Sergio Loza
Beaudrie, S. M. & Loza, S. (2023). Heritage language program direction: Research into practice. Routledge.
Schwartz, A., Magaña, D., Grammon, D. & Loza, S. (in press). Aquí se habla: In conversation with local and personal Spanish language education. De Gruyter Mouton.
Loza, S. & Beaudrie, S. M. (2022). Heritage language teaching: Critical language awareness perspectives for research and pedagogy. Routledge.
Flores, J. R., Gómez-Becerra, J. J., & Loza, S. (in press). A Chicana/o De-Colonial Praxis for the SHL classroom: Where colonial language meets decolonial pedagogy/epistemology. In A. Schwartz, D. Magaña, D. Grammon & S. Loza (Eds.), Aquí se habla: In conversation with local and personal Spanish language education (pp. 0). De Gruyter Mouton.
Loza, S. (in press). Introduction: Embodied knowledge and institutional knowledge. In A. Schwartz, D. Magaña, D. Grammon & S. Loza (Eds.), Aquí se habla: In conversation with local and personal Spanish language education (pp. 0). De Gruyter Mouton.
Loza, S. (2024b). “Did you have some kind of blow to the head?”: Spanish heritage language learners, language ideologies and oral corrective feedback. Linguistics and Education. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2024.101380
Grammon, D. & Loza, S. (2024). Missed opportunities: Oral corrective feedback, heritage learners of Spanish, and study abroad in Peru. Heritage language journal, 21(1), 1-29. doi:10.1163/15507076-bja10025
Loza, S. (2024a). Critical language awareness for all: Including receptive learners’ voice in the SHL classroom. In L. Padilla & R. Vana (Eds.), Representation, inclusion and social justice in world language teaching: Research and pedagogy for inclusive classrooms (pp. 1-15 pp.). Routledge.
Zalbidea, J., Pascual y Cabo, D., Loza, S. & Luque, A. (2023). Spanish Heritage Language Learners’ Emotions in the Classroom: Exploring the Impact of Teacher-focused Factors. Studies in second language acquisition, 45(4), 979-1003. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263123000025
Cerrón-Palomino, A., Loza, S. & Vana, R. (2023). What pre and post Arizonian statehood newspapers tell us about subject expression. Languages, 8(1), 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/languages8010025
Loza, S., Padilla, L., & Vana, R. (2022). A critical analysis of Elite: Linguistic capital, ideologies, and marginalization. In A. Sánchez-Muñoz & J. Retis (Eds.), Communicative spaces in bilingual context: Discourses, synergies and counterflows in Spanish and English (pp. 129-142).Routledge.
Loza, S. (2022b). Unmasking ideologically charged oral CF practices in a Spanish mixed classroom: Teacher and SHL student perspectives. Languages, 7(3), 1-20. doi.org/10.3390/languages7030194
Loza, S. (2022a). Oral corrective feedback in the Spanish heritage language context: A critical perspective. In Beaudrie, S. & Loza, S. (2021). Heritage language teaching: Critical language awareness perspectives for research and pedagogy (pp. 119-137). Routledge.
Beaudrie, S. M. & Loza, S. (2022). The central role of critical language awareness in SHL education in the United States. In S. M. Beaudrie & S. Loza (Eds.). Heritage language teaching: Critical language awareness perspectives for research and pedagogy (pp. 3-18). Routledge.
Beaudrie, S. M. & Loza, S. (2021). Insights into SHL program direction: Student and program advocacy challenges in the face of ideological inequity. Language Awareness, 32(1), 39-57. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658416.2021.1949333
Beaudrie, S. M., Amezcua, A., & Loza, S. (2021). Critical language awareness in the heritage language classroom: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a curricular intervention. International Multilingual Research Journal, 15(1), 61-81. https://doi.org/10.1080/19313152.2020.1753931
Beaudrie, S. M. & Loza, S. (2020). Spanish heritage education in the Southwestern United States: Fighting restrictive policies toward language maintenance in Arizona. In F. Salgado-Robles & E. M. Lamboy (Eds.), Spanish across domains in the United States (pp. 25-46). Brill.
Loza, S. & Vana, R. (2020). Hola, my name is Carmen, who is this?- Language ideologies and dialect stylization in prank calls.” Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 18(2), 133-152. https://doi.org/10.1080/15427587.2020.1796484
Beaudrie, S. M., Amezcua, A., & Loza, S. (2019). Critical heritage language awareness in the heritage context: Development and validation of a measurement questionnaire, Language Testing, 36(4), 573-594. https://doi.org/10.1177/02655322198442
Loza, S. (2017). Transgressing Standard Language Ideologies in the Spanish heritage language (SHL) Classroom. Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 1(2), 56-77. https://doi.org/10.2979/chiricu.1.2.06
Loza, S. & Ochoa, V. (2021). Adult Minority Language Learning: Motivation, Identity and Target Variety, by Colin J. Flynn, 2020 (Multilingual Matters). International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
2024 Plenary speaker. Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. University of Nebraska, Omaha. https://www.unomaha.edu/foreign-languages/hispanic-linguistics-symposium/index.php
2024 Keynote speaker. Graduate Conference, Hispanic Literature and Linguistics Conference.Arizona State University, Tempe.
2022 Keynote speaker. 9th National Spanish as a Heritage Language Symposium, Florida State University. https://9nsshl2022.fsu.edu/keynote-speakers
2022 The critical turn in the field of Spanish heritage language education. Heritage Language Learning Symposium. The University of North Carolina Charlotte. https://heritagelanguagelearning.charlotte.edu/symposium