Sponsored Projects 2023-2024


American English Institute

Sheppard, Beth
FSME 2023-2024
$253,274, U.S. Department of State (DOS)

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Comparative Literature

Balbuena, Monique
Sephardic Literary Responses to the Holocaust
$40,700, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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East Asian Languages & Literatures

Jing-Schmidt, Zhuo
2024-25 Flagship Student Support
$198,910, National Security Education Program

Jing-Schmidt, Zhuo
Oregon Chinese Flagship Program 2020-2024 Student Support Scholarships (2023-24 Flagship Summer Student Support)
$107,500, National Security Education Program

Kim, Jina
Transpacific Resonances: Pahk Induk’s Radio Lectures, Voice of America, and the Cultural Politics of Wartime Radio
$13,200, The Academy of Korean Studies

Kim, Jina
Korean Literature Association Conference 2022
$8,847, Literature Translation Institute of Korea 

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Daniels, Don
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Categorial Gradience in Syntax
$22,350, National Science Foundation

Gildea, Spike
Collaborative documentation of the Werikyana(kbb) language [Budget Revision]
$418,424, National Science Foundation

Redford, Melissa
Pausing, inhalation, and language structure
$249,957, National Science Foundation

Sykes, Julie
2024 Europe-Eurasia Pre-Departure Orientation @ the University of Oregon
$56,712, US Department of State

Yerian, Kelly
Open Pedagogy for LING 144, Learning How to Learn Languages
$25,750, Open Oregon Educational Resources


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Northwest Indian Language Institute

Underriner, Janne
$1,736,548, U.S. Department of Education

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Russell, Camisha
New Directions Fellowship
$267,000, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

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Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

Ravitch, Lara
Second-Year Russian OER
$4,631, Open Oregon Educational Resources

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Romance Languages

Garvin, Diana
The Bean in the Machine: The Global History of Coffee under Italian Fascism
$60,000, National Endowment for the Humanities

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Natural Sciences


Barber, Matthew
Host range determinants of bacterial exfoliative toxins
$221,250, National Institutes of Health

Bowerman, Bruce
Cytoskeletal Function in C. elegans Embryos
$10,997, National Institutes of Health

Bowerman, Bruce
Cytoskeletal Function in C. elegans Embryos
$75,171, National Institutes of Health

Emlet, Richard
REU Site: Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast (EMBOC)
$22,001, National Science Foundation

Galloway, Aaron
Identifying Genetic Factors Associated with the Expression and Regulation of Economically Important Traits in Cultured Pacific Oysters [Oyster Fatty Acids Analysis - OSU/USDA]
$19,007, US Department of Agriculture 

Galloway, Aaron
The ‘landscape of fear’ created by the sunflower sea star and its effects on sea urchin behavior and kelp abundance
$44,332, Nature Conservancy

Garcia, David
Prion-based Regulation of RNA-modifying Enzyme Activities
$30,173, National Institutes of Health

Grimes, Daniel
Summer Undergraduate Program at the University of Oregon
$165,000, American Heart Association

Guillemin, Karen
Aim protein-based anti-inflammatory therapeutic for the treatment of IBD
$87,454, National Institutes of Health

Guillemin, Karen
Countess™ Automated Bacterial Assessment
$37,500, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Jaramillo, Santiago
Cerebellar granule cell dysfunction in autism
$16,051, National Institutes of Health

Lockery, Shawn
Neuronal and theoretical analysis of subjective value representations
$23,807,858, National Institutes of Health

Louca, Stilianos
Desiccation-based microbial sample preservation in remote regions
$190,467, National Science Foundation

Mazzucato, Luca
CAREER: Neural mechanisms underlying optimal performance
$599,999, National Science Foundation

McCormick, David
Neural and psychological evidence to shift mindsets from “me” to “we” using a scalable decentering curriculum
$899,995, Tiny Blue Dot Foundation

Miller, Adam
Delineating the synapse coordination pathway
$405,625, National Institutes of Health

Niell, Cristopher
Cephalopod Neuroscience Conference
$10,000, National Institutes of Health

Phillips, Patrick
Genome engineering for a novel post-reproductive genetic screen for increased longevity
$409,750, National Institutes of Health

Postlethwait, John
ANT LIA: The role of sex determination in the radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fish
$1,915,645, National Science Foundation

Shanks, Alan
The Annual Recruitment of Dungeness Crab Megalopae and the Prediction of the Future Commercial Catch; Funding for Spring/Summer 2023
$9,944, Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission

Singh, Nadia
UO PREP Program
$1,980,365, National Institutes of Health

Singh, Nadia
AGEP ACA: Engaging Leaders to Improve Diversity among STEM Faculty
$19,561, National Science Foundation

Stankunas, Kryn
Revisiting Polycomb Repression in Appendage Regeneration
$405,625, National Institutes of Health

Sylwestrak, Emily
Peptidergic neurons in error computations and behavioral flexibility
$1,757,591, National Institutes of Health

Westerfield, Monte
Development of Antisense Therapies Targeting Multiple Usher Syndrome IIA Mutations
$44,500, Usher Syndrome Society


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Agne, Matthias
Thermal Characterization of Proprietary Material
$6,650, Solid Power

Harlow, Gary
Molecular and Atomic Engineering of Interfacial Electro- catalytic Environments (MARIE)
$338,666, US Department of Energy

Jasti, Ramesh
Harnessing the reactivity of strained macrocycles to access discrete carbon nanostructures
$600,000, National Science Foundation

Johnson, David
Collaborative Research: Exploring thermionic multiple barrier heterostructures and thermoelectric energy conversion using 2D layered heterostructures
$230,000, National Science Foundation

Kempler, Paul
Domestic production and manufacturing of electrical steels with zero carbon emission
$120,983, US Department of Energy

Marcus, Andrew
Structure and Relations of Protein and Nucleic Acids
$131,760, National Institutes of Health

Mascarenhas Prabhu, Romila
Vitamin B12 trafficking and selectivity in gut bacteria
$747,000, National Institutes of Health

Pluth, Michael
Bio(in)organic Chemistry of Reactive Sulfur and Selenium Species
$320,000, National Science Foundation

Prehoda, Kenneth
Molecular mechanisms that control polarity and asymmetric cell division
$1,983,555, National Institutes of Health

Widom, Julia
CAREER: Structure-Specific Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Probe Conformational Heterogeneity in Macromolecules
$662,000, National Science Foundation

Wong, Cathy
In situ measurement of asphaltene aggregation using optical probes
$125,000, American Chemical Society


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Computer Science

Childs, Henry
$106,647, US Department of Energy

Choi, Jee
In Situ Data Analysis Through Physics-constrained and Goal-oriented Tensor Decompositions
$150,000, US Department of Energy

Durairajan, Ramakrishnan
CICI: TCR: A Unified Monitoring Approach to Enhancing the Resiliency and Security of Multi-Hazard Workflows on Heterogeneous Infrastructures
$451,152, National Science Foundation

Durairajan, Ramakrishnan
NSF Student Travel Support for 2024 ACM SIGCOMM Conference in Australia
$12,000, National Science Foundation

Erickson, Brittany
Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip
$16,000, US Geological Survey

Erickson, Brittany
2023-2024 Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes  and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
$22,698, US Geological Survey

Erickson, Brittany
CAREER: Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Understanding Earthquake Slip Complexity
$710,440, National Science Foundation

Li, Jun
Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Technology Ecosystem: Creating Prosperity through a Smart, Sustainable, and Secure Electric Grid
$79,999, National Science Foundation

Li, Jun
BGPeye: A New Border Gateway Protocol Security Monitoring Service
$100,000, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Li, Yingjiu
Research Services Agreement Consumer Justice Initiative
$17,000, University of Oregon

Lowd, Daniel
Theme 6A: INVITE: Inclusive and Innovative Intelligent Technologies for Education
$1,109,778, National Science Foundation

Malony, Allen
Code Rewriting using Clang: the MARTINI Project
$18,618, US Department of Energy

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Earth Sciences

Davis, Edward
Collaborative Research: Neotoma Paleoecology Database, a Multi-Proxy, International, Community-Curated Data Resource for Global Change Research
$15,177, National Science Foundation

Dufek, Josef
Collaborative Research: Integrating Petrochronology, Magma Dynamics, and Volcanic Unrest at the Three Sisters Volcanic Complex
$54,617, National Science Foundation

Dufek, Josef
Collaborative Research: Aggregation and Electrification in a Laboratory-scale Volcanic Plume
$392,230, National Science Foundation

Giachetti, Thomas
Collaborative Research: The interplay of surface evolution, shallow magmatism, a large hydrothermal system, and hazards at  Puyhue-Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex, Chile
$234,040, National Science Foundation

Karlstrom, Leif
Collaborative Proposal: NSFGEO/NERC: After the cataclysm: cryptic degassing and delayed global recovery in the wake of Large Igneous Province volcanism
$773,132, National Science Foundation

Melgar Moctezuma, Diego
Leveraging Earth Observation Data and Products to create a Comprehensive Tsunami Loss Estimation Platform – Impacts in a Changing Climate
$1,053,588, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Melgar Moctezuma, Diego
Track II - Center Operations: Cascadia Region Earthquake Science Center (CRESCENT)
$14,484,604, National Science Foundation

Melgar Moctezuma, Diego
Collaborative Research: Constraining next generation Cascadia  earthquake and tsunami hazard scenarios through integration of  high-resolution field data and geophysical models
$261,123, National Science Foundation

Paty, Carol
Particle Environment Package (PEP) is selected to fly on the Jupiter Icy moon Explorer (JUICE)
$438,105, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Paty, Carol
NASA Europa ICONS Summer Internship Mentor
$32,251, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Poulsen, Chris
A new paradigm for examining extreme events in past warm climates
$580,625, Heising-Simons Foundation

Roering, Joshua
RAPID:  Investigating the triggers of the 2023 Wrangell, Alaska landslides
$10,589, National Science Foundation

Sahakian, Valerie
Path Effects in Earthquake Source Models from Crustal Deformation
$563,082, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Sutherland, David
Collaborative Research: RUI: Frontal ablation processes on lake-terminating glaciers and their role in glacier change
$324,096, National Science Foundation

Thomas, Amanda
Debris Flow Research in Support of the Rainier Lahar Detection System
$449,826, US Geological Survey

Toomey, Douglas
NAIRR Pilot: A National-Scale Testbed Supporting Artificial Intelligence Research Spanning the Computing Continuum
$16,368, National Science Foundation

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Human Physiology

Callahan, Damien
Biomechanics of muscle after rotator cuff tear: Multi-scale assessment of spatial and temporal effects
$25,435, National Institutes of Health

Greenhouse, Ian
Computational roles of inhibition in human action control
$159,358, National Institutes of Health

Hahn, Michael
Soccer cleat biomechanics research
$75,000, Puma SE

Karduna, Andrew
Biomarkers Of Tendon Recovery for Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
$10,000, Foundation for Physical Therapy Research

Swann, Nicole
Cortical and subcortical neurophysiology in terminating  movement [R01]
$2,801,941, National Institutes of Health

Swann, Nicole
Comparison changes in Beta Synchrony and gait after taking immediate release and long-acting forms of levodopa (Rytary) in patients with Parkinson’s disease
$16,806, Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC

Walker, Ashley
Impact of APOE on cerebrovascular aging
$250,000, Alzheimer's Association

Walker, Ashley
Large Artery Stiffness and Cerebrovascular Dysfunction: Implications for Cognitive Impairment and Neuropathology
$58,341, National Institutes of Health

Walker, Ashley
Mechanisms Of Vascular Function In A Mouse Model of Carcinoid Disease
$18,922, Medical Research Foundation


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Bownik, Marcin
Harmonic and functional analysis of wavelet and frame expansions
$245,960, National Science Foundation

Eischen, Ellen
2024-25 von Neumann Fellowship
$105,985, Institute for Advanced Study

Isenberg, James
Travel support for conference on mathematical relativity
$15,000, National Science Foundation

Murphy, Jason
LEAPS-MPS: Long-time behavior for nonlinear dispersive equations
$169,677, National Science Foundation

Phillips, N
NSF-BSF: C*-algebras and dynamics beyond the Elliott program
$343,286, National Science Foundation

Polishchuk, Alexander
Analytic Langlands correspondence
$255,243, National Science Foundation

Polishchuk, Alexander
Topics in mirror symmetry and supergeometry
$42,000, Simons Foundation

Proudfoot, Nicholas
Categorical Invariants of Matroids
$303,244, National Science Foundation

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Aleman, Benjamín
ExpandQISE: Track 1: Fingerprinting and Engineering Tunable Carbon-based Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
$78,060, National Science Foundation

Fisher, Robert
Supporting the Programming of Pine Mountain Observatory
$215,275, Heising-Simons Foundation

Frey, Raymond
Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with LIGO: The Oregon Experimental Relativity Group
$71,317, National Science Foundation

Jeanty, Laura
ATLAS Inner Detector Operations and Inner Tracker Upgrade Support
$225,000, US Department of Energy

Jeanty, Laura
ITk DAQ SW collaboration 2024, LBNL and UO
$7,560, US Department of Energy

Jeanty, Laura
ITk Production Collaboration with SLAC 2024
$12,000, US Department of Energy

McMorran, Benjamin
Structured Electron Interferometry
$604,164, National Science Foundation

McMorran, Benjamin
Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer Detector for the Transmission Electron Microscope in CAMCOR
$550,000, M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust

Smith, Brian
QuSeC-TAQS: Distributed Entangled Quantum-Enhanced Interferometric Imaging for Telescopy and Metrology
$999,994, National Science Foundation

Torrence, Eric
US ATLAS M&O Manager 2024
$132,580, US Department of Energy

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Baldwin, Dare
The Great Family ShakeOut: A Novel Simulation Technique to Investigate Parent/Child Responding to ShakeAlert-Powered Earthquake Early Warning
$87,802, US Department of Interior

Berkman, Elliot
Construal Level as a Novel Pathway for Affect Regulation and Cancer Control
$135,908, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Crowell, Sheila
Identifying risk earlier: Prenatal exposures, neurodevelopment, and infant sleep as pathways to toddler attention and behavior dysregulation
$4,025,596, National Institutes of Health

Crowell, Sheila
Advancing understanding of racism-related health disparities beginning before birth: A multisite study with Black and Latina pregnant women
$30,000, National Institutes of Health

Demircan, Dagmar
Individual differences in memory generalization
$137,086, National Institutes of Health

Demircan, Dagmar
Neural Mechanisms of Specificity and Generalization Learning
$81,603, National Institutes of Health

Fausey, Caitlin
Collaborative Research: The temporal structure of infants' everyday behaviors: Language and play interactions in the home environment
$145,840, National Science Foundation

Gomez, Douglas
OHA Veteran Workshops and Resource Navigation
$301,818, US Department of Health and Human Services

Hodges, Sara
Does feeling holier than others make one more or less moral? The effect of the belief in moral self-superiority on moral judgment, action, and sanctioning.
$16,275, Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen)

Kornbluh, Mariah
Communicating ‘Truth:’ Consumption and transmission of polarized information amongst young people in a divided society
$32,958, Templeton World Charity Foundation

Kuhl, Brice
Neural Mechanisms for Reducing Interference during Episodic Memory Formation
$52,274, National Institutes of Health

Kuhl, Brice
Neural Transformations Linking Perception and Memory
$2,776,053, National Institutes of Health

McCart, Melissa
Pilot Validation of the Rapid Alaska Brain Injury Tool
$88,800, State of Alaska

McCart, Melissa
Teams TBI 2023-2025
$484,590, US Department of Education

Park, Alayna
Experimental Mediation Research Aimed at Enhancing Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment
$89,445, National Institutes of Health

Reyna, Patricia
NCC Project
$58,420, Neuro Community Care

Zalewski Regnier, Maureen
Testing an intergenerational model of suicide risk in mother- child dyads
$354,098, National Institutes of Health


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Social Sciences


Blumenthal, Scott
Collaborative Research: How did Terrestrial Ecosystems Rebuild Following the Cretaceous/Paleogene Mass Extinction?
$291,498, National Science Foundation

DuBois, Leo
TranscendentHealth - Adapting an LGB+ inclusive teen pregnancy prevention program for transgender boys
$71,049, National Institutes of Health

Stephen, Lynn
Research Services Agreement Consumer Justice Initiative
$19,545, University of Oregon


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Cristea, Anca
Supply Chain Reallocations from the US-China Trade War: Evidence from Vietnam
$5,000, Institute for Humane Studies (at George Mason Univ)

Kuhn, Michael
Understanding Privacy Preferences Around the Developing World
$31,116, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Mullen, Kathleen
Identifying Targets for Interventions to Improve Functional Ability to Work over the Life Course
$198,005, National Institutes of Health


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Environmental Studies

Cordes, Ashley
Bridge2AI: A Patient-Focused Collaborative  Hospital Repository Uniting Standards (CHoRUS) for Equitable  AI addressing the Grand Challenge of Expanding Artificial  Intelligence and Machine Learning to Improve Recovery from Acute Illness
$119,924, National Institutes of Health

de Carvalho Ramos Silva, Lucas
URoL:ASC: Using Rules of Life to Capture Atmospheric Carbon: Interdisciplinary Convergence to Accelerate Research on Biological Sequestration (CARBS)
$2,999,048, National Science Foundation

de Carvalho Ramos Silva, Lucas
Climate benefits of riparian reforestation across a diversity of watersheds in Oregon
$36,113, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

Stasiewicz, Amanda
Pre-fire planning for post-fire hazards: Barriers and opportunities across jurisdictions
$107,537, US Department of Interior

Stasiewicz, Amanda
Motivating Homeowners to Take Wildfire-Prepared Home Action
$28,872, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS)


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Ethnic Studies

Martinez, Ernesto
Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies Program Support
$100,000, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

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Christian, John Erich
Historical simulations of Greenland ice-sheet dynamics: the imprint of early ice loss on recent and future change [NSF transfer from Georgia Tech]
$361,775, National Science Foundation

Cooley, Sarah
Leveraging new satellite technologies to constrain feedbacks between surface water, permafrost and carbon emissions in the Arctic
$18,631, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Cooley, Sarah
New Insights into High Resolution Lake Ice Phenology in  Arctic Wetlands using Planet Imagery [Step-2 proposal]
$253,909, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Cooley, Sarah
Harmonizing satellite sensors to improve the temporal resolution of SWOT river observations
$150,000, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Gavin, Daniel
Assessing and projecting post-fire transitions and reburn dynamics in the western Cascades
$52,867, US Geological Survey

Lucash, Melissa
Durability of fuel treatments in juniper-encroached sagebrush under climate change
$206,340, US Department of Interior

Lucash, Melissa
Projecting wildfire across current and future landscapes: comparison of model approaches
$50,000, US Department of Agriculture

Ryan, Jonathan
Observationally constrained simulations of the evolution of polar snow using a multi-sensor approach
$21,092, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ryan, Jonathan
Retrieval of glacier ice and snow properties over the Greenland Ice Sheet from ICESat-2
$397,918, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Walker, Peter
Towards More Community-Informed Regulation: A Policy Implementation Analysis of Managing Wildfire Risk in Oregon
$22,203, US Department of Interior

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Graboyes, Melissa
CAREER: A Case Study of Malaria Elimination Efforts with Relation to Vernacular Knowledge, Expertise, and Ethics
$8,000, National Science Foundation

Valiani, Arafaat
The Technological, Cultural and Legal-Institutional Dimensions of Precision Health Equity
$38,891, University of Calgary

Valiani, Arafaat
Geneticizing Health Disparities? Health Equity for Racialized Communities and the Promise of Precision Medicine in Canada
$74,880, National Endowment for the Humanities


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Infographics Lab

Steiner, Erik
Cartographic and Design Support for the Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration 
(GIUM) [Knobloch Family Foundation (KFF) Funds]
$50,000, Knobloch Family Foundation

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International Studies

Weaver, Lesley Jo
$58,665, National Institutes of Health

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Political Science

Kauffman, Craig
The Eco Jurisprudence Monitor Phase 2: Building a Sustainable Leadership Base
$37,000, Environment Now

Kauffman, Craig
The Eco Jurisprudence Monitor Phase 2: Building a Sustainable Leadership Base
$95,000, Rockefeller Brothers Fund

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Evans, Clare
Embedding methodological development in social science research: 2022
$101,390, UK Research and Innovation

Littlejohn, Krystale
Taking Side Effects Seriously
$24,180, Society of Family Planning

Wiley, Stephanie
Open Oregon Educational Resources Targeted Pathways
$18,500, Open Oregon Educational Resources


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