Comparative Literature Graduate Student

Mus'ab Abdul Salam

Comparative Literature Graduate Student
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0529
Office: 216 PLC

Hessam Abedini

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ ENG GE
Comparative Literature, English
Phone: 541.346.2243
Office: 316 PLC
Office Hours: Winter Term: TR 9-10:30am
Research Interests: Indo-European Epic Poetry (Persian, Classical Greek and Latin, English); Comparative Mythology and Religion; Translation Studies and Comparative Philology; Colonial and Postcolonial Literary Studies; World Cinema, especially Iranian Film

Seema Amin

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature, English
Office: 310 Villard
Office Hours: Spring 2023 Office Hours: Wednesdays 2pm-3pm