Earth Sciences

Loïc Bachelot

Developer / data scientist
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Data science, machine learning, data visualization, earth sciences

Madeline Ball

Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 149 Cascade Annex
Research Interests: vertebrate paleontology, ecomorphology, small mammals

Helena de Bastos Cruz Machado

Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Vertebrate paleontology

Nick Beeler

Courtesy Research Associate
Earth Sciences

Victoria Benson

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: Volcanology 205
Research Interests: Proglacial lakes, freshwater-ice interaction, subglacial and proglacial environments

Tamara Beschorner

Field Technician
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences

Elyas Bianchi

Multi-Hazards Field Technician
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Office: 154 Cascade Annex
Research Interests: Science, computers, and the outdoors

Katie Biegel

Postdoctoral Scholar Geophysics/Seismology
Earth Sciences
Phone: 970-616-2676
Office: Cascade Hall 210E

Ilya Bindeman

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-3817
Office: 110A Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: stable isotope geochemistry, volcanology

David Blackwell

Senior Instructor
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-1477
Office: 141 Columbia Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Rowan Boutette

Multi-Hazards Field Technician
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Phone: 5417901059

Gordon Bowman

Ph. D. Student
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Biogeochemistry, Microbes, Redox Reactions, Modeling