
Michelle Marneweck

Assistant Professor
Human Physiology, Neuroscience
Office: 340 Gerlinger Hall
Research Interests: Neural control and biomechanics of motor skill

Ulrich Mayr

Lewis Professor
Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4944
Office: 328 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

Luca Mazzucato

Associate Professor
Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-7636
Office: 224A Huestis Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday 4-5pm

David McCormick

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-5169
Office: 213B Huestis Hall

Adam Miller

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4523
Office: 314 Huestis Hall, 1254 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1254

James Murray

Assistant Professor
Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience
Office: 224A Huestis Hall