Environmental Studies GTF

Melody Allison

PhD Student, TA, Environmental Justice Fellow
Graduate Studies Committee
Environmental Studies, Philosophy
Office Hours: Fall 2024: Thursdays from 3-4 pm Columbia Hall 254A
Research Interests: Environmental Philosophy, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Epistemology, Worldviews and Paradigm Shifts, Human-Nature Relationships, the Degrowth Movement, and Food Systems.

Holly Amer

Graduate Student Researcher
Environmental Studies
Phone: 425-770-9672
Office: Columbia 247
Research Interests: Soil Science, Climate Change, Sustainable Land Management, Restoration

Ashli Blow

Graduate Employee
Ph.D. Student
College of Arts and Sciences, Environmental Studies, SOJC
Office: 210 Allen Hall

Libby Bridges

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies
Office: COL M141
Office Hours: TH 1:30-3:30pm
Research Interests: ecopedagogy, environmental justice, youth climate activism, environmental education, school gardens, food equity, critical hope

Ori Chafe

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL

Isabel Christy

PhD Student
Environmental Studies
Office: COL 247
Office Hours: Thursday, 10 - 11 am
Research Interests: Soil carbon cycling, nature-based climate solutions

Dara Craig

PhD Candidate
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL
Research Interests: Environmental justice, marine social sciences, joint marine spatial planning, coastal co-governance, Indigenous self-determination

Kathleen Gekiere

Environmental Studies Graduate Student
English Graduate Student/ GE
English, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-1496
Office: 254A Columbia
Office Hours: Tuesday 10 - 11 and by appointment.
Research Interests: Critical Animal Studies, Ecocriticism, Posthumanism,

Ava Guihama Olson

PhD Student / GE
English, Environmental Studies
Office: UO Annex 128
Office Hours: Winter 2025: MW 2:30-3:30 by appointment
Research Interests: Land Back, critical whiteness studies, masculinity, eschatology, American environmental history/historiography, animal studies (carnivores), public memory, science communication

Megan Hayes

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL

Yumna Imtiaz

Ph. D. Candidate
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: COL 144
Research Interests: Building Sciences, Architecture, Socio-technical studies of thermal comfort

Meredith Jacobson

Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-0675
Office: 721 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2023: By Appointment
Research Interests: Environmental sociology, settler colonial studies, forest and fire governance

Geoffrey Johnson

ESSP/Geography PhD Candidate
Geography, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-525-4328
Office: 217A Pacific Hall
Research Interests: Forest Ecology, Environmental History, Climate Change, Human/Environment

Ashley Kemper

Graduate Employee
MS Candidate
Environmental Studies
Research Interests: sustainability, waste colonialism related to fashion/textiles, environmental justice, degrowth, ecology, environmental policy

Bjørn Ralf Kristensen

GE for Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies, Philosophy
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL
Office Hours: Tuesdays 8:00am to 10:00am and by appointment during Winter 2025
Research Interests: Multispecies Studies, Animal Ethics, Medical and Public Health Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Hermeneutics, American Pragmatism (John Dewey), Ecofeminism (Val Plumwood), Development Studies, Water and Sanitation, Informal Settlements

Lydia Lapporte

Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies
Research Interests: Water justice, blue humanities

Mason Leavitt

Master's Student
Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies, Geography
Office: 208 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Winter 2025<br /> Thursday 2:00 - 4:00 Pm
Research Interests: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, Environmental Risk Management, Environmental Justice, GIS, Pollution Liability Insurance, Landfills, Methane

Courtney Mathers

PhD Student
Environmental Studies
Phone: 4695635044
Research Interests: soil, carbon cycling, mycorrhizal fungi, land management

Hana Matsumoto

Graduate Student
NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Environmental Studies, Geography

Sabina Mensah

PhD student
Environmental Studies
Research Interests: Environmental Management, Environmental Policy, Waste Management,Post-harvest loss

Maya Revell

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Environmental Studies

Edith Sackitey

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies

Nicole Schaub

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies, Geography
Office: Glacier Lab Condon 105
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: glaciers, environmental justice, digital media technologies, the Arctic

Nick Sky

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-6512
Office: 130D Lokey Education Bldg

Shannan Lenke Stoll

Doctoral Student
Environmental Studies, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-5003
Office: 721 PLC

Sami Stroud

ESSP Doctoral student/GE
Environmental Studies, Geography
Office: Condon 105
Office Hours: Mondays 2-4 PM
Research Interests: Environmental justice, multispecies ethnography, STS, anti-colonial methods, political ecology, care and care work, ecotourism

Peter Suechting

Doctoral Student
Environmental Studies, Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office: 837A PLC
Research Interests: Climate Change, International/Comparative Political Economy, Comparative Politics/Comparative Environmental Politics, Energy Policy, Industrial Policy

Christian Tensuan

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies
Research Interests: Environmental sociology, wildfire policy and management, community based adaptation to wildfire, prescribed fire, ecology, and environmental restoration.

'Gifty' Rhodalyn Tetteh

PhD Candidate ESSP
Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL
Office Hours: Tuesdays 9-11am
Research Interests: Plastic Politics, Marine Microplastic pollution, Plastics and Artisanal fishing

Ethan Torres

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies
Office: Pacific 201
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: Restoration/Community Ecology, Plant-soil feedbacks, Mycorrhizae

Dehlia Wolftail

Research Assistant
Environmental Studies