Yvonne Braun
Yvonne A. Braun is a Professor in the Department of Global (International) Studies at the University of Oregon specializing in gender, intersectionality, international development, environment and environmental justice, globalization, social movements, social inequality, and health and human rights. Her recent scholarship has appeared in Gender & Society, Social Problems, Journal of Global Ethics, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Political Ecology, and Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society. She has received the Ersted Distinguished Teaching Award (2011), the Rippey Innovative Teaching Award (2013-19), the Teaching Excellence Fellowship (2016-17, declined), the Faculty Research Mentor Award (2020), and is a member of the Provost's Teaching Academy.
- Social Inequalities and Change
- Environmental Justice
- Race/Class/Gender
- Lesotho/Southern Africa/Africa
- Development and Globalization
- Qualitative Methods
2012 Samir Dasgupta, Robyn Driskell, Nicola Yeates, and Yvonne A. Braun (equal authorship/editorship). Women’s Encounters with Globalization. London: Frontpage Publications Limited (Pearson). ISBN: 978-81-908841-8-1. (June; 222 pages)
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
In press Faye, Jean B., and Yvonne A. Braun. “Soil and Human Health: Understanding Agricultural and Socio-Environmental Risk and Resilience in the Age of Climate Change.” Health & Place: An International Journal, expected publication 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102799
2021 Yvonne A. Braun. 2021. “Seeing Through Water: Gender, Anxiety, and Livelihoods in Large-Scale Infrastructural Development in the Era of Climate Change.” Pp. 69-81 in Gender, Livelihoods, and Climate Change edited by Joshua Eastin and Kendra Dupuy. London: CABI Press.
2021 Yvonne A. Braun, K. Melchor Quick Hall, Christina Holmes, and Gwyn Kirk. 2021. “Teaching & Learning Gendered Ecologies Across the Curriculum.” Pp. 183-202 in Mapping Gendered Ecologies: Engaging with and beyond Ecowomanism and Ecofeminism, edited by K. Melchor Quick Hall and Gwyn Kirk. Lexington Books.
2020 Braun, Yvonne A. 2020. “The Human Right to Water and Sanitation in the Age of COVID-19.” Pp. 61-71 in Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19, Volume 2 - Global Perspectives, edited by Glenn W. Muschert, Kristen M. Budd, Michelle Christian, David C. Lane, and Jason A. Smith. London: The Bristol University Press/Policy Press.
2020 Braun, Yvonne A. 2020. “Environmental Change, Risk, and Vulnerability: Poverty, Food Insecurity, and HIV/AIDS Amid Infrastructural Development and Climate Change.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 13 (2): 267-291. Special issue on Riskscapes and Climate Change. doi:10.1093/cjres/rsaa008
2020 Braun, Yvonne A. 2020. “Lesotho’s White Gold: The Political Ecology of Temporality and the Economy of Anticipation in Resource Extraction and Large Dam Infrastructural Projects.” Journal of Political Ecology 27 (1): 853-876. Special Issue on Resource Extraction and Temporality. https://doi.org/10.2458/v27i1.23250
2019 Dreiling, Michael C., Tomoyasu Nakamura, Nicholas Lougee, and Yvonne A. Braun. “After the Meltdown: Post-Fukushima Environmentalism and a Nuclear Energy Industrial Complex in Japan.” Pp. 85-107 in Nuclear Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to Preparedness and Response, edited by Steinhauser, Koizumi, and Shozugawa. Singapore: Springer.
2018 Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling. “Networking for Women’s Rights: Academic Centers, Regional Information Networks, and Feminist Advocacy in Southern Africa” International Feminist Journal of Politics 21(1): 89-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2018.1460213
2018 Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling. 2018. “Social Problems in Global Perspective.” Pp. 77-98 in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, edited by A. Javier Trevino, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108656184.006
2017 Sophia L. Borgias and Yvonne A. Braun. 2017. “From Dams to Democracy: Framing Processes and Political Opportunities in Chile’s Patagonia Without Dams Movement.” Interface: A journal for and about social movements 9(2): 300-328 (December).
2016 Shannon Elizabeth Bell and Yvonne A. Braun. 2016. “Identity and Participation in the Environmental Justice Movement.” Pp. 75-87 in Fighting King Coal: The Challenges to Micromobilization in Central Appalachia by Shannon Elizabeth Bell. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
2015 Braun, Yvonne A., Michael C. Dreiling, Matthew P. Eddy, and David M. Dominguez. 2015. “Up Against the Wall: Ecotourism, Development, and Social Justice in Costa Rica.” Journal of Global Ethics 11(3) December: 351-365. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449626.2015.1100653
2015 Braun, Yvonne A. and Assitan Sylla Traore. 2015. “Plastic Bags, Pollution, and Identity: Women and the Gendering of Globalization and Environmental Responsibility in Mali.” Gender & Society 29(6) December: 863-887. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243215602101
2015 Braun, Yvonne A. 2015. “Interrogating Large-Scale Development and Inequality: Bridging Feminist Political Ecology, Intersectionality and Environmental Justice Frameworks.” Pp. 19-37 in A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change, edited by Stephanie Buechler and Anne Marie S. Hanson, Routledge Press.
2014 Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling (equal authorship). 2014. “Frames, Boomerangs, and Global Assemblages: Border Distortions in the Global Resistance to Dam Building in Lesotho.” Pp. 261-292 in Border Politics: Social Movements, Collective Identities, and Globalization edited by Nancy A. Naples and Jennifer Bickham Mendez, New York: New York University Press.
2012 Braun, Yvonne A. and Leslie A. McLees. 2012. “Space, Ownership and Inequality: Economic Development and Tourism in the Highlands of Lesotho.” Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 5 (3) November: 435-449. https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsr039
2012 Samir Dasgupta, Robyn Driskell, Yvonne A. Braun and Nicola Yeates (equal authorship). 2012. “Introduction.” Pp. 1-19 in Women’s Encounters with Globalization, edited by Samir Dasgupta, Robyn Driskell, Nicola Yeates, and Yvonne A. Braun. Kolkata: Frontpage Publications.
2011 Braun, Yvonne A. 2011. “Left High and Dry: An Intersectional Analysis of Gender, Dams, and Development in Lesotho.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 13(2): 141-162.
Winner of the Inaugural Enloe Award for a Research Publication, 2010 of the International Feminist Journal of Politics.
2011 Braun, Yvonne A. 2011. “The Reproduction of Inequality: Race, Class, Gender and the Social Organization of Work at the Site of Large-Scale Development Projects.” Social Problems 58(2): 281-303.
2011 Braun, Yvonne A. 2011. “Gendering Sustainability: Reframing Sustainable Development as Gender Justice.” Development 54 (2): 209-211.
2010 Bell, Shannon E., and Yvonne A. Braun. 2010. “Coal, Identity, and the Gendering of Environmental Justice Activism in Central Appalachia.” Gender & Society 24 (6) December: 794-813.
This article was highlighted in Contexts, Summer 2011, a public outreach journal published by the American Sociological Association.
2010 Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling. 2010. “From Developmentalism to the HIV/AIDS Crisis: The Amplification of Women’s Rights in Lesotho.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 12(3): 464-483.
Reprinted 2011 in New Directions in Feminism and Human Rights, edited by Dana Collins, Sylvanna Falcón, Sharmila Lodhia and Molly Talcott, Routledge Press.
Reprinted in 2014 in paperback.
2010 Braun, Yvonne A. 2010. “Gender, large-scale development, and food insecurity in Lesotho: an analysis of the impact of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project.” Gender & Development 18(3): 453-464.
2010 Braun, Yvonne A. 2010. “Gender, Development, and Sex Work in Lesotho.” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 29(1): 78-96.
2009 Tilt, Bryan, Yvonne A. Braun, and He Daming. 2009. “Social Impacts of Large Dam Projects: A Comparison of International Case Studies and Implications for Best Practice.” Journal of Environmental Management 90: S249-S257.
Reprinted 2014 in Developments in Social Impact Assessment, edited by Frank Vanclay, Edward Elgar Publishing.
2008 Braun, Yvonne A. 2008. “How Can I Stay Silent?”: One Woman’s Struggles for Environmental Justice in Lesotho.” Journal of International Women’s Studies 10(1) October: 5-20.
[Joint Special Issue with Wagadu: Journal of Transnational Women’s and Gender Studies]
2008 Braun, Yvonne A. 2008. “The Promise of Feminist Political Ecology.” Pp. 204-220 in Understanding the Global Environment, edited by Samir Dasgupta. New Delhi, India: Pearson Education.
2007 Braun, Yvonne A. “Development Trade-Offs in Africa: Dam Building in Lesotho.” Pp. 231-238 in Global Perspectives on Large Dams: Evaluating the State of Large Dam Construction and Decommissioning across the World, edited by Kara DiFrancesco and Kathryn Woodruff. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Publication Series, Report Number 13.
2006 Braun, Yvonne A. 2006. “Large Dams as Development: Restructuring Access to Natural Resources in Lesotho.” Pp. 151-171 in Globalization and the Environment. Edited by Andrew K. Jorgenson and Edward L. Kick. Leiden, NL: Brill Press.
2005 Braun, Yvonne A. 2005. “Selling the River: Gendered Experiences of Resource Extraction and Development in Lesotho.” Research in Rural Sociology and Development 10: 373-96.
2005 Braun, Yvonne A. 2005. “Resettlement and Risk: Women’s Community Work in Lesotho.” Advances in Gender Research 9: 29-60.
This article won the Pacific Sociological Association’s Distinguished Student Paper Award in 2005.