Richard Margerum
PhD (Urban and regional planning; Law minor), University of Wisconsin, Madison (1995)
MS, (Water resources management), University of Wisconsin, Madison (1992)
MCRP, (Environmental planning), University of Cincinnati (1989)
BA, (Geology), Wittenberg University (1987)
Courses and Seminars
- Introduction to Planning Principles and Practice
- Collaboration
- Natural Resources Policy
Summary of Interests
Research areas:
- collaboration
- environmental and land use planning
- decision making and evaluation of implementation
Sole-Authored Book
Margerum, Richard D. September 2011. Beyond Consensus: Improving Collaboration to Solve Complex Public Problems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Book Overview (PDF)
Table of Contents (PDF)
New PPPM Faculty Publication on Collaboration in Resource Management
MIT Press link:
Co-Edited Book
Margerum, Richard D. and Catherine Robinson. 2016. The Challenges of Collaborative Governance. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Refereed Journal Publications
Khan, Muhammad Zafar, Ali, Nadia., & Margerum, Richard. D. (2022). Community-based and traditional natural resource conservation in Northern Pakistan: Comparative analysis of attitudes and beliefs. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(14), 2657–2675. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2021.1977615
Margerum, Richard D., Zwickle, Adam, Bruce, Josh, & Thomas, Curtis* (2022). The Effects of Enhanced Information Utilization in Collaborative Hazard Mitigation Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 88(4), 464–478. https://doi.org/10.1080/01944363.2021.1997352
Parker, Robert., Margerum, Richard D., Steiner, Bethany, Drlik-Muehleck, Aniko, Bruce, Josh, & Howard, Michael (2022). Evaluating the Oregon Experiential Learning Model: Findings from Clients, Students, and Alumni. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X221104013. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X221104013
Mason, Dyana P., Margerum, Richard D., Rosenberg, Stacy, & Ault, Sam* (2021). The Professionalization of an Evolving Sector: Evidence from Watershed Councils. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 32(5), 979–991. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-021-00403-0
Lewis, Rebecca, Richard D. Margerum. 2020. “Do urban centers support regional goals? An assessment of regional planning in Denver.” Land Use Policy 99(2):104980. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104980
Margerum, Richard D. and Robert Parker. 2019. “Evaluating Networks for Collaborative Planning and Management.” Journal of Planning Education and Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X19889387
Margerum, Richard D., Rebecca Lewis, Stephen Dobrinich* 2019. Collaborative metropolitan governance: An evaluation of local adoption in Denver. Cities. 93 (10): 136-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.04.010
Eberhard, Rachel, Richard D. Margerum, Karen Vella, Severine Mayere, Bruce Taylor. 2017. “The practice of water policy governance networks: an international comparative case study analysis.” Society and Natural Resources. 30(4): 453-470. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2016.1272728
Margerum, Richard D. and Catherine Robinson 2014. “Collaborative partnerships and the challenges for sustainable water management.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 12: 53–58.
McPadden, Ray* and Richard D. Margerum. 2014. “Improving National Park Service and nonprofit partnerships—lessons from the national trail system. Society and Natural Resources. 27(12): 1321-1330.
Dutterer, Andrew* and Richard D. Margerum. 2014. “The Limitations of Policy Level Collaboration: A Meta–Analysis of CALFED.” Society and Natural Resources. 28(1): 21-37.
Robinson, Catherine J., Richard D. Margerum, Tomas M. Koontz, Cassandra Moseley, and Sue Lurie. 2011. Policy-Level Collaboratives for Environmental Management at the Regional Scale: Lessons and Challenges From Australia and the United States. Society and Natural Resources. 24 (1):2-11
Bodane, Kate, Jason Dedrick, Dana Erickson and Richard D. Margerum. 2010. “Sustaining Watershed Collaboratives: The Issue of Coordinator–Board Relationships.” Society and Natural Resources. 23 (4) :469–484
Rosenberg, Stacy, and Richard D Margerum. 2008 "Landowner Motivations for Watershed Restoration: Lessons from Five Watersheds." Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 58(4): 477-96.
Margerum, Richard D. 2008. “A Typology of Collaborative Approaches in Environmental Management.” Environmental Management. 41(4): 487-500
Margerum, Richard D. 2007. “Overcoming Locally Based Collaboration Constraints.” Society and Natural Resources. 20(2): 135-152
Margerum, Richard D. 2005. “Collaborative growth management in metropolitan Denver: Fig leaf or valiant effort?” Land Use Policy. 22(3): 373-386.
Margerum, Richard D. and Debra R Whitall. 2004. “The challenges and implications of collaborative management on a river basin scale.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 47, 3, 407–427.
Margerum, Richard D., Victor Hart, and Jo Lampert. 2003. “Native Title and the planning profession: Perceptions, challenges and the role of professionals.” Australian Planner. 40, 1: 46-54.
Margerum, Richard D. 2002. “Collaborative planning: Building consensus and building a distinct model for practice.” Journal of Planning Education and Research. 21, 3: 237-253.
Margerum, Richard D. 2002. “Evaluating Collaborative Planning: Implications from an empirical analysis of growth management.” Journal of the American Planning Association. 68, 2: 179-193.
Margerum, Richard D. 2002. “South East Queensland 2001: Has it helped improve environmental planning?” Australian Planner. 38, 3/4: 142-150.
Margerum, Richard D. 2001. “Organizational commitment to integrated and collaborative management: Matching strategies to constraints.” Environmental Management. 28(4) 421-431.
Margerum, Richard D. and Bruce P. Hooper. 2001. “Integrated environmental management: Improving implementation through leverage point mapping.” Society and Natural Resources. 14, 1: 1-19.
Margerum, Richard D. and Stephen M. Born. 2000. “A coordination diagnostic for improving integrated environmental management.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 43, 1: 5-21.
Margerum, Richard D. 1999 “Integrated environmental management: Lessons from the Trinity Inlet Management Program.” Land Use Policy. 16, 3: 179-190.
Margerum, Richard D. 1999. “Implementing integrated planning and management: A typology of approaches.” Australian Planner. 36,3: 155-161.
Margerum, Richard D. 1999. "Getting past yes: From capital creation to action." Journal of the American Planning Association. 65,2: 181-192
Margerum, Richard D. 1999. "Integrated environmental management: The foundations for successful practice." Environmental Management. 24, 2: 151-166.
Margerum, Richard D. 1997. “Integrated approaches to environmental management and planning.” Journal of Planning Literature. 11, 4: 459-475.
Margerum, Richard D. and Stephen M. Born. 1995. “Integrated environmental management: Moving from theory to practice.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 38, 3: 371-391.
* Denotes student co-author
Refereed Book Chapters
Margerum, Richard D. 2021. “The limitations of utilizing collaborative governance for cumulative effects assessment and management.” Handbook of Cumulative Impact Assessment. Jill A.E. Blakley and Daniel M. Franks, eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom. 978 1 78347 401 1
Eberhard, Rachel, Richard Margerum, Karen Vella, Severine Mayere, and Bruce Taylor. 2018. “The Practice of Water Policy Governance Networks: An International Comparative Case Study Analysis.” In Water Crises and Governance Reinventing Collaborative Institutions in an Era of Uncertainty. Peter Leigh Taylor and David A. Sonnenfeld (Eds.). New York: Routledge.
Margerum, Richard D.. 2016. “Introduction: the challenges of collaboration in environmental governance.” In The Challenges of Collaborative Governance. Richard D. Margerum and Cathy J. Robinson (Eds.) Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Margerum, Richard D.. 2016. “Theoretical perspectives on the challenges of collaboration.” In The Challenges of Collaborative Governance. Richard D. Margerum and Cathy J. Robinson (Eds.) Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Margerum, Richard D, Cathy J. Robinson, Ken Genskow. 2016. “The challenges of collaborative governance: towards a new research agenda.” In The Challenges of Collaborative Governance. Richard D. Margerum and Cathy J. Robinson (Eds.) Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Margerum, Richard D.. 2012. “Trends in Water Resources Management in the United States: The Rogue and Willamette River Cases.” In Space for the River. Jeroen Warner, Ed. London, UK: International Water Association Publishing.
Robinson, Cathy, Bruce Taylor and Richard D. Margerum. 2009. “On a learning journey to nowhere? The practice and politics of evaluating outcomes of natural resource management in northern Queensland regions.” In Contested Country: Local and Regional Natural Resources Management in Australia. Marcus Lane, Cathy Robinson, and Bruce Taylor, Eds. CSIRO: Canberra, Australia.
Margerum, Richard D. 2001. “Growth management in South East Queensland: Lessons for sustainable development.” In Shaping the Sustainable Millennium: Issues in Built Environment and Engineering, Abdallah Shanableh, et al., eds. Brisbane: QUT.
Hooper, Bruce P. and Richard D. Margerum. 2000. “Integrated watershed management for river conservation – perspectives from experiences in Australia and the United States.” In Global Perspectives in River Conservation: Science, Policy, and Practice. Philip Boon and Bryan Davies, eds. Sussex: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
Collaboration Curriculum
Free Instructional Resource Page
Dr. Richard D. Margerum
Professor, University of Oregon
Author: Beyond Consensus: Improving Collaborative Planning and Management. MIT Press
I have developed this page as a resource for instructors teaching collaboration. I have been teaching this class since 1996 in two countries and three different universities. I have experimented with different formats, approaches and exercises, and would like to share what I have found successful. I also hope to share ideas with other instructors.
Free Instructional Resources
I am providing all of these resources for free. My career goal is not just to publish but make a difference in education and practice. Thus, I hope my articles and book along with the other publications I use will help others improve the teaching and practice of collaboration. My only request is that when you use my material you acknowledge my work in your syllabi and handouts. I also ask that you share your material that you have developed so that I can post your contributions and insights.
This web page is organized to support a range of instructional needs:
- Develop or a revise an entire class using the materials here
- Use a component or module of the course in another class
- Use specific lectures
- Use specific exercises, assignments or other material
Relevant Courses and Fields
This material is designed to provide students with theories, concepts and skills that will help them work in an interdisciplinary collaborative environment. My research has focused on environmental and metropolitan planning cases, but it is relevant to a range of fields, including:
- Urban and regional planning
- Public administration
- Public policy
- Environmental and natural resources management
- Conflict resolution
- Public involvement
Overview of Materials
Course outline
- 10 week quarter
- 15 week semester
Course lectures and powerpoints
- Module 1: Introduction
- Module 2: Consensus Building
- Module 3: Implementation
Supporting Materials
- Blogs
- Quiz Topic Ideas (actual quizzes not provided)
- In class exercises
- Small Group Discussions
- Role Playing Scenarios
Other Materials
- Handouts
- Bibliography