Earth Sciences

Harve Waff

Professor Emeritus
Earth Sciences

Paul Wallace

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-5985
Office: 220 Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: Igneous petrology, volcanology, geochemistry

James Watkins

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4681
Office: 205A Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1272
Office Hours: Thursday 9-11:00
Research Interests: Stable isotope geochemistry & experimental petrology

Dan Weill

Professor Emeritus
Earth Sciences

Ray Weldon

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4584
Office: 143 Cascade Annex, 1272 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1272
Research Interests: neotectonics, structural and Quaternary geology

Mats White

Assistant Director Systems
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Office: Millrace rm241
Research Interests: Networking, geology, running, moto.

Sydney Whiting

Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences

Dylan Whitney

Permitting and Contract Specialist
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Office: 1600 Millrace

Keely Wilde

Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 120D Cascade Hall
Research Interests: volcanology, volcano seismology, volcanic hazards, geophysics