Asian Studies

Thomas Fischer

Mellon GE
Asian Studies
Phone: 8606576960
Research Interests: Modern Chinese history, ideology, political philosophy

Michael Fishlen

Associate Professor Emeritus, Chinese Literature
Asian Studies, East Asian Languages
Office: 308 Friendly Hall

Scott Fitzpatrick

Curator for Indo-Pacific Archaeology, Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Anthropology, Asian Studies
Phone: 541-346-9380
Office: 272 Condon Hall
Office Hours: W/F 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Research Interests: Pacific and Caribbean archaeology, historical ecology, exchange systems, seafaring

Alisa Freedman

Professor, Japanese Literature, Cultural Studies, and Gender
Asian Studies, Comics and Cartoon Studies, East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Translation Studies
Phone: 541-979-7794
Office: 404 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Fridays, 10:30-12:00 on Zoom (Please email for an appointment.)
Research Interests: Cross-cultural,transnational Asian Studies; cultural studies; intersectional gender studies; popular culture; media studies; biographies & memoirs; youth culture; modern Japanese literature; digital culture; urban studies; translation; academic publishing