
Wendy Andrew

Executive Support Coordinator
Human Physiology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Swahili
Phone: 541-346-2754
Office: Esslinger Hall 181

Elliot Berkman

Professor; Divisional Associate Dean, Natural Sciences
CTN Co-Director
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4909
Office: 332 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Social/Personality, Translational Neuroscience, Self-Regulation, Goals, Motivation

Melynda Casement

Associate Professor
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-7051
Office: 397 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical Science, Developmental Psychopathology, Affective Processing, Sleep, Stress Neurobiology, Translational Neuroscience

Robert Chavez

Associate Professor
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4943
Office: 433 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Social/Personality, Social Neuroscience, Self, Interpersonal Perception, Individual Differences, Computational Methods

Paul Dassonville

Associate Professor
Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4956
Office: 331 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

Chris Doe

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4877
Office: 303C LISB, 1210 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1210

Sarah DuBrow

In Memoriam
Neuroscience, Psychology
Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning, Memory, Decision Making

Nicole Dudukovic

Neuroscience Major Director, Senior Instructor I
Clark Honors College, Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-7225
Office: 387 Straub Hall, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Office Hours: Winter 2025: By appointment Tuesdays 11:00am-1:00pm and Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm (sign up at or drop-in Thursdays 2:00-3:00pm
Research Interests: Human memory, cognitive neuroscience

Judith Eisen

Department Head
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4524
Office: 310B Huestis Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403

Anni Elling

ASU4 Associate Director
Human Physiology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Swahili
Phone: 541-346-4284
Office: 179 Esslinger Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240
Office Hours: 7:00am-3:30pm

Tim Gardner

Associate Professor
Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-3187
Office: M446 Knight Campus

Ian Greenhouse

Assistant Professor
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Human Physiology, Neuroscience
Phone: 458-205-5393
Office: 348 Gerlinger
Research Interests: Neurophysiology of Action Control

Tory Herman

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-5043
Office: 292B Streisinger Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Benjamin Hutchinson

Assistant Professor
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4905
Office: 329 LISB
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience, Memory, Attention

Adrianne Huxtable

Associate Professor
Human Physiology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-9057
Office: 111 Pacific Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240

Santiago Jaramillo

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-5207
Office: 215 LISB, 1210 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1210

Brice Kuhl

Associate Head
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4983
Office: 333 LISB, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Cognitive Control, fMRI Methods

Shawn Lockery

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4590
Office: 321A Huestis Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403

Michelle Marneweck

Assistant Professor
Human Physiology, Neuroscience
Office: 340 Gerlinger Hall
Research Interests: Neural control and biomechanics of motor skill

Ulrich Mayr

Lewis Professor
Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4944
Office: 328 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

Luca Mazzucato

Associate Professor
Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-7636
Office: 224A Huestis Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday 4-5pm

David McCormick

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-5169
Office: 213B Huestis Hall

Adam Miller

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4523
Office: 314 Huestis Hall, 1254 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1254

James Murray

Assistant Professor
Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience
Office: 224A Huestis Hall

Cris Niell

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-8598
Office: 214 LISB, 1210 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1210

Jennifer Pfeifer

CTN Co-Director
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-1984
Office: 334 LISB, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Adolescence, Puberty, Self, Social Cognition, Emotion, Motivation, Decision-Making, Mental Health, Social Learning, Self-Regulation

Lisa Rihs

ASU4 Operations Manager
American English Institute, Human Physiology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Swahili
Phone: 541-346-4265
Office: 133 Straub Hall

Margaret E. Sereno

Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4915
Office: 330 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

Avinash Singh

Neuroscience Major Interim Director, Instructor
Phone: 541-346-4544
Office: 214A Huestis Hall

Matt Smear

Associate Professor
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4389
Office: 212A Huestis Hall, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Systems Neuroscience

Nicki Swann

Assistant Professor
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Human Physiology, Neuroscience
Phone: 458-205-5293
Office: 348 Gerlinger Hall
Research Interests: Neurophysiology of healthy movement and movement disorders

Emily Sylwestrak

Assistant Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Office: 225A Huestis Hall

Terry Takahashi

Phone: 541-346-4544
Office: 228A Huestis Hall

Nash Unsworth

Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-2921
Office: 327 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience, Memory and Attention

Philip Washbourne

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4138
Office: 321B Huestis Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403

Mike Wehr

College Scholars, Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-5866
Office: 213 LISB, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Systems Neuroscience

Monte Westerfield

Professor Emeritus
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4607
Office: 300B Huestis Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403

Dasa Zeithamova

Associate Professor
Chair of the Undergraduate Education Committee, Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-6731
Office: 325 LISB
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience, Memory