Profile picture of Steven van Enk

Steven van Enk

OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4899
Office: 251 Willamette Hall, 5203 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5295
Research Interests: quantum computing, model selection, and probability


Steven van Enk received his PhD in physics from the University of Leiden in 1992. He worked at the Max-Plank Institute for Quantum Optics, at the University of Innsbruck, and at the California Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral researcher and was a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ.  He joined he faculty of the physics department at the University of Oregon in 2006.

Ph.D. 1992, Leiden

At UO since: 2006

Field of Specialization: Theoretical Optical Physics