Environmental Studies

Meredith Jacobson

Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-0675
Office: 721 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2023: By Appointment
Research Interests: Environmental sociology, settler colonial studies, forest and fire governance

Geoffrey Johnson

ESSP/Geography PhD Candidate
Geography, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-525-4328
Office: 217A Pacific Hall
Research Interests: Forest Ecology, Environmental History, Climate Change, Human/Environment

Leigh Johnson

Associate Professor
Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-2644
Office: 152 Condon Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403
Office Hours: Winter 2025: TBA
Research Interests: Climate risk and adaptation, political ecology, finance, development studies, East Africa, restoration, labor, firefighting