mechanisms of Risky Alcohol Use in Young Adults: Linking Sleep Duration and Timing to Reward- and Stress-Related Brain Function
$2,616,145, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Philip Fisher
Alameda County RAPID survey planning
$10,000, First 5 Alameda County

Philip Fisher
RAPID-EC Employer Survey
$75,000, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Philip Fisher
Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development-Early Childhood (RAPID EC) 2021: Schusterman Family Philanthropies
$100,000, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies

Philip Fisher
Zero to Three RAPID
$25,000, Zero to Three

Philip Fisher
RAPID for SF CYF (Walter and Elise Haas Fund)
$25,000, Walter and Elise Haas Fund

Philip Fisher
Coach Consultant Training
$4,714, Children's Home Society of Washington

Philip Fisher
RAPID-EC (Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development - Early Childhood) 2021 Imaginable Futures
$205,500, Imaginable Futures

Wanjia Guo
Remapping of episodic memories in the human hippocampus [Resubmission of EPCS 30167]
$108,975, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Gordon Hall
Personal Relevance of Psychotherapy for Asian Americans: A mHealth problem-solving intervention to reduce stress[SBIR Fast-Track - Resubmission of EPCS 28736]
$25,000, Trifoia (IRIS Media, Inc. dba Trifoia)

Cliff Kentros
Circuits driving spatial coding deficits in epilepsy[R01 sub-award with Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai]
$21,160, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Kristen Lee
Linking neuronal identity transcription factors to neural circuit establishment and maintenance [F32 - NRSA]
$69,802, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ulrich Mayr
Calibrating the use of internal representations versus external information for the control of action
$698,151, National Science Foundation

Ulrich Mayr
The organization of neural representations for flexible behavior in the human brain
$2,437, Brown University

Melissa McCart
Youth Brain Injury Screening and Support Project
$159,750, State of Alaska

Melissa McCart
TBI Workshop and Education Programs [contract with the State of Washington]
$506,000, State of Washington

Melissa McCart
Understanding the Experience of People with TBI in Washington[Contract with the State of Washington DSHS]
$467,500, State of Washington

Shannon Peake
FIND PCC Renewal
$125,793, People's Community Clinic

Jennifer Pfeifer
A prospective longitudinal study of transactional associations between social, neural, and hormonal changes and adolescent girls' mental health trajectories
$3,633,001, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Jennifer Pfeifer
Navigating Educational Trajectories in Neuroscience
$1,294,071, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Michael Posner
Toward Understanding Individuality
$97,975, Office of Naval Research

Matt Smear
Ethologically relevant short-term memory in the olfactory bulb
$1,076,370, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Nash Unsworth
Variation in the intensity and consistency of attention during learning
$455,666, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

Michael Wehr
The interaction of cortical and subcortical processing in natural sensory behavior
$1,690,659, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Michael Wehr
Circuit mechanisms underlying network disruption and temporal processing deficits in Alzheimer's [R01]
$3,298,420, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Victoria Williamson
Longitudinal and Predictive Modeling to Relate Self-Evaluation and Depression in Adolescent Girls [F31]
$156,564, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Janet Woodruff-Borden
GEER Distance Learning[GEER Funding 20-075F: CARES Act]
$103,107, State of Oregon

Maureen Zalewski Regnier
A longitudinal study of maternal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors at the perinatal transition
$224,027, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

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Social Sciences


Alison Carter
Power, Prasat and Periphery: Becoming Provincial Angkor
$318,359, National Science Foundation

Zachary DuBois
Harnessing the power of text messaging to reduce HIV incidence in adolescent males across the United States
$43,493, Center for Innovative Public Health Research

Stephen Frost
Reconstructing the paleoecology of Woranso-Mille hominids using cercopithecoid taxonomy and dietary analysis.
$14,841, Leakey Foundation

Leah Lowthorp
Deep Cosmopolitanism: Kutiyattam, Dynamic Tradition, and Globalizing Heritage in Kerala, India
$40,000, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.

Josh Snodgrass
World Health Survey Plus (WHS+) implementation and support
$42,155, World Health Organization (WHO)

Kirstin Sterner
Development and comparison of multi-tissue and liver-specific epigenetic clock models to measure variation in biological aging in the rhesus macaque.
$238,308, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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Alfredo Burlando
A Second Chance at Financial Inclusion: The Impact of Repayment Plans and Incentives on Delinquent Digital Credit Borrowers
$75,041, University of California - Berkeley

Trudy Cameron
Using Citizen Science to Understand the Non-market (Use) Values of Environmental Goods: An eBird and Wildfire Example
$6,000, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

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Environmental Studies

Mark Carey
Collaborative Research: NNA Research: Global changes, local impacts: Study of glacial fjords, ecosystems and communitiesin Greenland
$301,374, National Science Foundation


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Sarah Cooley
Evaluation of SmallSat Data for Mapping Surface Water Resources
$64,945, University of Colorado

Sarah Cooley
Leveraging new satellite technologies to constrain feedbacks between surface water, permafrost and carbon emissions in the Arctic
$386,092, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Amy Lobben
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Neurological Role of Cartographic Visual Contrast in Geospatial Cognition
$29,500, National Science Foundation

Melissa Lucash
Simulating forest management in the Elliott State Forest
$96,155, Oregon State University

James Meacham
Phase 16: Cartographic support of Wyoming Migration Initiative Research and Outreach (KFF)
$15,000, University of Wyoming

James Meacham
Phase 17: Cartographic support of Wyoming Migration Initiative Research and Outreach (USGS)
$18,818, University of Wyoming

Johnny Ryan
Role of clouds on the Greenland Ice Sheet's contribution to sea-level rise
$290,152, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Johnny Ryan
Towards global characterization of inland water reservoir use from space(Grant Transfer from Brown University)
$231,283, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

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Global Studies

Dennis Galvan
Oregon Public Health Corps
$1,000,000, Oregon Health Authority


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Julie Weise
Teach in Spanglish: Latinx History
$22,855, Open Oregon Educational Resources


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Political Science

Anita Chari
Embodying DEI: Trauma-informed and Mindfulness-based Approaches to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education
$15,000, Mind and Life Institute

Tuong Vu
Misinformation, Vaccination, and the Role of Community-Based Organizations in a Republican-Leaning Ethnic Minority Community
$9,700, Centennial Center for Political Science and Public Affairs

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Claire Herbert
When Home is Illegal: Reducing the Harms of Unsheltered Homelessness
$19,992, Sociological Initiatives Foundation


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Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Isabel Millan
Queer of Color Children's Literature Across North America
$31,500, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation


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