Research Gate Profile
Recent Publications:
J. M. Hall, and M. G. Guenza "Generalized Einstein relation for Markovian friction coefficients from molecular trajectories" Physical Review Letters (2025 - accepted).
R. Amaro et al. “The need to implement FAIR principles in biomolecular simulations” Nature Methods (2025- accepted)
M. G. Guenza "Cooperative polymer dynamics at the crossover between the unentangled and the entangled regimes: theoretical predictions of scattering and linear shear relaxation for polyethylene melts.” Macromolecules 57, 9651-9667 (2024).
M. Dinpajooh, J. Millis, J. Donley, and M. G. Guenza "Chemical Potential of a Flexible Polymer Liquid in a Coarse-Grained Representation" The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 128 (5), 1275-1288 (2024). Cover paper:
M. G. Guenza “Dynamics of protein droplets revealed by bridging multiple scales” Nature, 619, 700 (2023).
M. G. Guenza "Anomalous Dynamics in Macromolecular Liquids" Polymers 14(5), 856 (2022).
E. R. Beyerle, and M. G. Guenza “Identifying the leading dynamics of ubiquitin: A comparison between the tICA and the LE4PD slow fluctuations in amino acids’ position" J. Chem. Phys. 155, 244108 (1-22) (2021).
E. R. Beyerle, and M. G. Guenza “Comparison between slow anisotropic LE4PD fluctuations and the principal component analysis mode of ubiquitin” J. Chem. Phys. 154, 12411(1-21) (2021).
E. R. Beyerle, M. Dinpajooh, H. Ji, P. H. von Hippel, A. H. Marcus, and M. G. Guenza “Dinucleotides as simple models of the base stacking-unstacking component of DNA ‘breathing’ mechanisms” Nucleic Acid Research, 49(4), 1872-1885 (2021).
E. R. Beyerle, and M. G. Guenza "Kinetics analysis of ubiquitin local fluctuations with Markov state modeling of the LE4PD normal modes” J. Chem. Phys. 151, 164119(1-13) (2019).
M. Dinpajooh, and M. G. Guenza “Can pure polymer liquids be represented at two different resolutions simultaneously?" J. Chem. Phys., 151, 061102-(1-5) (2019).
M. G. Guenza, M. Dinpajooh, J. McCarty, and I. Y. Lyubimov “Accuracy, Transferability, and Efficiency of Coarse-Grained Models of Molecular Liquids” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(45), 10257-10278 (2018). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b06687. Publication Selected as Editor’s Pick and Feature Article.
M. Dinpajooh, and M. G. Guenza “Coarse-graining simulation approaches for polymer melts: the effect of potential range on computational efficiency” Soft Matter, 14, 7126-7144 (2018). Cover paper.
M. Dinpajooh, and M. G. Guenza “On the Density Dependence of the Integral Equation Coarse-Graining Effective Potential" The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122(13), 3426-3440 (2018).