Ellen Scott
Email: escott@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5075
Office: 731 PLC, 1291 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1291
Office Hours: W 2025: Monday 11:30-12:30 and by appointment
Research Interests: Low-wage work, carework, public policy, qualitative methods.
Professor Scott received her B.A. from Williams College in 1982. She received an M.A. in Political Science from the New School for Social Research in 1990, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California at Davis in 1997. She taught for four years at Kent State University, and joined the faculty at the University of Oregon in 2001.
Research Interests
- Intersections of gender, race, class and sexualities
- Poverty, low-wage labor, and family life
- Welfare reform
- Feminist organizations and social movements
- Qualitative methods
Assessing the Impacts of the First Statewide Scheduling Law - Long Policy Brief
Assessing the Impacts of the First Statewide Scheduling Law - Abbreviated Policy Brief
- 2021 Larissa Petrucci, Lola Loustaunau, Ellen Scott, and Lina Stepick. Persistent Unpredictability: Analyzing Experiences with the First Statewide Scheduling Legislation in Oregon.
- 2020 Lola Loustaunau, Larissa Petrucci, Ellen Scott, and Lina Stepick. Assessing the Initial Impacts of the First Statewide Scheduling Law.
- 2019 Camila Alvarez, Lola Loustaunau, Larissa Petrucci, and Ellen Scott (equal co-authors). Impossible Choices: How Workers Manage Unpredictable Scheduling Practices. Journal of Labor Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/0160449X19835041
- 2018 Roberta B. Weber, Deana Grobe and Ellen K. Scott. "Predictors of Low-Income Parent Child Care Selections." Children and Youth Services Review. Published first online: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0190740917306527
- 2018 Ellen K. Scott. Mother-ready jobs: Employment that works for mothers of children with disabilities. Journal of Family Issues. Published first online: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0192513X18756927?journalCode=jfia
- 2017 Ellen K. Scott, Mary C. King, and Raahi Reddy. The Impact on Oregonians of the Rise of Irregular Scheduling.
- 2016 Deana Grobe, Elizabeth E. Davis, Ellen K. Scott, and Roberta B. Weber. “Using Policy-Relevant Administrative Data in Mixed Methods: A Study of Employment Instability and Parents' Use of Child Care Subsidies.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
- 2014 Raahi Reddy, Daniel Morris, Ellen K. Scott, Bob Bussel, Shauna Dyer. The High Cost of Low Wages in Oregon
- 2013 Ellen K. Scott and Miriam J. Abelson. Understanding the Relationship between Instability in Child Care and Instability in Employment for Families with Subsidized Care. Journal of Family Issues.
- 2013 Ellen K. Scott and Ann Shirley Leymon. Making ends meet during the great recession: How child care subsidies matter to low-wage workers. Journal of Poverty 17:63-85.
- 2012 Deana Grobe, Bobbie Weber, Elizabeth Davis, and Ellen Scott. Struggling to Pay the Bills: Financial Stress and Child Care Subsidies. Contemporary Perspectives on Family Research 6:93-121.
- 2011 Colleen Heflin, Andrew S. London, and Ellen K. Scott. Mitigating Material Hardship: The Strategies Low-Income Families Employ to Reduce the Consequences of Poverty. Sociological Inquiry. 81(2):223-246.
- 2011 Ellen K. Scott, Ann Shirley Leymon, and Miriam Abelson. Assessing the Impacts of Oregon’s 2007 Changes to Child-Care Subsidy Policy
- 2010 Ellen K. Scott. ” “I feel as if I am the one who is disabled”: the emotional impact of the changed employment trajectories of mothers caring for children with disabilities.” Gender & Society 24(5):672-696
- 2008 Ellen K. Scott and Andrew S. London. Women’s Lives, Welfare’s Time Limits.Majorie DeVault, editor. Embodied Workers in the New Economy. New York: New York University Press.
- 2007 Ellen K. Scott, Andrew S. London, and Glenda Gross ” ‘I Try Not to Depend on Anyone But Me’: Welfare Reliant Women’s Perspectives on Self-Sufficiency, Work, and Marriage.” Sociological Inquiry 77(4):601-625.
- 2007 Andrew S. London, Saul Schwartz, and Ellen K. Scott. “Combining the Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Welfare Policy Evaluations in the United States.” World Development 35(2)342-353.
- 2007 Ellen K. Scott “Conflicts Between Wage Work and Care Work: How single-parent families of children with disabilities manage to juggle competing demands.” Pp. 120-135 Barbara Arrighi and David Maume, editors. Child Poverty in America Today. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood Press.
- 2005 Ellen K. Scott. Beyond Tokenism: the Making of Racially Diverse Organizations. Social Problems.
- 2005 Ellen K. Scott, Andrew S. London, and Allison Hurst. “Instability in Patchworks of Child Care When Moving From Welfare to Work.” Journal of Marriage and the Family.
- 2005 Pamela Morris, Ellen K. Scott, and Andrew S. London. “Effects on Children as Parents Transition from Welfare to Employment: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research”. In Jill Duerr Berrick and Bruce Fuller, eds., Good Parents or Good Workers? How Policy Shapes Families Daily Lives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press.
- 2004 Andrew S. London, Ellen K. Scott, Kathryn Edin, and Vicki Hunter. “Welfare Reform, Work-Family Tradeoffs, and Child Well-Being.” Family Relations 53:148-158.
- 2004 Ellen K. Scott, Kathryn Edin, Andrew S. London, and Rebecca Joyce Kissane. “Unstable work, unstable income: Implications for Family Well-being in the Era of Time-limited Welfare.” Journal of Poverty. 8(1):61-88
- 2002 Ellen K. Scott, Andrew S. London, and Nancy A. Myers. “Dangerous Dependencies: The Intersection of Welfare Reform and Domestic Violence.” Gender & Society. 16(6):878-897
- 2002 Andrew S. London, Ellen K. Scott, and Vicki Hunter. “Children and Chronic Health Conditions: Welfare Reform and Health-Related Carework” Pp. 99-112 in Francesca Cancian, Demie Kurz, Andrew London, Rebecca Reviere, and Mary Tuominen (Editors),Child Care and Inequality: Re-thinking Carework for Children and Youth. New York: Routledge Press.
- 2002 Ellen K. Scott, Andrew S. London, and Nancy Myers. “Living With Violence: Women’s Reliance on Abusive Men in their Transitions from Welfare to Work. ” Pp. 302-316 in Naomi Gerstel, Dan Clawson, and Robert Zussman (Editors), Families At Work. Expanding the Bounds. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
- 2001 Ellen K. Scott, Kathryn Edin, Andrew London and Joan Mazelis. “My Children Come First: Welfare-Reliant Women’s Post-TANF Views of Work-Family Tradeoffs and Marriage.” Pp. 132-153 in Greg J. Duncan and P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale (Editors), For Better and For Worse: Welfare Reform and the Well-Being of Children and Families. New York, NY: Russell Sage Press. Abstracted in Poverty Research News, Vol. 4 (4, July 2000).
- 2001 Ellen K. Scott. “From Race Cognizance to Racism Cognizance: dilemmas in anti-racist activism.” Pp. 132-153 in Kathleen Blee and France Winddance Twine (Editors),Feminism and Anti-Racism: International Struggles for Justice. New York, NY: New York University Press.
- 2000 Ellen K. Scott, Andrew S. London, and Kathryn Edin. “Looking to the Future: Welfare Reliant Women Talk About Their Job Aspirations in the Context of Welfare Reform.” Journal of Social Issues 56 (4:727-746).
- 2000 Ellen K. Scott. “Everyone Against Racism: agency and the production of meaning in the anti-racism practices of two feminist organizations.” Theory and Society 29 (6:785-818).
- 1998 Ellen K. Scott. “Creating Partnerships for Change: alliances and betrayals in the racial politics of two feminist organizations.” Gender & Society 12(4:400-423).