Mariah Kornbluh
Dr. Kornbluh’s research focuses on 1) how children and adolescents marginalized or socially excluded surrounding the intersections of race or ethnicity, social class, gender, and other forces develop beliefs, feelings, and actions that challenge systemic inequities (critical consciousness development), and 2) how this critical consciousness empowers marginalized youth to negotiate structural constraints surrounding educational attainment and wellness.
Dr. Kornbluh employs a community-based approach (Youth-Led Participatory Action Research) to her research by not only exploring how systems of power impact development, but also how children and youth can be their own agents of change in reimagining and transforming institutions that have systematically disadvantaged our most vulnerable communities. Her research also explores how youth-guided approaches to research can help inform policy and practice, as well as promote accountability to young people among adult leaders and decision-makers.
Dr. Kornbluh is interested in accepting new doctoral students for Fall 2025.
Please see Dr. Kornbluh’s website for further details about projects and research interests.
Selected Publications:
Kornbluh, M. (2022). Facilitation strategies for conducting focus groups attending to issues of power. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2022.2066036
Abraczinskas, M., Kornbluh, M., Golden, A.R., Glende, J., Velez, V., Vines, E., & Ozer, E.J. (2022). Preventing bullying and improving school climate through integrating youth participatory action research into school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports: An illustration using a multiple case study Approach. Journal of Prevention and Health. doi: 26320770221092148
Kornbluh, M., Rogers, L.O., & Williams, J. (2021). What we see and how it matters: Critical theories for anti-racist adolescent research. Journal of Adolescent Research, 36(6), 563-568. doi: 10.1177/07435584211045130
Kornbluh, M., Johnson, L., Hart, M. (2021). Shards from the glass ceiling: Exploring multi-level constructs of crtical consciousness. American Journal of Community Psychology, 68, 187-201. doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12512
Flanagan, C., & Kornbluh, M. (2019). How unequal is the United States? Adolescents' images of social stratification. Child Development, 90(3), 957-969. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12954
Kornbluh, M., Neal, J.W., & Ozer, E.J. (2016). Scaling-up youth-led social justice efforts through an online school-based social network. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57(3-4), 266-279. doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12042
Kornbluh, M., Ozer, E.J., Allen, C.D., & Kirshner, B. (2015). Youth participatory action research as an approach to sociopolitical development and the new academic standards: Considerations for educators. The Urban Review, 47(5), 868-892. doi: 10.1007/s11256-015-0337-6
Kornbluh, M. (2015). Combatting challenges to establishing trustworthiness in qualitative research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 12(4), 397-414. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2015.1021941