CAS Faculty Natural Sciences

Gyoung-Ah Lee

Anthropology, Asian Studies, Food Studies
Phone: 541-346-5077
Office: 254 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Thur 2-4pm
Research Interests: Environmental archaeology, paleoethnobotany, ethnobotany, origins of agriculture, East Asian archaeology

David Levin

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-5621
Office: Monday and Wednesday 3:35-4:30
Office Hours: MW 2-2:50

Jun Li

Director, Center for Cyber Security and Privacy
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4424
Office: 362 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Cyber Security and Privacy, Networking, Distributed Systems, Blockchain, Internet of Things

Yingjiu Li

Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4428
Office: 256 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Friday 10-11
Research Interests: IoT Security and Privacy, Mobile and System Security, Applied Cryptography and Cloud Security, Data Application Security and Privacy

Diana Libuda

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-5092
Office: 375E Streisinger, 1229 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1229

Fuding Lin

Senior Lecturer
Associate Director, Oregon Center for Electrochemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-8628
Office: 414 LISB
Research Interests: Industry-connected Graduate Education, Electrochemistry, Semiconductor Device & Processing, Design of Experiment, Efficient Data

Robert Lipshitz

Phone: 541-346-5625
Office: 303 Fenton Hall, 1222 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222

Shawn Lockery

Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-4590
Office: 321A Huestis Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403

Pat Lombardi

Rsch Asst Prof/Dir UG Advsg
Biology, Multidisciplinary Science
Phone: 541-346-6055
Office: 65A Klamath Hall, 1210 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1210

Mark Lonergan

Physical & Materials Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4748
Office: 183B Klamath Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Stilianos Louca

Assistant Professor
Office: 282 Onyx Bridge

Andrew Lovering

Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-0831
Office: 218A Pacific Hall
Research Interests: Cardiopulmonary and respiratory physiology

Daniel Lowd

Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4154
Office: 262 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3pm, Friday 10-11am
Research Interests: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

Leah Lowthorp

Assistant Professor
Co-DGS, Folklore and Public Culture
Anthropology, Folklore Program
Phone: 541-346-5101
Office: 321 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2024, Wednesday 12-3pm
Research Interests: Folklore, Performance, Critical Heritage Studies, Online Narratives of Human Biotechnology, South Asia

Peng Lu

Phone: 541-346-4727
Office: 112B McArthur Court, 1222 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222
Office Hours: MWF 2-3pm

Melissa Lucash

Research Assistant Professor
Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-4598
Office: 245 Columbia Hall
Office Hours: Mon at 2pm, Wed at 11am in Columbia 245
Research Interests: Landscape ecology, forest ecology, climate change, wildfire, spatial modeling