CAS Faculty

Arkady Vaintrob

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-4734
Office: 322 Fenton Hall
Office Hours: M 3:00-3:50, W 12:00-12:50

Arafaat A. Valiani

Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty in the Department of Indigenous, Race and Ethnic Studies and Global Health
History, IRES
Phone: 541-346-5763
Office: 301 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: By appointment

Alejandro Vallega

Professor of Philosophy
Committee on Diversity & Inclusiveness
Office: 248 Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-4:30
Research Interests: Continental Philosophy (Deconstruction, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics); Latin American Thought; Ancient Greek Philosophy. Aesthetic Philosophy. World philosophies.

Daniela Vallega-Neu

Professor of Philosophy
DGS for Admissions
Phone: 541-346-5549
Office: 240 Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2024: Mondays from 2:45-4:45pm or by appointment
Research Interests: 19th and 20th Century European Thought (especially Nietzsche, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Contemporary French thought); Phenomenology; Hermeneutics; Deconstruction; Ontology related to issues of body.

Jessica Vasquez-Tokos

IRES, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-5165
Office: 715 PLC
Office Hours: SP 2024: By Appt
Research Interests: Family Life Course and Society, Race and Ethnicity, Qualitative Approaches

Claudia Ventura

Senior Instructor II of Italian
Second Year Supervisor
Italian, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-4039
Office: 216 Friendly Hall, 1233 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233
Office Hours: Mondays, Fridays and Wednesdays 11-11:45 AM in MCK 175

Byron Villacis Cruz

Assistant Professor
Office: 707 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2024:
Research Interests: Expertise, Anticorruptionism, Quantification, Research Methods, Dollarization

Matthias Vogel

Senior Instructor II and Language Coordinator
Director of Undergraduate Studies, German and Faculty Fellow, Building C
German & Scandinavian, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-337-2634
Office: CD Office Yasui Hall // 117 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2024: Fri 8:00 AM to 8:50 AM
Research Interests: German language, culture, and pedagogy; Globalization and Global Engagement Issues; Study Abroad; Identity Discourses and Multiculturalism; Food Studies; Higher Education Organizational Leadership; Academic Residential Communities and Residential Life

George Von Dassow

Associate Professor
Biology, OIMB
Phone: 541-346-7291
Office: Oregon Inst of Marine Biology

Tuong Vu

Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4866
Office: 940 PLC, 1284 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Fall 2024: Friday 9-12
Research Interests: Comparative Politics, Ideology, Revolution, Communism, Nationalism, East and Southeast Asia

Lily Vuong

Assistant Professor
Religious Studies
Phone: 541-346-4904
Office: 346 Susan Campbell Hall