Comparative Literature Graduate Student

Mus'ab Abdul Salam

Comparative Literature Graduate Student
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0529
Office: 216 PLC

Hessam Abedini

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ ENG GE
Comparative Literature, English
Phone: 541.346.2243
Office: 316 PLC
Office Hours: Winter Term: TR 9-10:30am
Research Interests: Indo-European Epic Poetry (Persian, Classical Greek and Latin, English); Comparative Mythology and Religion; Translation Studies and Comparative Philology; Colonial and Postcolonial Literary Studies; World Cinema, especially Iranian Film

Seema Amin

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature, English
Office: 310 Villard
Office Hours: Spring 2023 Office Hours: Wednesdays 2pm-3pm

Sarah Feeney

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Lefan Gao

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Anantaa Ghosh

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Anna Hall-Taylor

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Fatou Jobe

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Matthias Kramer

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0934
Office: PLC 304
Office Hours: Wednesdays, 11:30-1:30
Research Interests: Speculative Thought and Speculative Fiction, Japanese and Anglophone Literature and Popular Media, Literary Translation, Queer Futurity

Marena Lear

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-1515
Office: 23 PLC
Research Interests: Interests: Latin American and Latinx film & media, decoloniality, new materialism, posthuman feminism, science fiction and gothic genre studies

Sophia Lewis

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Yei Won Lim

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-1307
Office: 215 PLC

Chutong Liu

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ ENG GE
Comparative Literature, English, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Office: 21 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: MW 1-2pm
Research Interests: Russian literature and ballet in the second half of the 19th-century, Silver Age of Russian poetry, 20th-century Soviet and Chinese Socialist Realism

Kit McDunn

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ ENG GE
Comparative Literature, English
Phone: 541-346-0934
Office: 313B Villard Hall
Office Hours: Winter Term: Wednesday 12pm-3pm
Research Interests: climate fiction and the environmental humanities, literature in the nuclear age, disaster and revolution, Soviet literature, post-Soviet literature, Russian literature, Ukrainian literature

Mariam Nadeem

Comparative Literature Graduate Student
Raymund Fellow
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0934
Office: 310 Villard Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: MW 10-11:30am
Research Interests: De-colonial and feminist poetics in English, Urdu and Arabic literature, narrative identity and subject-formation, religion and secularism, existentialism, phenomenology and critical theory

Zachary Nickels

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Amanda Powell

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0050
Office: 269 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: M 12-1:30pm, W 3:30-5pm
Research Interests: Postcolonial studies, Victorian literature, post-modernism, modern Latin American literature, 20th century British and American literature, rhetoric, lo real maravilloso, literary theory and criticism, mad studies

Feba Rasheed

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0934
Office: 310 Villard Hall
Research Interests: Ethnography; World literature; Partition Studies; Tradition, Law and Feminism in India

Untara Rayeesa

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0934
Office: 310 Villard Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: MW 1-3pm
Research Interests: Critical Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Anglophone Postcolonial Literature, South Asian Literature and Popular Culture, Women's Writing, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Jean-Baptiste Simonnet

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0054
Office: 234 PLC
Office Hours: F 9-12

Ryan Walker

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ ENG GE
Comparative Literature, English
Office: 316 PLC
Office Hours: Mondays 11-12 & Wednesdays 10-12
Research Interests: Ancient Greek & Latin literatures; English & German Romanticism; Mythology, Philosophy, & Literature; Classical Reception; Poetics; Criticism & Theory; Epics, "National Epics"; Literature of Empire; Secularization; magic and (dis)enchantment in modernity

Nick Wirtz

Comparative Literature Graduate Student
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0050
Office: 269 PLC
Research Interests: Realisms and countervisuality, reference and materiality, comics, photography, history and autobiography, visual rhetoric, visual culture, media genealogy.