
UO Professor Participates in UN Research

PHILOSOPHY - Barbara Muraca, a philosophy associate professor, participated in United Nations-organized research focused on “relational values” between humans and nature. She hopes to emphasize the importance of viewing humans and nature as connected rather than separate entities. Muraca and a team of academics appear as authors in an article published in the August 2023 issue of Nature.

Take a Trip to Lands Beyond at 'Phantom Tollbooth' Production

THEATRE ARTS - The University Theatre kicks off its 2023-24 season with 'The Phantom Tollbooth' on Friday, Nov. 3. The production strives to bring the adventure protagonist Milo experiences in the book to the stage, so the audience is along for the ride every step of the way. “We get to kind of go on the journey with Milo to self-discovery,” said Tricia Rodley, the production's director and a theatre arts senior instructor in the College of Arts and Sciences.