School of Global Studies and Languages

Jacques Abelman

Assistant Professor
Food Studies
Phone: 541-346-3884
Office: 211 Lawrence Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 11am - 12pm | By appointment.
Research Interests: Social Justice, Landscape Infrastructure, Food Systems, Agroecology, Research Through Design, Urban Agriculture

Alejandro Acero Ayuda

Graduate Employee, Spanish, PhD
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program
Phone: 541-346-4021
Office: 192K Esslinger
Office Hours: Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00-10:00am / Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00-1:00pm or by appointment
Research Interests: Sociolinguistics, Heritage Speakers, Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, Technology and Education, Endangered Languages and Language Revitalization (Ladino)

Sarah Agou

Graduate Employee, RL
French, Italian, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Office: Friendly Hall
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: Indigenous Literature, Caribbean Literature, Feminist Theory, Women's Writing, Decolonial Studies

Mahnoor Ahmed

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 5412326787
Office: Friendly 30
Office Hours: Thursdays, 2pm-3pm
Research Interests: Sustainable and Participatory Development

Obafemi Akintayo

African Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 3016734482
Office: Desk 1, Room 30, Friendly Hall.
Office Hours: Fridays, 11:00-1:00
Research Interests: African Politics,Conflict Management and Sensitivity Analyses,Military coup, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Gender and Peacebuidling, Anthropology,

Alexandre Albert-Galtier

Associate Professor Emeritus of French
French, Romance Languages
Phone: 541-346-4026
Office: 322 Friendly Hall, 1233 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: 17th Centuty French Literature, Theater, Arts and Literature: Painters and Writers

Maria Licia Aldana Rogers

Spanish Instructor
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Phone: 541-346-4497
Office: 414 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 10:00-11:50 by ZOOM and by Appointment
Research Interests: Transatlantic studies. Women and memory and Bolivian and Latin America Literature.

Michael Allan

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
Program Faculty in Cinema Studies; Program Faculty in Arabic; Program Faculty in Middle East Studies; Program Faculty in Comic Studies
Comparative Literature, Cinema Studies, Arabic Studies, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Middle East and North African Studies
Office: 358 PLC, 5242 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403
Office Hours: Wednesdays from 1:45-3:45pm. Please book an appointment at the following link: (
Research Interests: World literature (Francophone, Arabic), Film and visual culture, Postcolonial studies, Literary theory

Julie Anderson

Faculty Support Coordinator
Arabic Studies, Classics, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Comparative Literature, Digital Humanities, Disability Studies, Humanities Program, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies
Phone: 541-346-1504
Office: 338 PLC, 1286 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1286
Office Hours: Monday: 9:00a-4:30p<br /> Tuesday: 9:00a-4:30p<br /> Wednesday: 9:00a-11:30a<br /> Thursday: Remote<br /> Friday: Remote

Susan Anderson

German & Scandinavian, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-4056
Office: 321 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: German and Austrian literature and culture from the late 19th century to the present

Nathanael Andrade

Associate Professor
Middle East and North African Studies
Phone: 541-346-9045
Office: 313 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: On leave AY 2016-2017; available by email
Research Interests: Ancient History

Aneesh Aneesh

Executive Director, School of Global Studies and Languages
Interim Director, Middle East and North African Studies
German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Globalization, technology, labor, migration, citizenship, theory

Serena Archila

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages

Rafael Arias

Senior Instructor II of Spanish
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program
Phone: 541-346-4106
Office: 202 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: T&amp;R 10:00-11:00

Ina Asim

Associate Professor
Asian Studies, Food Studies, History, Medieval Studies
Phone: 541-346-6161
Office: 317 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Akwasi B. Assensoh

Courtesy Professor
African Studies
Office: 275 McKenzie Hall, 1233 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233


Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 030 FRIENDLY
Office Hours: TUESDAYS 1PM - 2PM