CAS Faculty Natural Sciences

Loïc Bachelot

Developer / data scientist
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Data science, machine learning, data visualization, earth sciences

Sunny Bai

Assistant Professor
Phone: 971-352-4016
Research Interests: Clinical, Developmental, stress and coping, emotion regulation, family relationships, peer relationships, depression, suicide prevention, intensive longitudinal methods

Dare Baldwin

Full Professor
Phone: 541-346-4964
Office: 467 Straub Hall and 210 Chapman Hall
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Wednesdays 1-3pm Chapman 210 and Fridays 9-11am Straub 467
Research Interests: Development, Language Acquisition, Event Processing, Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Development, Developmental Consequences of Malnutrition, Behavioral Response to Natural Hazards

Jayanth Banavar

Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-3214
Office: 177 Willamette Hall
Research Interests: Statistical Physics, Ecology, Proteins, Neuroscience, River networks

Matthew Barber

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-4903
Office: 321 Pacific

Nicola Barber

Career Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-7024
Office: 73A Klamath Hall

Arkadiy Berenshtein

Phone: 541-346-5624
Office: 306 Fenton Hall
Research Interests: representation theory, quantum groups, Schubert calculus, combinatorics, cluster algebras, commutative and noncommutative algebraic geometry.

Elliot Berkman

Professor; Divisional Associate Dean, Natural Sciences
CTN Co-Director
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Psychology, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4909
Office: 332 LISB, 1227 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Social/Personality, Translational Neuroscience, Self-Regulation, Goals, Motivation

Jessica Bernards

Instructor Pro Tempore

Ilya Bindeman

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-3817
Office: 110A Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: stable isotope geochemistry, volcanology

Scott Blumenthal

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-9181
Office: 374 Condon Hall
Office Hours: by appointment
Research Interests: Paleoanthropology, Ecology, Stable Isotope Geochemistry

Shannon Boettcher

The Boettcher lab is transitioning to UC Berkeley and LBNL this year.
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-2543
Office: 435 LISB, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253
Research Interests: electrochemistry, solar energy, solid state materials chemistry, catalysis

Bryan Boggs

Senior Lecturer
Associate Dept Head
Phone: 541-346-5296
Office: 43 Willamette Hall, 1274 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1274
Research Interests: Optical properties of semiconductors; ultra-fast optics; Superconductivity

Brendan Bohannan

Phone: 541-346-4883
Office: 309 Pacific Hall

Erica Bornstein

Phone: 541-346-9638
Office: 272 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2-4pm, 272 Condon and by appointment
Research Interests: Nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), voluntary sector regulation, philanthropy, humanitarianism, human rights, economic development and religion, political and legal anthropology, institutional ethnography, Southern Africa, South Asia.

Boris Botvinnik

Institute for Fundamental Science, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-5636
Office: 304 Fenton Hall

Bruce Bowerman

Phone: 541-346-0853
Office: 314 LISB

Marcin Bownik

Phone: 541-346-5622
Office: 323 Fenton Hall

Debi Brannan

Pro Tem Instructor
Office: 364 Straub Hall

Carl Brozek

Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-0146
Office: LISB 434
Research Interests: Environmental and Sustainable Materials, Porosity, Nanocrystals, Conductivity, Energy Storage, Photoredox, Dynamic Bonding

Jon Brundan

College Scholars, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-5626
Office: 319 Fenton Hall
Office Hours: Monday 11-12, Wednesday 11-12 and 1-2, Thursday 1-2

Daniel Buck

Associate Professor
Asian Studies, Food Studies, Geography, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-2353
Office: 109 Condon Hall, 1251 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251
Office Hours: T 12:30-2pm or by appointment
Research Interests: Geography/Asian Studies, Economic Geography, Development, Political Economy, Environment/Society, East Asia and China.