Global Studies

Mahnoor Ahmed

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 5412326787
Office: Friendly 30
Office Hours: Thursdays, 2pm-3pm
Research Interests: Sustainable and Participatory Development

Aneesh Aneesh

Executive Director, School of Global Studies and Languages
Interim Director, Middle East and North African Studies
German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Globalization, technology, labor, migration, citizenship, theory

Serena Archila

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages


Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 030 FRIENDLY
Office Hours: TUESDAYS 1PM - 2PM

Ray Balstad

Graduate Program Coordinator
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Middle East and North African Studies, OCIAS, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-2703
Office: 114D Friendly Hall
Office Hours: MTWRF 8:30am - 4:30pm
Research Interests: French, Film, Comics, Foreign Language Acquisition, Botany

Smadar Ben-Natan

Assistant Professor
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: 407 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Monday 3:30-5:30, by appointment, email me to schedule
Research Interests: International iaw, human Rights, armed conflict, criminal justice, incarceration, colonialism, citizenship, Israel/Palestine

Fatima Benhabyb

Undergraduate Program Coordinator
African Studies, Asian Studies, East Asian Languages, European Studies, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Italian, Japanese, Judaic Studies Program, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Romance Languages, Romance Languages Major, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program
Phone: 541-346-2047
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: MTWRF 8:30am-4:30pm [Remote Fridays]

Yvonne Braun

Department Head, Global Studies and Member, Provost's Teaching Academy
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-5752
Office: 118 Friendly Hall, 1245 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1245
Office Hours: Fall 2024: Wednesday 12:00-1:50 (by Zoom or by appt)
Research Interests: gender, intersectionality, social inequality, international development, environmental justice, globalization, infrastructural politics, energy politics, social movements, feminist political ecology

Kathie Carpenter

Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-3898
Office: 356 PLC, 5206 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5206
Office Hours: Thursday 1-3 PM or contact by email:
Research Interests: Childhood in cross-cultural perspective, Children's museums, Southeast Asia

Grecia Chirinos Delgado

Career Instructor of Spanish
Global Studies, Latin American Studies, Latinx, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program
Phone: Teams call
Office: 201 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: MW 3:00-4:00pm and by appoinment
Research Interests: U.S. Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Education, Critical Language Awareness, Sociolinguistics, Critical Pedagodies

Annie Christofferson

Undergraduate & Program Coordinator
French, German & Scandinavian, Global Health Program, Global Studies, Italian, Judaic Studies Program, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Spanish
Phone: 541-346-0746
Office: Friendly 114

Hannah Cutting-Jones

Director of Food Studies
Food Studies, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 530-327-8479
Office: 105E Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 10-12
Research Interests: Food and colonialism, history of Christian missions in the Pacific, Pacific Islands food culture, food history, nutritional science

Zahra Dehnavi

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 30 Friendly hall
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 2:30-3:30
Research Interests: Global health, Mental health, Disease prevention , Psychiatry, Depression & Anxiety

Olivia Denton

Faculty Support Coordinator
ASU 1 - School of Global Studies and Languages
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Modern Hebrew Language, Northwest Indian Language Institute, OCIAS, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-1385
Office: 107 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: MTWTF 9:00-5:00

Chanda Diekotto

Global Studies GE, Masters of Nonprofit Management Student
Global Studies, PPPM
Phone: 541-346-9780
Office: Global Studies
Office Hours: Mondays 10-11 a.m.
Research Interests: Languages, Outdoors, Management, Social and Environmental Justice, Human Rights

Brita Ellis

Academic Programs Manager
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Middle East and North African Studies, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Romance Languages Major, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Phone: 541-346-9782
Office: Friendly 114E

Dennis Galvan

Dean and Vice Provost, Division of Global Engagement
African Studies, Global Studies, Political Science, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-5851
Office: 310 Oregon Hall, 5209 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5209
Research Interests: Culture and Development, Culturally Sustainable Development, Identity and Community, Political Legitimation, Multiple Forms of Modernity, Primary Field Work: West Africa, Secondary Field Work: Indonesia

William Hatungimana

Assistant Professor
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: Friendly Hall 430
Research Interests: African Politics, Immigration, Africa China Relations, Democracy and Political Legitimacy

Derrick Hindery

Associate Professor, Department of Global Studies
UO Study Abroad Programs Committee Member; Provost’s Teaching Academy Member
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-6106
Office: 345 PLC, 5206 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5206
Office Hours: 9-11am Tu, Spring 2024: Sign up to meet at
Research Interests: Neoliberal and "post-neoliberal" models of economic "development" on communities and environment in Latin America and the U.S. Sustainable community projects in Indigenous territories in Bolivia (e.g. collectives producing medicinal oils and handicrafts)

Nicole Kaminski

Graduate Employee Teaching Assistant
Global Studies
Office: Friendly Hall #3

Jonathan Knight

Operations Coordinator
African Studies, Asian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, European Studies, Food Studies, German & Scandinavian, Global Health Program, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Native American Studies, Northwest Indian Language Institute, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-0951
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: 8-4:30 M-F

Susanna Lim

Associate Professor of Literature, Russian Studies, and Korean Studies
Director of REEES Graduate Studies
College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, Global Studies, Korean, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-0691
Office: 1715 Franklin Blvd., Rm 101
Research Interests: Korean Studies, Korean Literature, Korean Popular Culture, Race Studies, Race in South Korea, Russian Studies, Koryo Saram, Diaspora, Post-colonialism

Ali Malik

Assistant Professor
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 208 Friendly
Office Hours: Fall 2024: By appointment
Research Interests: Political economy of globalization, socio-legal studies, critical agrarian studies, science and technology studies, third world approaches to international law, digital agriculture, South Asia

Galen Martin

Senior Instructor II of Global and Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies, Food Studies, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-9178
Office: 346 PLC, 5223 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5223
Office Hours: Tu 9:30-10:30, W 2:30-3:30 or by appointment
Research Interests: global food security, sustainable development, political ecology, conflict resolution, Latin America, Europe

David Meek

Associate Professor
Asian Studies, Food Studies, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-5128
Office: Virtual
Office Hours: Not on campus Fall 22; available for virtual meetings; please contact at
Research Interests: Political ecology, social movements, popular education, food sovereignty

Jordan Morris

Office Generalist, ASU 1
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, European Studies, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Northwest Indian Language Institute, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-2579
Office: FR 107
Office Hours: 8:00a - 4:30p

McRae Naayers

Faculty Support Coordinator
African Studies, Asian Studies, East Asian Languages, European Studies, Food Studies, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Modern Hebrew Language, Northwest Indian Language Institute, Romance Languages, Romance Languages Major, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 5413460171
Office: Friendly 107
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00

Haruka Nagao

Assistant Professor
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 424 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: health governance, Africa-China relations, gender, public opinion, soft power diplomacy, East Asia

Barrett Niblock

Graduate student/GE
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: Friendly 30
Office Hours: Monday 10:00am-12:00 noon
Research Interests: Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Language Revitalization, Indigenous Methods and Ethics, Global Studies, Critical Development Studies, American Studies

Sanaz Riahi

Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 4582101194
Office: PLC 316
Office Hours: 12-1.30 pm Thursdays, 9-10.30 Am Fridays
Research Interests: Global mental health, depression, suicide

Kiana Ringuette

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages

Andrea Romero Dugarte

Intercultural Experiences and Career Readiness Coordinator (IEC)
African Studies, Asian Studies, East Asian Languages, European Studies, Food Studies, German & Scandinavian, Global Health Program, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Modern Hebrew Language, Northwest Indian Language Institute, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-4007
Office: Friendly Hall 114B

Lisa Ross

Associate Director
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Middle East and North African Studies, Modern Hebrew Language, Northwest Indian Language Institute, OCIAS, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Romance Languages Major, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-4005
Office: 107 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: M-F 8-5

Garrett Sebra

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 30 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Law, International Law, Business Law, Diplomacy, Immigration, Human Rights, International Development, Europe, Africa

Hunter Spackman

ASIA 399 Graduate Employee
Asian Studies, Global Studies
Office: Friendly Hall 030
Office Hours: Thursdays 11:00am-12:30pm
Research Interests: Japanese Popular Culture

Marci Viano-Davis

Operations Manager
ASU 1 - School of Global Studies and Languages
College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Northwest Indian Language Institute, OCIAS, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-4019
Office: 116 Friendly
Office Hours: 9-3 M-F

Anita Weiss

Professor Emerita
Global Studies, Religious Studies
Phone: 541-346-3245
Office: 307 PLC, 5206 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5206
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-3 pm & by appointment
Research Interests: Pakistan: development, women's rights, political Islam

Kristin Yarris

Associate Professor, Global Studies and Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Department Head of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Disability Studies, Global Health Program, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Phone: 541-346-1363
Office: Hendricks Hall 218A
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Wed 12-1pm in Teams (remote, drop in or by appointment*); Th 3:30-4:30pm atrium 1st floor Allen Hall (in person, drop in). <br /> *For an appointment in Teams, send a Teams chat message and indicate possible 1/2 hr. windows of time you are available to meet on Wednesdays 12-4pm.
Research Interests: transnational migration, immigrant rights, social movements, mental health, health equity, wellbeing & social care