
Christi Mabinuori

Operations Manager, Academic Support Unit 6
Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Multidisciplinary Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4789
Office: --

Svetlana Maslakova

Biology, OIMB
Phone: 541-346-7289
Office: Oregon Inst Of Marine Biology, PO Box 5389, Charleston OR 97420-0605

Luca Mazzucato

Associate Professor
Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-7636
Office: 224A Huestis Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday 4-5pm

David McCormick

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-5169
Office: 213B Huestis Hall

Judi McDonald

Faculty Support Specialist, ASU 6
Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Multidisciplinary Sciences, Phyics
Phone: 541-346-4846
Office: 120 Willamette Hall
Office Hours: M-W: 8:00a - 5:00p; Th-F: Remote

Rowan McLachlan

OIMB Adjunct Faculty Instructor
Office: Oregon Inst of Marine Biology
Research Interests: Coral Reefs, Antarctic Seafloor Habitats, Symbiosis, Microbiology, Climate Change, Scientific Diving

Misty McLean-Schurbon

Lab Preparator
Phone: 541-346-4535
Office: 104E Huestis Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403

Kelly Mendelson

Accounting Technician
Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 5413464548
Office: 91 Klamath Hall
Office Hours: 8:00am-12:00pm; 1:00-5:00pm

Adam Miller

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4523
Office: 314 Huestis Hall, 1254 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1254

James Munyawera

Graduate Student
Anthropology, Biology
Phone: 541-221-0390
Office: Pacific 8
Office Hours: Appointment by email request
Research Interests: Primates behaviors, Ecology, genetics, and Evolutionary genomics

James Murray

Assistant Professor
Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience
Office: 224A Huestis Hall