Environmental Studies
Kate Schau
Undergraduate Specialist
Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Geography, College of Arts and Sciences
Email: kschau@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-2355
Office: 308 Condon Hall
Office Hours: MWR 8am-4:30pm
Nicole Schaub
Graduate Student
Environmental Studies, Geography
Email: schaub@uoregon.edu
Office: Glacier Lab Condon 105
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: glaciers, environmental justice, digital media technologies, the Arctic
Emily Scott
Assistant Professor of History of Art and Architecture and Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies, History Art & Arch
Email: escott2@uoregon.edu
Office: Lawrence 218
Office Hours: Thursdays 11am-1pm in Lawrence 218. Contact instructor for sign-up sheet.
Research Interests: Art, politics, and the environment
Lucas Silva
Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology
Biology, Environmental Studies
Email: lsilva7@uoregon.edu
Office: 248 Columbia Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3:00pm
Nick Sky
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Environmental Studies
Email: nsky@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-6512
Office: 130D Lokey Education Bldg
Sarah Stapleton
Associate Professor
College of Education, Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education, Curriculum & Teaching, Curriculum and Teacher Education, Educational Foundations, Environmental Studies, Food Studies
Email: sstaplet@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5834
Office: 146B Lokey Education Bldg.
Research Interests: climate change education, science and environmental education, food and schools, participatory research
Amanda Stasiewicz
Assistant Professor
Environmental Studies
Email: asta@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5031
Office Hours: Thursdays 10-11:45 Columbia 145B
Research Interests: human dimensions of wildfire, community and organizational adaptation to hazards, cooperative fire risk management, evacuation and alternatives to evacuation, forest and rangeland policy, qualitative and quantitative social science
Shannan Lenke Stoll
Doctoral Student
Environmental Studies, Sociology
Email: sstoll2@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5003
Office: 721 PLC
Sami Stroud
ESSP Doctoral student/GE
Environmental Studies, Geography
Email: stroud@uoregon.edu
Office: Condon 105
Office Hours: Mondays 2-4 PM
Research Interests: Environmental justice, multispecies ethnography, STS, anti-colonial methods, political ecology, care and care work, ecotourism
Peter Suechting
Doctoral Student
Environmental Studies, Political Science
Email: psuechti@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office: 837A PLC
Research Interests: Climate Change, International/Comparative Political Economy, Comparative Politics/Comparative Environmental Politics, Energy Policy, Industrial Policy