Sponsored Projects 2022-2023

List of Sponsored Research Projects


American English Institute

Ernst, Cheryl
Fostering Student Motivation and Engagement (FSME) Delivery Year 3
$228,192, U.S. Department of State (DOS)

Ernst, Cheryl
FSME - Pakistan FSME Section
$37,828, U.S. Department of State (DOS)

Ernst, Cheryl
$35,922, U.S. Department of State (DOS)


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East Asian Languages & LiteraturEs

DiNitto, Rachel
Developing a Global Public Humanities Undergraduate Major Track at University of Oregon
$34,513, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

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Preston, Sarah
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship
$35,000, American Council of Learned Societies

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Sykes, Julie
University of Oregon Language Resource Center: Responsive Support for Meaningful World Language Learning
$176,562, U.S. Department of Education (USDE)

Underriner, Janne
Connecting Language to Our Community
$33,050, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

Underriner, Janne
Discipline Study Project
$500,000, Oregon Department of Education


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Natural Sciences


Barkan, Alice
High-resolution modeling of protein-RNA interfaces [Year 3]
$33,666, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Barkan, Alice
Mechanisms of Light Regulated Translation in Chloroplasts [Participant Support Supplement]
$47,200, National Science Foundation

Bohannan, Brendan
Symbiosis Theory Workshop 2023
$44,701, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Bridgham, Scott
Phase 2 PNW Blue Carbon Working Group Project: Using new greenhouse gas flux and carbon sequestration data to refine blue carbon project feasibility assessments for Pacific Northwest end users interested in blue carbon finance
$39,491, National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Fisher, Katie
Genetic dissection of fluid flow signaling in Left-Right patterning of zebrafish [NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship F31]
$716, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Galloway, Aaron
Oregon Kelp Forest Survey [Sub with The Ocean Foundation]
$124,740, U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)

Galloway, Aaron
Subcontract: Filling critical data gaps to address recent declines in red sea urchins, abalone, sunflower sea stars, and their primary rocky reef habitat along the southern Oregon coast
$40,000, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Guillemin, Karen
Engineering Transmissible Health [Diversity Supplement]
$129,222, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Guillemin, Karen
Exploring fungal origins of anti-bacterial innate immunity (CIFAR Catalyst Award)
$9,720, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

Guillemin, Karen
Graduate Training Grant in Genetics
$2,008,985, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Guillemin, Karen
Modulation of tissue iron by microbiota, inflammation, and environmental exposures
$25,000, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Hallett, Lauren
Native Cover Cropping in Hazelnut Orchards
$26,913, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Jaramillo, Santiago
Distinct contributions of converging neural pathways to auditory learning [BRAIN R01]
$1,707,251, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Kern, Andrew
Computational Population Genetics
$2,164,500, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Libuda, Diana
Recombination pathway and partner choices during meiosis [Emergency equipment supplement for microscope light source under NOT-GM-22-017]
$14,167, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Louca, Stilianos
PurSUiT: Uncovering bacterial and archaeal diversity in Great Basin hot springs
$399,999, National Science Foundation

Miller, Adam
Plasticity of auditory electrical synapses
$313,430, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Niell, Cristopher
Computational foundations of active visual sensing [U01 subaward with Baylor College of Medicine]
$364,001, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Phillips, Patrick
Caenorhabditis Intervention Testing Program at Oregon (U01)
$2,954,550, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Phillips, Patrick
Caenorhabditis Testing Program Data Coordinating Center
$1,451,505, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Phillips, Patrick
MIRA: Systems genomics of complex traits - Administrative Supplements to Support Undergraduate Summer Research Experiences
$9,254, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ponisio, Lauren
Examining the potential floral enhancements in harvested forests for promoting bee populations, and the barriers and incentives to adopting bee-friendly practices
$750,000, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Ponisio, Lauren
Pollinator partners across landscapes: floral occurrence, pollinator richness, and plant/pollinator interactions in the Oregon Coast Range
$266,632, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Ponisio, Lauren
Restoring bees in harvested forests through hands-on learning
$38,359, MillsDavis Foundation

Spero, Melanie
Understanding and combatting antibiotic tolerance in obligate anaerobic pathogens
$50,000, Medical Research Foundation

Stankunas, Kryn
Ion signaling, cell transitions, and organ scaling during fin regeneration [R01 - Budget Reduction]
$1,643,232, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Stankunas, Kryn
Ion signaling, cell transitions, and organ scaling during fin regeneration [R01]
$410,808, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Sutherland, Kelly
Fundamental Research in Underwater Locomotion and Distributed Coordination
$150,000, Office of Naval Research

Sylwestrak, Emily
Cell type-specific reward computations at multiple timescales
$300,000, Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund, Inc.

Westerfield, Monte
Establishing SPF AB Wild-type stocks at the Zebrafish International Resource Center [Administrative Supplement - A&R]
$499,999, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Westerfield, Monte
Exon-skipping as a future treatment for USH1F-associated retinal disease
$109,671, Usher Syndrome Foundation

Westerfield, Monte
ZFIN: The Zebrafish Model Organism Database
$225,971, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Young, Craig
Collaborative Research: Dispersal depth and the transport of deep-sea methane-seep larvae around a biogeographic barrier [Supplement]
$160,472, National Science Foundation


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Boettcher, Shannon
CCI Phase I: Center for Interfacial Ionics
$1,800,000, National Science Foundation

Boettcher, Shannon
Passivated anodes for electrolyzer applications
$134,924, De Nora Tech LLC

Boettcher, Shannon
Practical Innovations in Alkaline Water Electrolyzers
$142,755, HGEN

Boettcher, Shannon
Water Electrolyzers for Green Hydrogen Production From Impure Water Sources
$50,000, Stanford University

Cook-Sneathen, Amanda
CAREER: Understanding the chemistry of palladium and silyl compounds to design catalyst active sites
$770,000, National Science Foundation

Haley, Michael
Interplay Between Antiaromaticity and Diradical Character: New Structures and New Directions
$575,795, National Science Foundation

Hendon, Christopher
CAREER: Photocatalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of CO2 Using Transition Metal Cluster Arrays
$571,960, National Science Foundation

Jasti, Ramesh
Expanding the supramolecular chemistry of carbon nanohoops
$420,000, National Science Foundation

Johnson, David
Synthesis and Properties of Heterostructures Containing Magnetic 2d Layers Not Found As Bulk Compounds
$450,000, National Science Foundation

Kempler, Paul
Direct Reduction of Metal Oxides to Metals for Electrowinning and Energy Storage
$752,144, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Pluth, Mike
Supplement to Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbonyl Sulfide Delivery for Biological Applications
$151,985, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Prell, Jim
Quantitative Determination of High-Order Protein Structure with Native Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Computational Chemistry
$1,237,110, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Widom, Julia
Mapping the sequence landscape of RNA structure, dynamics and protein interactions using high-throughput single-molecule FRET
$1,805,577, National Institutes of Health (NIH)


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Computer Science

Ariola, Zena
Oregon Programming Languages Summer School 2023: Types, Semantics, and Logic
$50,000, National Science Foundation

Choi, Jee
In Situ Data Analysis Through Physics-constrained and Goal-oriented Tensor Decompositions
$300,000, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Erickson, Brittany
Collaborative Research: Exploring System-Wide Events in Complex Fault Networks using Fully-Dynamic 3D Earthquake Cycle Simulations
$69,338, National Science Foundation

Jiao, Lei
Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Small: Edge AI with Streaming Data: Algorithmic Foundations for Online Learning and Control
$299,920, National Science Foundation

Malony, Allen
Code Rewriting using Clang: the MARTINI Project
$85,768, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Nguyen, Thien
CAREER: Multilingual Learning for Event Structures from Text
$582,177, National Science Foundation

Nguyen, Thien
HIATUS-Human Interpretable Attribution of Text using Underlying Structure Program
$283,865, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI)

Norris, Boyana
$83,498, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Rejaie, Reza
CNS CORE: Medium:Distributed Runtime Dataplane Telemetry as an Adaptive Query Scheduling Problem: Algorithms and Applications
$1,088,131, National Science Foundation

Rohlfs, Rori
Transfer: NSF Award ID 2144878 CAREER: Identifying the Role of Tandem Repeats in Great Ape Adaptation through Undergraduate Team Research Using a Novel Statistical Framework
$811,304, National Science Foundation

Shi, Humphrey
CAREER: Structure-Preserving Latent Space Alignment between Vision and Language: Interpretability, Efficiency, Measurability, and Causality
$562,981, National Science Foundation

Shi, Humphrey
Theme 6B: ALTStrong: Advancing AI Learning Technologies for Scalable Early Screening & Ability-based Intervention for Children with Speech and Language Related Concerns
$600,004, National Science Foundation

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Earth Sciences

Bindeman, Ilya
Investigation of Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics of Shales in the Precambrian
$29,825, National Science Foundation

Cashman, Katharine
Dynamics of crystal mush: Insight from 2D and 3D analysis of drill cores from Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawai'i.
$669,806, National Science Foundation

Chritz, Kendra
Collaborative Research: Human and material mobilities among fisher-hunter-gatherers and early pastoralists in northwestern Kenya
$12,538, National Science Foundation

Davis, Edward
Collaborative Research: Ranges: Building Capacity to Extend Mammal Specimens from Western North America
$96,534, National Science Foundation

Dufek, Josef
CAREER: Atmospheric Electricity on Earth and Mars
$75,001, National Science Foundation

Dufek, Josef
Multiphase Modeling of Transient Cryovolcanic Eruptions as Insight to Subsurface Processes at Enceladus
$149,083, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Dufek, Josef
Subcontract with Professor Josef Dufek at the University of Oregon to Provide Technical Support via Studies with Carbon-Based, and Related Particulates in Accordance with Attached Statement of Work
$87,083, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Giachetti, Thomas
CAREER - Detailed distributions of tephra fall characteristics: insights into magma fragmentation and transport via volcanic plumes
$752,726, National Science Foundation

Hopkins, Samantha
Collaborative Research: Evolution of North American small mammal communities in response to Oligo-Miocene landscape change (Resubmission)
$279,943, National Science Foundation

Mendez, Josh
Mechanistic Studies of Airborne Microbes
$315,000, W.M. Keck Foundation

Paty, Carol
Uranus System Magnetosphere Mission Planning
$38,708, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Poulsen, Chris
Collaborative Research: The influence of climate and tectonics on Miocene ecosystems and faunal evolution in the East African Rift, Kenya (Grant Transfer from U Michigan)
$419,022, National Science Foundation

Poulsen, Chris
Constraining the physics that regulate equilibrium climate sensitivity through simulation of LGM and Eocene paleoclimate (NSF Grant Transfer from U Michigan, NSF Award 2002397)
$335,652, National Science Foundation

Reed, Mark
IPA for James Palandri, USGS Volcanic gas studies, Dec. 22 through Sept. 23
$32,782, U.S. Geological Survey

Roering, Josh
Track I – Center Catalyst: Center for Land Surface Hazards (CLaSH)
$15,438, National Science Foundation

Sahakian, Valerie
Advancing the use of marine turbidite records in understanding subduction zone behavior and seismic hazard
$5,000, Seismological Society of America

Sahakian, Valerie
Understanding the Effects of Willamette Valley Sedimentary Structure on Shaking
$94,892, U.S. Geological Survey

Sutherland, Dave
Fjord systems, marine mammals, and subsistence hunting in East Greenland
$27,155, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Thomas, Amanda
Supplement: CAREER: Using the Rattlesnake Ridge landslide as a natural laboratory to study repeating earthquake evolution and development of operational repeating signal detectors
$75,728, National Science Foundation

Toomey, Douglas
Alertwildfire Detection Camera Site Installation and Maintenance
$120,000, Eugene Water & Electric Board

Toomey, Douglas
BLM Oregon/Washington Remote Wildfire Detection and Monitoring Systems
$718,346, U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)

Weldon, Ray
Geological Sample Analysis
$17,219, Nanyang Technological University

Back to Natural Sciences Top

Human Physiology

Callahan, Damien
Assessment of multi-system responses to acute stressors in humans using Ultrasound [ONR - DURIP]
$221,387, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

Callahan, Damien
Protein modification and the aging phenotype of human skeletal muscle [R21]
$404,741, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Callahan, Damien
Regenerative Engineering for Complex Extremity Trauma - resubmission
$192,359, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Cullen, Abby
Zinc Status and Cerebrovascular Health in Alzheimer’s Disease
$35,000, Oregon Health and Science University

Greenhouse, Ian
Computational roles of inhibition in human action control [Diversity Supplement for Hayami Nishio]
$31,147, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Hahn, Mike
iPhone Gait Metrics Validation
$11,352, Orthopaedic Trauma Association

Hahn, Mike
Product Testing
$14,000, Brooks Sports, Inc.

Huxtable, Adrianne
Perinatal opioids impair maturation of vital respiratory networks
$385,335, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Kehmeier, Mackenzie
Interaction of ApoE genotype and estrogen on cerebrovascular function [AHA Predoctoral Fellowship]
$65,106, American Heart Association

Marneweck, Michelle
Motor prediction under uncertainty in healthy aging
$5,000, Medical Research Foundation

Minson, Christopher
ForeWarm: FHE Microclimate Heating System for Strength and Dexterity
$140,826, U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)

Minson, Christopher
Passive heat therapy for lowering systolic blood pressure and improving vascular function in mid-life and older adults [Year 1 - Budget Reduction]
$35,702, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Minson, Christopher
Sleep and circadian mechanisms in hypertension
$157,480, U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Walker, Ashley
Large Artery Stiffness and Cerebrovascular Dysfunction: Implications for Cognitive Impairment and Neuropathology [Diversity Supplement - Skylyn Ferguson]
$97,675, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Walker, Ashley
Large Artery Stiffness and Cerebrovascular Dysfunction: Implications for Cognitive Impairment and Neuropathology [DIVERSITY SUPPLEMENT]
$21,221, National Institutes of Health (NIH)


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Eischen, Ellen
L-functions and automorphic forms: Algebraic and p-adic aspects
$250,000, National Science Foundation

Elias, Ben
Categorical and Diagrammatic Representation Theory
$277,007, National Science Foundation

Ralph, Peter
Scaling up computational genomics with tree sequences (3)
$2,430,498, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Quigley, J.D.
[TRANSFER FROM CORNELL] Stable homotopy theory in algebra, topology, and geometry
$211,980, National Science Foundation

Quigley, J.D.
Math RTG transfer
$2,950, National Science Foundation


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Aleman, Benjamin
ExpandQISE:Track 1: Fingerprinting and Engineering Tunable Carbon-based Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
$81,909, National Science Foundation

Farr, Ben
Supplement to CAREER: Education & Discovery in Astrophysics with Gravitational Waves
$63,797, National Science Foundation

Frey, Raymond
Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with LIGO: The Oregon Experimental Relativity Group
$596,419, National Science Foundation

Jeanty, Laura
ITk Pixel Module Assembly & Machine Learning Collaboration
$25,610, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

McMorran, Ben
MRI: Acquisition of a Direct Detection Electron Camera for Low-Dose and Phase-sensitive Imaging of Energy-related Materials
$390,733, National Science Foundation

Parthasarathy, Raghuveer
Physical Structure and Inter-Species Interactions in Gut Microbial Communities
$601,109, National Science Foundation

Parthasarathy, Raghuveer
SRC Undergraduate Research Program: Estelle Trieu
$2,600, Semiconductor Research Corporation

Paulose, Jayson
CAREER: Non-Hermitian physics of spacetime-periodic soft matter
$122,900, National Science Foundation

Rebar, Bryan
Western Regional Noyce Network
$4,235,810, National Science Foundation

Smith, Brian
Multimode continuous-variable quantum optics for precision sensing
$456,787, National Science Foundation

Strom, David
FY23 WBS 3.6 TDAQ - Winklmeier/Bielski/Weedman
$305,522, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Torrence, Eric
US ATLAS M&O Manager
$61,780, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

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Allen, Nick
Practice-Based Suicide Prevention Research Center renewal (ETUDES)
$214,090, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Allen, Nick
Predicting Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors by Tracking Digital Experiences in Adolescents who were Depressed as Preschoolers
$178,136, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Allen, Nick
U01- MAPS: Mobile Assessment for the Prediction of Suicide - One Year Extension Admin Supplement
$611,178, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Berkman, Elliot
Construal Level as a Novel Pathway for Affect Regulation and Cancer Control [Administrative Supplement]
$236,184, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Berkman, Elliot
Construal Level as a Novel Pathway for Affect Regulation and Cancer Control [Diversity Supplement - Kaitlyn Werner]
$143,062, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Demircan, Dasa
Exploratory versus Exploitative Decision-Making Strategies in Problem Gambling
$20,000, Oregon Council on Problem Gambling

Demircan, Dasa
Neural Mechanisms of Specificity and Generalization Learning [Diversity Supplement for Troy Houser]
$81,603, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Everett, Yoel
Testing and Examining Various Approaches to Integrating DBT Skills and Parenting with Three Different Clinical Parent-Child Populations [T32 Predoctoral Fellowship from NYU]
$49,519, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Gomez, Doug
OHA Workshop Contract [OHA VA]
$99,934, Oregon Health Authority

Jacobson, Rachel
Dunlop Spark Grant
$1,000, Association for Research in Personality

Kornbluh, Mariah
Mapping the Civics Education Landscape: Identifying the Role of Research and Politics in Educational Decision-Making
$349,914, William T. Grant Foundation

Mayr, Ulrich
Aging effects on the neural coding of proactive and reactive cognitive control [Resubmission of EPCS 30243]
$18,097, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Park, Alayna
Improving and Sustaining Delivery of CPT for PTSD in Mental Health Systems
$18,893, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Park, Alayna
The Center for Traumatic Stress and Comorbidity
$132,987, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

Peake, Shannon
Colorado Department of Human Services Preschool Development Grant FIND Coaching
$96,933, U.S. Department of Education (USDE)

Peake, Shannon
FASTT telehealth behavioral support service for caregivers of children with developmental delay or disability
$114,398, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Shirtcliff, Elizabeth
Puberty-related Development of Fronto-amygdala Circuitry in Anxious Youth: A Multimodal Neuroimaging Study with Ultra-High Resolution MRI scanner (7T)
$246,816, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Shirtcliff, Elizabeth
Sex and pubertal influences on developmental trajectories of brain networks involved in schizophrenia [UC Davis R01 MH125873]
$120,869, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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Social Sciences



DuBois, Zachary
Harnessing the power of technology to develop a population-based HIV prevention program for trans girls
$19,913, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Fitzpatrick, Scott
Doctoral Dissertation Research: A Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Fiber Artifacts from Paisley Caves, Oregon
$14,303, National Science Foundation

Stephen, Lynn
Can the State Interrupt the Vicious Cycle of Gendered Violence that it Helped to Create? Evidence from Guatemala
$18,875, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

Sterner, Kirstin
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Molecular signatures of aging in the rhesus macaque hippocampus.
$21,850, National Science Foundation

Ting, Nelson
Determination of Species Identity for Red Colobus Monkeys in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
$18,000, Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation

Ting, Nelson
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Social environment and gut microbiome plasticity in a black-and-white colobus monkey (Colobus vellerosus)
$49,494, National Science Foundation

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Davis, Jonathan
To whom does the second amendment apply: Experimental evidence of law enforcement’s impact on equitable access to firearms
$18,500, Oregon Consumer Justice

Miller, Keaton
Measuring the Effectiveness of Mortgage Servicing Standards: Evidence from Senate Bill 98 of the 2017 Oregon Legislature
$26,876, Oregon Consumer Justice

Miller, Keaton
The Commission Rate of App Distribution Platforms and its Impact on Consumers
$36,324, Oregon Consumer Justice

Mullen, Kathleen
Job Demands, Time Use, and the Timing of Retirement
$42,500, Social Security Administration

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Environmental Studies

de Carvalho Ramos Silva, Lucas
Climate benefits of riparian reforestation across a diversity of watersheds in Oregon
$222,745, Nature Conservancy

Moulton, Holly
Futuremaking in a Disaster Zone: Indigenous women, climate justice, and the everyday politics of climate change adaptation in Peru
$12,000, Society of Woman Geographers (SWG)

Rempel, Alexandra
A design tool and intelligent control platform for capturing climatic heating and cooling resources in buildings
$549,999, National Science Foundation

Rempel, Alexandra
Collaborative Proposal: CPS Medium: Physics-informed Learning and Control of Passive and Hybrid Conditioning Systems in Buildings
$300,000, National Science Foundation

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Ethnic Studies

O'Neal, Jennifer
Beyond the Trail of Broken Treaties: The International Native American Rights Movement, 1975-1980
$40,000, School for Advanced Research


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Cooley, Sarah
Evaluating the capabilities of Capella Space radar imagery for surface water mapping
$101,288, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Cooley, Sarah
Evaluating the capabilities of ICEYE radar imagery for high-resolution surface water mapping
$101,288, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Cooley, Sarah
Leveraging new satellite technologies to constrain feedbacks between surface water, permafrost and carbon emissions in the Arctic
$21,005, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Cooley, Sarah
UO SWOT Willamette Cal/Val
$20,000, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

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Global Studies

Weaver, Jo
Homelessness and health: Integrating structural, social, and behavioral pathways
$359,999 National Science Foundation

Weiss, Anita
Enhancing the study of Climate Change and Glaciology in Gilgit-Baltistan through collaboration between Karakoram International University and the University of Oregon
$496,695, U.S. Department of State (DOS)

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Luebke, David
Shared Churches in Early Modern Europe [sub with UArizona]
$18,018, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

Weise, Julie
Moving Citizens: Migrant Political Cultures in the Era of State Control [Fullbright - France]
$27,300, U.S. Department of State (DOS)

Weise, Julie
Moving Citizens: Migrant Political Cultures in the Era of State Control [IMERA]
$9,669, U.S. Department of State (DOS)


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Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Raiskin, Judith
Outliers and Outlaws Documentary
$35,680, Oregon Cultural Trust


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