Geography Graduate Students

Cy Abbott

Ph.D. Student
Phone: 541-346-4965
Office: 202 Condon
Office Hours: Wednesdays 11:30-1:00
Research Interests: Cultural Geography, Border Theory, Geopolitics, Historical Geography, Europe and the Middle East

Samantha Ruth Brown

PhD Candidate
Phone: 541-346-4965
Office: 202 Condon Hall
Research Interests: cultural geography, food, race/whiteness, Indigenous studies, nationalism, migration/refugees

Troy Brundidge

PhD Candidate
Phone: 541-346-4522
Office: 208 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Insurance and public finance, hazards and emerging risk markets, critical political economy, policing and carceral geography, state-capital relations, Black America

Emily Doerner

Master's Student
Phone: 541-346-4965
Office: 202 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Settler Colonialism, Conflict, State Violence, Feminist Geographies, Human-Environment Interaction, Critical Cartography

Elizabeth Fischer

Graduate Student

Niamh Houston

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-221-1315
Office: Pacific 217
Office Hours: T,R 12:00-1:00
Research Interests: Wildfire Ecology, Biogeography, Remote Sensing

Madeline Huelbig

Graduate Researcher
Research Interests: hydrology, glaciology, remote sensing, spatial analysis, water use, climate change

Joy Ihuka

Ph.D. Student
Office: Condon 160
Research Interests: Cartography, Environmental Communication

Geoffrey Johnson

ESSP/Geography PhD Candidate
Geography, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-525-4328
Office: 217A Pacific Hall
Research Interests: Forest Ecology, Environmental History, Climate Change, Human/Environment

Kamrun Nahar Keya

Graduate Employee
Phone: 9407581291
Office: Condon 208
Office Hours: Friday 10 AM to 11 AM

Mason Leavitt

Master's Student
Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies, Geography
Office: 208 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Winter 2025<br /> Thursday 2:00 - 4:00 Pm
Research Interests: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, Environmental Risk Management, Environmental Justice, GIS, Pollution Liability Insurance, Landfills, Methane

Eric Levenson

PhD Candidate
Climate Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-2699
Office: 105 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Hydrology, Arctic Environmental Change, Remote Sensing, Deep Learning and Statistical Modeling, Climate Risk

Leyi Li

Graduate employee
Research Interests: Climate change and infrastructure investment, political geography, GIS, geocomputation, Southeast Asia

Hana Matsumoto

Graduate Student
NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Environmental Studies, Geography

James Maze

Graduate Employee
Office: 163 Condon
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00-2:00pm
Research Interests: Physical Hydrology, Geospatial Modeling, Remote Sensing

Wesley Rancher

Masters Student
Office: Columbia 246
Office Hours: (Winter 2024) TH: 10-11:30a
Research Interests: Remote Sensing, forest ecology, landscape modelling, climate change, pollinators

Lucy Roberts

Graduate Student
Office: Condon 163

Nicole Schaub

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies, Geography
Office: Glacier Lab Condon 105
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: glaciers, environmental justice, digital media technologies, the Arctic

Sami Stroud

ESSP Doctoral student/GE
Environmental Studies, Geography
Office: Condon 105
Office Hours: Mondays 2-4 PM
Research Interests: Environmental justice, multispecies ethnography, STS, anti-colonial methods, political ecology, care and care work, ecotourism

Lauren Walker

Graduate Employee, M.S Student
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:50-1:50pm
Research Interests: Forest ecology, land management, landscape modeling

Shiyu Zhang

Graduate Student
Phone: 2027063678
Office: 160 Condon Hall

Fangsheng(Jasper) Zhou

Graduate student/GE at Geography Dept.
Research Interests: Cartography, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climate Change