Profile picture of Devin Grammon

Devin Grammon

Assistant Professor of Spanish Sociolinguistics
Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Phone: 541-346-4070
Office: 417 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Wednesdays 3-5pm
Research Interests: Sociocultural Linguistics, Second Language Studies, Linguistic Ethnography, Language Contact, Quechua and Andean Spanish, Linguistic Landscapes


2018 Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics, The Ohio State University

2012 M.A. Hispanic Linguistics, University of Colorado Boulder 

2010 B.A. Spanish and History, University of Northern Colorado 


Devin Grammon is an Assistant Professor of Spanish Sociolinguistics in the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Oregon. His interdisciplinary research focuses on Andean Spanish and Quechua, language ideologies, sociolinguistic variation, and post-secondary Spanish language education. His most recent peer-reviewed publications are featured in Modern Language Journal, LanguageApplied Linguistics, Heritage Language Journal, and L2 Journal. He is co-editor of the edited volume Aquí se habla: Centering the Local and Personal in Spanish Language Education. 

To learn more, visit: 

Recent publications: 

2025. Aquí se habla: Centering the Local and Personal in Spanish Language Education. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Co-editor with Adam Schwartz, Dalia Magaña and Sergio Loza. 

2025. The language classroom as a context for the development of sociolinguistic competence during study abroad. Modern Language Journal 109(1). 

2024. Decentering the colonial native speaker. Language 100(3), 504-551. First author with Anna M. Babel.

2024. Inappropriate identities: Racialized language ideologies and sociolinguistic competence in a study abroad context. Applied Linguistics, 1-20. 

2024. Missed Opportunities: Oral corrective feedback, heritage learners of Spanish, and study abroad in Peru. Heritage Language Journal 21(1), 1-29. First author with Sergio Loza. 

2024. Ideology, indexicality, and the second language development of sociolinguistic perception during study abroad. L2 Journal: 16(1). 


Fall 2024 

SPAN 322 Introduction to Hispanic Lingusitics 

Winter 2025 

RL 620: Sociocultural Linguistics

SPAN 322: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

Spring 2025

SPAN 420/520: Language Contact in Latin America and Spain

SPAN 428: Spanish in the United States