Profile picture of Lawrence Sugiyama

Lawrence Sugiyama

Office: 329 Condon Hall, 1218 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205


B.A., UC Santa Barbara (1985), M.A., UC Santa Barbara (1991); Ph.D., UC Santa Barbara (1996)


Dr. Sugiyama, Professor of Anthropology, is a bio-cultural anthropologist, evolutionary psychologist and human behavioral ecologist who works at the intersection of cultural and physical anthropology, evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, and cognitive psychology, asking questions about the nature and evolution of the human mind and the effects of this evolution upon behavior and culture. Since 1993, Dr. Sugiyama has conducted fieldwork among the Achuar, Shiwiar, Shuar and Zaparo forager-horticulturalist groups of Ecuadorian Amazonia. Previously he worked with the Yora of Peru and the Yanomamo of Venezuela. He is the founder and co-Director of the U.O. Shuar Health and Life History Project, and Field Research Director for the Human Universals Project at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology at University of California at Santa Barbara. His work has been published in Science Advances, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Evolution and Human Behavior, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Human Nature, American Journal of Human Biology, and The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. For papers and more on Dr. Sugiyama's work, click on the website link below. Prospective graduate students with background and interests in evolutionary psychology, human behavioral ecology, or human biology who are interested in working with us on the Shuar Health and Life History Project, are strongly encouraged to contact me.